ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Christian Schmeiser
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 250033 VO Aspects of mathematics
- 250066 VO Advanced partial differential equations
- 250148 PS Introductory seminar on Advanced partial differential equations
- 510002 SE PDE Afternoon Seminar (VSM)
- 250026 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 510003 SE PDE Afternoon Seminar (VSM)
- 250009 VO Partial differential equations
- 510003 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs (VSM)
- 250037 VO Ordinary differential equations
- 510001 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250033 VO Aspects of mathematics
- 301136 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress III - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301139 SE DK SMICH Research Club III - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 510001 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250141 VO Mathematical Cell Biology
- 250154 SE Bachelor seminar (BEd/Math) with thesis
- 301133 SE DK SMICH Journal Club II - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301134 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress II - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 442502 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250012 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250033 VO Aspects of mathematics
- 250062 VO Applied analysis
- 301131 SE DK SMICH Journal Club - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301132 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 442501 SE DK-SFB Seminar
- 301130 VO Introductory course Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 442502 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 301136 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress III - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301139 SE DK SMICH Research Club III - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 250003 SE Bachelor seminar
- 250024 UE Tutorials on functional analysis
- 250025 VO Functional analysis
- 301133 SE DK SMICH Journal Club II - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301134 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress II - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301137 SE Modeling and simulation reaction-diffusion processes - VDS Molecules of Life
- 442503 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250088 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250144 VO Entropy methods for PDEs
- 301130 VO Introductory course Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301131 SE DK SMICH Journal Club - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 301132 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - DK Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 250079 VO Kinetic Transport Theory
- 250082 VO Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250088 PS PS Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250114 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250015 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250033 VO Aspects of mathematics
- 250088 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250090 SE Mathematical Cell Biology
- 250006 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250077 VO Mathematical Cell Biology
- 250124 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250025 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250043 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250044 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250080 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250034 VO Aspects of mathematics (lecture series)
- 250064 VO Theory of partial differential equations
- 250065 PS Introductory seminar on the theory of partial differential equations
- 250096 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250097 SE Seminar (Applied mathematics, PDEs)
- 250008 VO Partial differential equations
- 250009 UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
- 250107 SE Seminar (applied analysis)
- 250110 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 250055 VO Mathematical modelling
- 250056 UE Tutorials on mathematical modelling
- 250118 SE Seminar (Applied Partial Differential Equations)
- 250120 SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 442501 VO Reaction Diffusion Equations
- 250069 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250123 PJ+SE Project seminar (Cell biology)
- 250019 VO Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- 250048 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250005 VO Analysis
- 250073 SE Seminar (Mathematical cell biology)
- 250007 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250017 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250019 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250021 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250092 VO Mathematical ecology and pattern formation
- 250093 SE Seminar (Mathematical cell biology)
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 300376 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
- 250095 VO Mathematical modelling
- 250096 UE Tutorials on mathematical modelling
- 250097 VO Kinetic transport equations
- 250115 VO Applications of differential equations
- 250116 UE Tutorials "Applications of differential equations"
- 250117 SE Seminar (Mathematical cell biology)
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 300376 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
- 250093 VO Modelling
- 250094 UE Tutorials "Modelling"
- 250445 VO Partial differential equations 2
- 250446 PS Introductory Seminar to Partial differential equations 2
- 250248 VO Partial differential equations
- 250249 UE Tutorials "Partial differential equations"
- 250250 SE Seminar (Partial differential equations in cell biology)
- 250395 PJ+SE Project seminar (applied mathematics) - Project seminar (applied mathematics)
- 250396 SE Partial differential equations in cell biology - Partial differential equations in cell biology
- 250397 VO Selected topics in bio mathematics - Selected topics in bio mathematics
- 050169 VU Numerical methods for differential equations - Numerical methods for differential equations
- 250517 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Applied mathematics) - Project Seminar (Applied mathematics)
- 250520 VO Selected topics in numerics - Selected topics in numerics
- 250521 SE Seminar (Partial diff. equations in cell biology) - Seminar (Partial differential equations in cell biology)
- 250388 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics) - Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics)
- 250389 VO Applied Analysis - Applied Analysis
- 250390 SE Seminar (PDE) - Seminar (PDE)
- 250133 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Partial Differential Equations) - Project Seminar (Partial Differential Equations)
- 250134 VO Ordinary Differential Equations 2 - Ordinary Differential Equations 2
- 250135 SE Seminar (PDE) - Seminar (PDE)
- 250136 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics) - Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics)
Last modified: Tu 31.10.2023 12:25