Mag. Dr. Christa Markom
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-49554
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice-Director of Studies - Social and Cultural Anthropology Directorate of Studies
Teaching (iCal)
- 240000 KU Preparatory Course: STEOP Module Exam - Subject-Specific Introduction to SCA
- 240031 VO BM7 Introduction to Anthropology of Education
- 240055 VO BM9 Applied Anthropology - Possibilities of implementing social & cultural anthropological knowledge
- 240056 SE BM9 Anti-discriminatory collaborative anthropology between students and teachers
- 240511 PR MM2 Ethnographies of Railway futures
- 240701 UE Master's thesis coaching
- 240012 VO STEOP: Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240059 SE BM9 Applied Anthropology and Theater - From the Ethnography of Performance to the Performance of Ethnography
- 240060 SE BM10 Bachelor's Thesis
- 240509 SE MM2 Preparatory methods seminar for the field training course: ethnographies of Railway futures
- 190013 VO BM 3 Fields of Educational Practice (DU+SP) - Sozialpädagogik
- 190063 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Differenz und Gleichheit an Europäischen Schulen - eine Analyse aktueller ethnographischer Arbeiten
- 240000 KU Preparatory Course: STEOP Module Exam - Subject-Specific Introduction to SCA
- 240055 VO BM9 Applied Anthropology - Possibilities of implementing social & cultural anthropological knowledge
- 240058 SE BM9 Anti-discriminatory collaborative anthropology between students and teachers
- 240062 SE Bachelor's Thesis
- 190116 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Rassismus und Exotismen in Bildungsinstitutionen im internationalen Vergleich
- 240006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240028 VO BM5 Locating Racisms - Historical, Regional and Cultural Contexts of Racisms
- 240060 SE Bachelor's Thesis
- 190021 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Inklusion und Exklusion durch Digitalisierung in Bildungssystemen
- 190043 SE BM 9 Field Research (AHP+DU) - Partizipation und Reflexion im Rahmen pädagogischer Praxis
- 240016 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 190015 SE BM 9 Accompanying Course to the Practicum (DU+IP+SP) - Inequality-generating factors in the context of body perceptions among young people in Vienna
- 190116 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Rassismus in Bildungsinstitutionen im Vergleich
- 960022 VU Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Digitalisation and Inclusion
- 190062 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Orientalismus, Exotismus und Othering in Bildungskontexten
- 190065 SE Education and Gender - Intersektionale Bildungsbiographieforschung - Grenzen, Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten
- 240501 PR Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) in Austria (P1)
- 190029 PS BM 8 Paradigmatic and Current Examples of Related Research (DU+IP) - Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Bildungsverläufe
- 240016 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240506 SE Methodological preparation of the FP - Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) in Austria (P1) - Categorisations, Negotiation Processes and Sociocritical Perspectives
- 190043 SE BM 9 Field Research (DU+SB) - Partizipation und Reflexion im Rahmen pädagogischer Praxis
- 190116 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Krieg, Flucht und Migration: Der Umgang mit in/formeller Bildung im internationalen Vergleich.
- 240520 SE Anthropology of Digital Literacy: Perspectives from Educational and Digital Anthropology (P4)
- 240016 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240016 VO Applied Anthropology (3.2.1) - implementing social and cultural anthropological knowledge
- 240501 PR Anthropology of Education in Austria (P1) - Negotiation processes, fields of application and socio-critical perspectives
- 240504 SE Anthropology of Education in Austria (P1) - Negotiation processes, fields of application and socio-critical perspectives
- 240013 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240060 VS Current Trends in European Educational Anthropology (3.2.4) - Research in the context of the EU project TRANSCA (Translating Socio-Cultural Anthropology into Education)
- 240014 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240019 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240017 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240034 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240040 VO School culture(s): research and intervention in heterogeneous classrooms (3.2.4)
- 240041 VS Diversity and discrimination in the Austrian educational system (3.2.4) - doing gender, doing ethnicity
- 240145 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240146 VO Migrants and Travellers: \"Strangers\" in the Austrian Discourse (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240201 SE "race" "gender" "class" - exemplified through "Female Empowerment of Black Women in America"
- 240029 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research
- 240030 VO Migrants and Travellers: "Strangers" in the Austrian discourse
- 240223 VO Anthropology of Migration - Theoretical Concepts in a multilevel Field of Research
- 240238 SE Methods of Analysis in Qualitative Research
- 240027 VO VO Migration - Integration - Asylum
- 240042 SE Seminar: Contesting Multiculturalism - Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Sexual Autonomy in the EU
- 240024 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Migration (IIMA) - Introduction to Anthropology of Migration (IIMA)
- 240030 PR Training in Fieldwork - Training in Fieldwork: Contesting Multiculturalism: Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Sexual Autonomy in the EU
- 240101 VO Einf. Anthropologie der Migration (IIMA) - Einführung in die Anthropologie der Migration (IIMA)
- 240110 SE Exotismus (IIMA) - Exotismus. Lateinamerikanische, asiatische und afrikanische Frauen und der westliche Blick (IIMA)
- 902204 VO Reflexionen über diskriminierenden Sprachgebrauch - Reflexionen über diskriminierenden Sprachgebrauch
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 20:20