Dipl.-Geogr. Dr. Birgit Terhorst
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 290084 EX Introd. Field Trip II (Human and Physical Geography) (Group A) - Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation in the Neusiedler See Region
- 290084 EX Introd. Field Trip II (Human & Physical Geography) (Group A) - Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation in the Neusiedler See Region
- 290153 VO Ecosystem Theory
- 290244 EX Excursion: Loess regions Krems / Wachau
- 290365 RV Lecture Series on Quaternary Science
- 290392 EX Excursion: Landscape evolution and geoecology at the Lake Neusiedler See
- 290408 UE Exercises in landscape ecology, group C
- 290427 SE The evolution of landscape and environment in the loess regions of Lower Austria - Part II
- 290050 PS Landscape analysis and evaluation
- 290084 EX Introd.Field Trip II (Human & Physical Geogr.) (Grp.A): Geography of the Lake Neusiedl National Park - (nur für Bachelor-Studierende in der Studieneingangsphase)
- 290124 KO Colloquium on Quaternary Science
- 290152 VO Introduction to Landscape Ecology
- 290154 VO+UE Material and energy balances
- 290165 PRS The evolution of landscape and environment in the loess regions of Lower Austria - Part I (Projektkonzeption) - SS 2008 mit Part II, 3-st.
- 290365 KO Colloquium on Quaternary Science - Colloquium on Quaternary Science
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe
- 290016 PRS Project Seminar on Landscape Ecology - Project Seminar on Landscape Ecology
- 290050 VO Ökologie und Umwelt in den Alpen - Ökologie und Umwelt in den Alpen
- 290152 VO Introduction to Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology
Last modified: Mo 11.10.2021 09:27