Dr. Christian Reimers
- Mail: christian.reimers@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-14239
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 280014 VU Mathematics II: Analysis
- 280007 VU Mathematics I: Linear Algebra
- 280015 VU Mathematics II: Statistical methods in earth science
- 280016 VU Mathematics II: Analysis
- 280007 VU Mathematics I: Linear Algebra
- 280015 VU Mathematics II: Statistical methods in earth science
- 280014 VU Mathematics II: Analysis
- 280007 VU BA-ERD-5 Mathematics I: Linear Algebra (PI)
- 280015 VU BA-ERD-11 Mathematics II: Statistical methods in earth science (PI)
- 280014 VU BA-ERD-11 Mathematics II: Analysis (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 450101 SE Astrophysics Summerschool (PI) - (in remembrance of Ernst Dorfi)
- 280007 VU BA-ERD-5 Mathematics I: Linear Algebra (PI)
- 280015 VU BA-ERD-11 Mathematics II: Statistical methods in earth science (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (part 2) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280014 VU BA-ERD-11 Mathematics II: Analysis (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (part 1) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 280007 VU BA-ERD-5 Mathematics I: Linear Algebra (PI)
- 280015 VU BA-ERD-11 Mathematics II: Statistical methods in earth science (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (part 2) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (part 1) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (part 2) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (PI) - (part 1)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (PI)
- 280004 VO STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (NPI)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (PI)
- 280004 VO STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (NPI)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (PI)
- 280004 VO STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (NPI)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
- 280426 UE Introduction to Astronomy II (PI)
- 280004 VO STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (NPI)
- 280005 PUE STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
- 280421 PUE Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (PI)
- 490119 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
- 280011 VO PM Mathematics IB (NPI)
- 280012 UE PM Mathematics IB (PI)
- 280035 VO PM Mathematics II (NPI)
- 280036 UE PM Mathematics II (PI)
- 280457 UE Alternative mandatory module: Astrophysics II (PI)
- 490119 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
- 280005 vUE PM STEOP Mathematics IA (PI)
- 280048 VO PM Mathematics III (NPI)
- 280049 UE PM Mathematics III (PI)
- 280421 PUE Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (PI)
- 280011 VO PM Mathematics IB (NPI)
- 280012 UE PM Mathematics IB (PI)
- 280035 VO PM Mathematics II (NPI)
- 280036 UE PM Mathematics II (PI)
- 280457 UE Alternative mandatory module: Astrophysics II (PI)
- 190164 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
- 280005 vUE PM STEOP Mathematics IA (PI)
- 280048 VO PM Mathematics III (NPI)
- 280049 UE PM Mathematics III (PI)
- 280421 PUE Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (PI)
- 190193 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
- 280011 VO PM Mathematics IB (NPI)
- 280012 UE PM Mathematics IB (PI)
- 280017 UE PM Physics I (PI)
- 280035 VO PM Mathematics II (NPI)
- 280036 UE PM Mathematics II (PI)
- 280038 UE PM Physics II and Geophysics (PI)
- 280004 VO PM STEOP Mathematics IA (NPI)
- 280005 vUE PM STEOP Mathematics IA (PI)
- 280048 VO PM Mathematics III (NPI)
- 280049 UE PM Mathematics III (PI)
- 280421 PUE Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (PI)
- 280012 VO Physics I (BA07) (NPI)
- 280013 UE Physics I (BA07) (PI)
- 280016 VO Mathematics II (BA09) (NPI)
- 280017 UE Mathematics II (BA09) (PI)
- 280170 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI), part II
- 280171 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI), part II
- 280005 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI), part I
- 280006 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI), part I
- 280026 VO Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (NPI)
- 280027 UE Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (PI)
- 280174 UE Introduction to Astronomy I (PI)
- 280012 VO Physics I (BA07) (NPI)
- 280013 UE Physics I (BA07) (PI)
- 280170 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI), part II
- 280171 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI), part II
- 280181 UE Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II (PI)
- 280005 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI), part I
- 280006 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI), part I
- 280026 VO Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (NPI)
- 280027 UE Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (PI)
- 280173 VO Introduction to Astronomy I (NPI)
- 280174 UE Introduction to Astronomy I (PI)
- 280012 VO Physics I (BA07) (NPI)
- 280013 UE Physics I (BA07) (PI)
- 280016 VO Mathematics II (BA09) (NPI)
- 280017 UE Mathematics II (BA09) (PI)
- 280005 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI)
- 280006 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI)
- 280026 VO Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (NPI)
- 280027 UE Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (PI)
- 280003 VO Physics I (BA07) (NPI)
- 280004 UE Physics I (BA07) (PI)
- 280007 VO Mathematics II (BA09) (NPI)
- 280008 UE Mathematics II (BA09) (PI)
- 280465 VO Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (NPI)
- 280466 UE Mathematics I (BA03) STEP (PI)
- 280487 VO Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (NPI)
- 280488 UE Physics II and Geophysics (BA14) (PI)
Last modified: Mo 03.03.2025 11:02