Mag. Dr. Katarzyna Miechowicz-Mathiasen
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B
- 130107 UE Practice on Polish Terminology
- 160349 PS WH-movement, WH-questions, WH-features
- 160350 VO From the Government and Binding Theory to Minimalism - Part II
- 160351 UE Practice: Recent Dev. in Theory of Grammar - Practice: Recent Developments in Theory of Grammar
- 130018 UE Language Acquisition Polish (advanced level): Numerals
- 130247 UE Polish Essay Writing
- 160227 PS Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - Case Systems, Case Licencing, Case Theory
- 160229 PS Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - From the Government and Binding Theory to Minimalism
- 160232 UE Exercises on: Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - From the Government and Binding Theory to Minimalism
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B
- 130107 UE Practice on Polish Terminology
- 160349 PS Second Language Syntax
- 160350 VO Theories of Control
- 160351 UE Practice: Recent Dev. in Theory of Grammar - Practice: Recent Developments in Theory of Grammar
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B
- 130247 UE Übung zu polnischen Fachsprachen
- 160227 PS Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - Cyclic Linearisation
- 160229 VO Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - From GB to Minimalism II
- 160232 UE Practice in Recent Developments in the Theory of Grammar - From GB to Minimalism II
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B - Polish Language Practice B
- 130107 UE Polish for Advanced Students (contin.) - Polish for Advanced Students (continuation; for students of other departments)
- 160349 VO From Government & Binding Theory to Minimalism - From Government & Binding Theory to Minimalism
- 160350 PS The Extended Projection Principle - The Extended Projection Principle
- 160351 UE Practice: Recent Dev. in Theory of Grammar - Practice: Recent Developments in Theory of Grammar
- 130018 UE Polnisches Sprachpraktikum B - Polnisches Sprachpraktikum B
- 130060 UE Polnisch für Fortgeschrittene - Polnisch für Fortgeschrittene (für Nichtslawisten)
- 160301 PS The notion of subject(hood) in generative syntax - The notion of subject(hood) in generative syntax
- 160302 VO The syntax of psych-verbs - The syntax of psych-verbs
Last modified: Tu 15.12.2020 17:30