Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Simon
Business Card: vCard
Teaching (iCal)
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - The Imperial Aulic Council
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030274 SE On the Legal History of Europe’s oldest continuously existing Muslim Community: The Lipka Tatars - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030274 SE "Judeities". Legal, political, social and cultural history of the Jews in Poland - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030274 SE "Judeities". Legal, political, social and cultural history of the jews in the modern period - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030314 SE Constitutional History of the Republic of Austria after 1945
- 030504 SE Violence and ounishment. Antiquity, Christian Europe and Buddhist Tibet in comparison - seminar for diploma students
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030613 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for doctoral students
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030274 SE "Judeities". Legal, political, social and cultural history of the jews in the modern period - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030314 SE Nation building and constitutional development in Europe - Historical and comparative aspects
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030613 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for doctoral students
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030160 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Nation building and constitutional development in Europe - A comparison with special consideration of serbians and Austro-Hungary
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030613 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history
- 030006 UE Practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Rechtstransfer durch Kodifikation? Österreichische und serbische Kodifikationsgeschichte im Vergleich
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history
- 030120 VO Lecture in history of private law - History of private law
- 030247 PF StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030276 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 030314 SE Austria and Hungary between the World Wars 1918 and 1938 - Democracy and dictatorship in the constitutional history of Austria and Hungary during the inter-war period
- 030521 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history
- 030123 UE Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Die konstitutionelle Monarchie im Spiegel der österreichischen Staatsrechtslehre
- 030376 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - Constitutional history
- 030566 MC Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030120 VO Lecture in history of private law - History of private law
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030276 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 030417 PRI Freedom - Sovereignty and the Common Will - Die historischen Formen des neuzeitlichen Gesellschaftvertrages und die moderne Verfassungstheorie (für DissertantInnen)
- 030521 SE Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030535 SE Historical Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030120 VO Lecture in history of private law - History of private law
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Das Staatsoberhaupt im Wandel der Staats- und Regierungsformen
- 030360 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030276 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Rise and Decline of young Democracie. Austria from 1918 to 1934
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030314 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - "From the estate assemblies to the modern state parliaments ". A constitutional history of the Austrian countries and their diets in the 19th and 20th centuries
- 030360 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030120 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030220 KU Course: Lecture in historical foundations of criminal law and criminal procedure
- 030227 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030016 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of private law
- 030170 KU Course: Lecture in historical foundations of criminal law and criminal procedure
- 030237 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030247 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030436 KU The League of Nations and the Protection of Minorities during the Interwar Period
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030201 VO Lecture in history of private law
- 030233 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030247 PF Compulsory exercise on legal and constitutional history of modern times
- 030413 KU Lecture in historical foundations of criminal law and criminal procedure
- 030491 KU Protection of Minorities during the Interwar Period
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of dissertation projects
- 030151 VO Lecture in legal and constitutional history of modern times - History of Private Law
- 030173 PF Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history of modern times
- 030201 KU Lecture in historical foundations of criminal law and criminal procedure
- 030210 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030237 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For diploma and doctoral students
- 380021 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - For the presentation of a dissertation project
- 030173 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030201 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History (History of Private Law)
- 030391 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030498 VO History of Jurisprudence: Antiquity to Enlightenment
- 030064 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History - Verfassungsgeschichte
- 030173 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030201 KU Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030210 SE Seminar für graduate and upgraduate students - DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminar
- 030434 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Constitutional History - Verfassungsgeschichte
- 030166 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history - anrechenbar als STEOP-LV
- 030167 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history - anrechenbar als STEOP-LV
- 030168 SE Federal States and Concepts of Federalism - Theoretical and Historical Perspective - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030208 VO Lecture History of Public Law - Legal- and Constitutional History
- 030064 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History - Verfassungsgeschichte
- 030201 KU Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030210 SE Pre- modern Constitutional History: The Sacrum Imperium - DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminar
- 030434 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Constitutional History
- 030201 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History Law - History of Private Law
- 030373 VO "Aus der Werkstatt: Aktuelle Forschungen für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte" - (vertiefende LV gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
- 030476 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030576 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030686 SE Capital in Germany an Austria - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp) für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 030008 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030186 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal History
- 030201 KU Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030448 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Constitutional History
- 030008 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - (WFK: Legal Methods)
- 030168 SE Property - foundations, evolution and protection - auch für DiplomandInnen und DisstertantInnen
- 030186 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030201 VO Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030289 SE Alte Wurzeln-neue Triebe: Grunds. d. Strafr. u. d. Strafprozessr. v. Ihrer Entst. b. z. Gegenwart - also for diploma and doctoral candidates
- 030448 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - (WFK: Legal Methods)
- 030168 SE Property - foundations, evolution and protection - auch für DiplomantInnen und DisstertandInnen
- 030199 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030201 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History Law - History of Private Law
- 030204 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030186 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030197 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History (Constitutional History.)
- 030201 VO Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure - vertiefende historisch Kompetenz
- 030204 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030706 SE History of the concept of Constitution - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz) (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - (WFK: Legal Methods)
- 030199 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030201 VO Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History Law - History of Private Law
- 030204 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030476 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Legal and Constitutional History
- 030686 SE Focal Points of Austrian Constitutional History - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - Legal Methods
- 030186 PF Comp.pract.exerc. Legal &Const. Hist. (Priv.L) - Compulsory practical exercise of Legal and Constitutional History (History of Private Law)
- 030197 VO Lect. in Legal and Constit. History (Const.Hist.) - Lecture in Legal and Constitutional History (Constitutional History)
- 030201 VO Lecture in Histor. Foundat. of Criminal Law ... - Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030642 SE Law, Cameralism and the Develop. Railway-systems - Law, Cameralism and the Development of Railway-systems in Europe om the 19.th century
- 030066 VO Hist. Grundl. d. Straf- u. Strafverfahrensrechts - Historische Grundlagen des Strafrechts und des Strafverfahrensrechts (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
- 030135 PF PÜ Rechts-u. Verfassungsgeschichte d. neueren Zeit - Pflichtübung aus Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Zeit
- 030199 PF PÜ Rechts-u. Verfassungsgeschichte d. neueren Zeit - Pflichtübung aus Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Zeit
- 030204 PF PÜ Rechts-u. Verfassungsgeschichte d. neueren Zeit - Pflichtübung aus Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Zeit
- 030208 VO VO Geschichte des öffentlichen Rechts - Vorlesung Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Zeit - Geschichte des öffentlichen Rechts
- 030535 KU Juristische Methodenlehre - Juristische Methodenlehre (e-learning)
- 030550 PF PÜ Rechts-u. Verfassungsgeschichte d. neueren Zeit - Pflichtübung aus Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Zeit
- 030186 PF Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III - Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III (Privatrechtsentwicklung)
- 030197 VO Vorlesung Rechtsgeschichte I - Vorlesung Rechtsgeschichte I (Grundlagen der österreichischen und europäischen Rechtsgeschichte)
- 030201 VO Vorlesung Rechtsgeschichte II - Vorlesung Rechtsgeschichte II (Neuere österreichische Verfassungsgeschichte)
- 030204 PF Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III - Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III (Privatrechtsentwicklung)
- 030440 PF Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III - Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III (Privatrechtsentwicklung)
- 030448 PF Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III - Pflichtübung aus Rechtsgeschichte III (Privatrechtsentwicklung)
- 030580 SE SE Jurist. Innovationen im Privatrecht d. 19. Jh. - Seminar (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen), Thema: Juristische Innovationen im Privatrecht des 19. Jahrhunderts
- 030207 VO Grundlagen Rechtsgeschichte - Rechtsgeschichte I: Grundlagen der österreichischen und europäischen Rechtsgeschichte
- 030208 VO Neuere Verfassungsgeschichte - Rechtsgeschichte II: Neuere österreichische Verfassungsgeschichte
- 030541 PF Pflichtübung Rechtsgeschichte I und II - Pflichtübung Rechtsgeschichte I und II (Grundlagen und Neuere Österr. Verfassungsgeschichte)
- 030542 PF Pflichtübung Rechtsgeschichte I und II - Pflichtübung Rechtsgeschichte I und II (Grundlagen und Neuere Österr. Verfassungsgeschichte)
- 030553 SE Seminar Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte - Seminar aus Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte (auch für Diplomanden und Dissertanten)
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 13:20