Mag. Astrid Leithner
Business Card: vCard
Office Hours: Sprechstunde im SS 2024: Mittwoch, 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr.
Teaching (iCal)
- 340003 UE Text and written communication German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340060 VO Descriptive grammar German
- 340085 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340152 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340237 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340270 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German A-Language
- 340003 UE Text and written communication German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340194 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340227 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340243 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340245 VO Descriptive grammar German
- 340249 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340299 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German B-Language
- 340003 UE Text and written communication German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340060 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340085 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340122 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German B-Language
- 340152 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340237 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340003 UE Text and written communication German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340227 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340243 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340245 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340249 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340299 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German B-Language
- 340003 UE Text and written communication German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340060 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340152 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340159 VO Legal and evonomic context in the communicative
- 340237 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340036 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340227 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340243 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340245 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340249 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340299 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German B-Language
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340060 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340152 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340237 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340247 VO Legal and evonomic context in the communicative
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340227 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340243 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340245 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340249 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340060 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340152 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340237 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340270 UE Translation methods technical communication, terminology and information design German A-Language
- 340120 VO Text and culture 1 German A-Language
- 340163 VO Legal and evonomic context in the communicative
- 340227 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340243 VO Language skills and text competence for translation German A-Language
- 340245 VO StEOP Descriptive grammar German
- 340249 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340152 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340237 VO Advanced Language Competence: German A-Language
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340163 VO Legal and evonomic context in the communicative
- 340227 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340243 VO Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340249 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340152 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340237 VO Advanced Language Competence: German A-Language
- 340035 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340227 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340243 VO Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340249 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340035 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340237 VO Advanced Language Competence: German A-Language
- 340035 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340227 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340243 VO Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340249 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340362 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 251209 UE Translationsrelevante Textproduktion (ausgewählte Fachbereiche)
- 340036 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340243 VO Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340128 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340154 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340237 VO StEOP Advanced Language Competence: German A-Language
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340002 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340227 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340243 VO StEOP Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340421 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340002 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340243 VO StEOP Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340247 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340375 VO StEOP Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340399 VO Technical Communication: German
- 340002 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340120 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340154 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340375 VO STEOP: Advanced Language Competence - German
- 340002 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340034 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340227 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340243 VO StEOP Advanced Language Competence: German
- 340421 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340194 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340231 VO Law and Economics in an communicative context
- 340336 UE Text Competence: German A-Language
- 340362 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340375 VO STEOP: Advanced Language Competence - German
- 340003 UE Text Competence (oral): German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340034 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340120 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340243 VO STEOP: Advanced Language Competence - German
- 340003 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340036 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340194 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340231 VO Recht und Wirtschaft im kommunikativen Kontext
- 340362 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340003 UE Text Competence (oral): German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340036 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340060 VO Recht und Wirtschaft im kommunikativen Kontext
- 340120 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence (written): German
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340036 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340120 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340362 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence 2 (written): German
- 340399 VO Technical Communication: German - Recht und Wirtschaft
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340036 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340120 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340362 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence 2 (written): German
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340120 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340256 UE Text Competence 1: German
- 340362 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340256 UE Text Competence 1: German
- 340362 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340170 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340362 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340399 VO Technical Communication: German
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340141 UE Text Competence 2 (written): German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340243 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340362 UE Cultural Competence: German
- 340387 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340001 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340123 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340141 UE Text Competence 2 (written): German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340200 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340243 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340387 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340399 VO Technical Communication: German
- 340001 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340123 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340141 UE Text Competence: German
- 340194 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340200 UE Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: German
- 340387 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340388 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340462 UE Repetitorium - Reading Competence and Text Prodction: German A
- 340001 UE Reading comprehension and text production: German - Reading comprehension and text production: German
- 340123 UE Reading comprehension and text production: German - Reading comprehension and text production: German
- 340387 UE German Grammar - German Grammar
- 340388 UE Oral communication: German - Oral communication: German
- 340199 UE Leseverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Leseverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 340381 UE Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik - Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00