Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Klaus Puhl
Currently not an active member of staff
- Mail: klaus.puhl@univie.ac.at
Teaching (iCal)
- 128304 AR AR Philosophy of Language Science / What's this thing called science?
- 180022 SE State and Society in Marx and Deleuze/Guattari
- 180023 SE Foucault’s Genealogy of (Neo) Liberalism
- 180125 KU Theories of power from Hobbes to Foucault
- 180170 SE Foucault with Marx
- 180177 SE Master seminar
- 128304 AR AR Philosophy of Language Science / What's this thing called science?
- 180063 SE Temporality, trauma and memory
- 180130 KU Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish
- 180076 SE The Religion of Everyday Life - Karl Marx on Fetishism and Ideology
- 180078 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180079 KU Deleuze and Kant on Time and Synthesis
- 128304 AR AR Philosophy of Language Science / What's this thing called science?
- 180098 SE Project
- 180100 SE Memory and Repetition in Kierkegaard, Bergson and Deleuze - Erinnerung und Wiederholung bei Kierkegaard, Bergson und Deleuze
- 180101 SE Karl Marx, Capital Vol. I: Results of the Immediate Process of Production.
- 180043 SE Project
- 180119 SE From the Desiring-Machine to the Assemblage - Deleuze and Guattari’s "Anti-Oedipus" and "A Thousand Plateaus".
- 180120 SE Reading Marx
- 180167 SE Reading Marx
- 128304 AR AR Philosophy of Language Science / What's this thing called science?
- 180055 SE The use of pleasures - Foucault on ancient practices of the self
- 180056 SE Capitalism and schizophrenia - Themes from "Anti-Oedipus" and "Thousand plateaus
- 180084 SE Project
- 180161 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180059 SE Repeated future - Proust, Bergson and Deleuze on Time and Memory
- 180063 SE The beetle in the box - Wittgenstein on rule-following and private language
- 180166 SE Project
- 180023 SE Project
- 180130 SE This is not a seminar: Foucault and Magritte - Foucault und Magritte
- 180158 SE Matter and Memory - Bergsons Philosophy of Mind
- 128304 AR AR Philosophy of Language Science / What's this thing called science?
- 180014 UE Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory for Teachers
- 180038 SE Limited Inc. - the Searle-Derrida debate on speech act theory
- 180135 SE Project
- 130073 VO Literary Theory (VO): Concepts and models of literary theory
- 180130 SE The Persistent Vapours of Melancholia - he Foucault-Derrida Debate on Madness in Descartes
- 180151 SE Project
- 130073 VO Literary Theory (VO): current concepts
- 180065 SE Discourse and History: Foucaults Archeology of Knowledge
- 180068 SE Project
- 180125 VO-L Lecture: Critique of Political Economy
- 129004 AR What's this thing called science?
- 130073 VO Literary Theory (VO): current concepts
- 180028 SE Deleuze / Guattari: "What is philosophy?"
- 180141 SE Project
- 129004 AR What's this thing called science?
- 130094 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 180084 VO-L Lecture Philosophy and Society
- 180138 SE Future repeated - Proust and Deleuze on Time and Memory
- 180159 SE Project
- 129004 AR What's this thing called science?
- 130019 VO Literary Theory (VO): an overview
- 180025 SE Difference and Repetition: Phantasms of modernity
- 180052 SE Project
- 430003 SE "Symbols and Symbolisms. MA+Doc-Sem FB Spache,Symbole,Medien"
- 129004 AR What's this thing called science?
- 130008 VO Literary Theory (VO): an overview
- 180049 SE This is not a seminar: Foucault and Magritte
- 180182 SE Project
- 129004 AR What's this thing called science?
- 160015 VO Literary Theory (VO)
- 180017 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 160062 PS Literature: Theories and Interpretations
- 180092 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 180139 SE Michel Foucault: "The History of Sexuality"
- 120092 AR What's this thing called science?
- 160062 PS Literary Theory (PS): Philosophical Aspects of the Modernist Novel
- 180312 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 120092 AR What's this thing called science?
- 160186 PS Literary Theory (PS): Literary Therories
- 180312 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 180361 SE Masterseminare
- 140451 SE Marxist Cultural Theory
- 160015 VO Modern Theories of Literature
- 180551 SE James, Bergson and Husserl on time and consciousness
- 120109 AR Advanced Cultural Studies Course (426) = MA Theory - Literary and Cultural Theory and the Philosopher's Toolbox.
- 160203 VO Literary Theory - an Introduction
- 180193 IK Methods and Disciplines of Philosophy (Lecture Series)
- 180229 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 120040 AR Staff Seminar = What's this thing called science?
- 140451 SE African Philosophy
- 160015 PS Poststructuralist Theories of Literature
- 180473 SE Judith Butler's Politics of the Performative - Die Politik des Performativen bei Judith Butler
- 160203 PS Theories of Authorship
- 180201 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 140451 SE Postcolonial Theory
- 160051 VO What is Literature? Literary Theories
- 180414 VO 20th Century Philosophy - Metaphysics and their Criticism
- 160203 VO Postcolonial Theory
- 180207 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation - Philosophisches Argumentieren
- 160051 PS Literary Theory and the Philosophers Toolbox - Literary Theory and the Philosophers Toolbox
- 180207 SE Bilder in der Philosophie - Bilder in der Philosophie (§ 4/2/3) (PP § 57.3.4)
- 120158 AR English Studies and the Philosopher's Toolbox - English Studies and the Philosopher's Toolbox
Last modified: Sa 01.10.2022 00:03