Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Agnethe Siquans
- Mail: agnethe.siquans@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-30406
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Biblical Studies
Member - Equal Opportunities Working Party
Teaching (iCal)
- 010014 SE The Old Testament Torah and its early Christian reception
- 010056 VO Theology of the Old Testament
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament 1
- 010014 SE Women on the Margin: Biblical female characters in rabbinic and patristic reception
- 010030 VO Exegesis of the Old Testament: Daniel
- 010056 VO Theology of the Old Testament
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament 1
- 010036 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010054 FS Ginzberg´s "Legends of the Jews" and their relationship to rabbinic aggada and the church fathers
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010006 EX Excursion: The Land of the Bible
- 010014 SE Ruth, Esther, Judith: Old Testament heroines
- 010030 VO Exegesis of the Old Testament: Daniel
- 010050 SE The Land of the Bible - Seminar in Preparation for the Israel Excursion
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament 1
- 010036 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010056 VO Theology of the Old Testament
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010014 SE God, World, and Humans: Creation in the Old Testament
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament 1
- 010008 SE Bible didactics Old Testament
- 010036 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010005 VU Biblical Hebrew II
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament 1
- 010003 VO Biblical Hebrew I
- 010013 SE Bible didactics Old Testament
- 010036 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010079 SE Scriptural hermeneutics in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (exemplified by prophecy)
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament I
- 010079 SE Female Prophets in the Bible and in Early Christianity
- 010012 SE Bible didactics
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010005 VO Biblical Hebrew II
- 020010 SE Old Testament Seminar - Texte aus dem Buch Exodus in der Hebräischen Bibel und der rabbinischen Literatur
- 010003 VO Biblical Hebrew I
- 010012 SE Bible didactics
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010059 VO Basic Course Old Testament I
- 010079 SE Migration, Exile and Being Foreign in the Old Testament
- 010012 SE Bible didactics
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010005 VO Biblical Hebrew II
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
- 010003 VO Biblical Hebrew I
- 010012 SE Bible didactics
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010006 VO Basic Course Old Testament I
- 010047 SE The Book Exodus and its History
- 010004 VO Religion, Transformation and Gender/Sex
- 010012 SE Bible didactics
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010015 VU Introduction to the Bible
- 010056 VU Biblical Exegesis and Theology
- 010002 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I: Bible didactics
- 010096 VO Exegesis of the Old Testament
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010018 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010056 VU Biblical Exegesis and Theology
- 010002 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I: Bible didactics
- 010053 BA Judith in the Bible and her reception history
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010002 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010015 SE Disaster and New Start: Old Testament Texts after the Destruction of 586 BCE
- 010056 VU Biblical Exegesis and Theology
- 010002 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I: Bible didactics - Bible storytelling
- 010025 DS Miriam & Co. Biblical Women in patristic and rabbinic Interpretation
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010002 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010020 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010022 SE Sexual Violence in the Old Testament
- 020015 SE Sexual Violence in the Old Testament
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010096 VO Exegesis of the Old Testament - Prophetische Visionstexte
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020014 EX The world of the Bible in Museums of Europe: Paris
- 360006 DR Doctoral Seminar
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010018 VU Biblical Hebrew Reading
- 010097 EX Excursion to Israel
- 020054 EX The World of the Bible in Museums of Europe: London
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010128 SE Titel - Interdisziplinäres Seminar für DoktorandInnen
- 010024 VÜ Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
- 010028 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010111 SE Seminar: Prophetesses in the Old Testament
- 010054 VO+UE Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
- 010144 SE Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies - (using selected theological issues)
- 010270 VO Introduction to the Old Testament - Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010054 VO+UE Einführung in das Bibelhebräische - Einführung in das Bibelhebräische
- 010161 VO Fundamentalexegese 2 für Lehramtsstudierende - Fundamentalexegese 2 für Lehramtsstudierende: Bücher der Geschichte und der Weisheit in Auswahl
- 010270 VO Einleitung Altes Testament - Allgemeine Einleitung in das Alte Testament
- 010054 VO+UE Einführung in das Bibelhebräische - Einführung in das Bibelhebräische
- 010062 PS Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden - Proseminar: Einführung in die bibelwissenschaftlichen Methoden
- 105063 VO Einleitung Altes Testament - Allgemeine Einleitung in das Alte Testament
- 902114 PS Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden - Proseminar: Einführung in die bibelwissenschaftlichen Methoden
- 117003 VO+UE Einführung in das Bibelhebräische - Einführung in das Bibelhebräische
- 117181 PS Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden - Proseminar: Einführung in die bibelwissenschaftlichen Methoden
- 105063 VO Einleitung Altes Testament - Allgemeine Einleitung in das Alte Testament
- 117003 VO+UE Einführung in das Bibelhebräische - Einführung in das Bibelhebräische
- 117181 PS Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden - Proseminar: Einführung in die bibelwissenschaftlichen Methoden
- 105063 VO Einleitung Altes Testament - Allgemeine Einleitung in das Alte Testament
- 117003 VO+UE Einführung in das Bibelhebräische - Einführung in das Bibelhebräische
- 117181 PS Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden - Proseminar: Bibelwissenschaftliche Methoden
Last modified: Th 06.02.2025 16:20