Mag. Mag. Ines Rössl
Currently not an active member of staff
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Teaching (iCal)
- 030647 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 251158 KU KU Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers - Application and Exercises
- 251218 KU KU Human Rights and the law: legal sources, methodology and interpretation
- 251222 KU KU The nation-state as basic unit for the protection of Human Rights and the principle of subsidia
- 950032 VO VO Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers
- 030164 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030639 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 251129 VO VO Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers
- 030043 KU Intersectional Legal Critique: Analysing intertwined relations of domination within the law
- 030639 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030640 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030647 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 251216 VO VO Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers
- 030636 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030650 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030514 UE Introduction to law and its methods - Part III: Legal philosophy
- 030616 UE Introduction to law and its methods - Simulation der StEOP-Modulprüfung
- 030514 UE Introduction to law and its methods - Part III: Legal philosophy
Last modified: Fr 27.09.2024 12:00