Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan-Heiner Tück
- Mail: jan-heiner.tueck@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-30312
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Systematic Theology and Ethics
Teaching (iCal)
- 010018 SE With us or without us? Controversial questions on the theological evuation of history
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010033 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology III
- 010091 FS Is he not coming? Jewish Messiah expectation and Christian parousia hope in dispute
- 010011 VO Christology
- 010012 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010090 SE Jesus Christ - Son of God? 1700 Years of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea
- 010091 FS Cathedral of Theology
- 010006 FS Death - Resurrection - Judgment. Eschatological perspective
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010033 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology III
- 010101 SE Synodal Church. From Vatican Council II to Pope Francis
- 010011 VO Christology
- 010012 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010075 FS Scripture Interpretation in Controversy. - Biblical Hermeneutical Approaches from a Systematic Perspective
- 010101 SE Signs of the nearness of God. Accesses to the seven sacraments
- 010006 VO Christology
- 010008 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010075 FS Dogma and the Signs of the Times. On the shift in theological epistemology
- 010118 SE God's Dwelling Among Us - Jewish theology of indwelling and Christian faith in the incarnation in conversation
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010033 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology III
- 010040 FS Jesus - Messiah for Israel? - The movement of the messianic jews from the perspektive of catholic theology
- 010118 SE "Ecstatic jubilation". Poems and prayers as a limitation of language - Accompanying Seminar of the Poetics Lectureship
- 010006 VO Christology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010115 FS ‘Religious Experience‘ in Catholic Theology? Approaching psychology and phenomenology of religion - Religionspsychologie und -phänomenologie im Gespräch mit katholischer Theologie
- 010118 SE Jesus Christ - the Logos of God incarnate. Recent approaches to Christology
- 010024 VO Ecclesiology
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010038 SE The Historical Jesus - the Christ of Our Faith? - A Discussion between New Testament Exegesis and Catholic Dogmatics
- 010118 SE The priestly office in crisis? Theological considerations
- 010005 VO Christology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010086 FS Heaven on Earth? The history and contemporary relevance of Chiliasm
- 010024 VO Ecclesiology
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010026 SE Death - Ressurection - Judgement. Eschatological Perspectives
- 010070 SE Literature and its Effects - Accompanying Seminar for the Lectures on Poetics and Religion
- 010080 FS From the Indwelling of God to the Incarnation of the divine Word - bible-dogmatic Perspectives
- 010017 VO Christology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010064 SE Mary - Daughter of Israel and Mother of God. Dogmatic and practical theological approaches
- 010072 FS Jesus, the Christ: Contemporary Approaches to Christology
- 010012 VO Eschatology
- 010035 VO Ecclesiology
- 010070 FS Extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The development of a theological axiom - Entstehung und Gestaltwandel eines Axioms - ekklesiologische Perspektiven
- 010072 FS Ulysses at the Mast in the Writings of the Early Church Fathers, Dante and James Joyce
- 010012 VO Eschatology
- 010013 FS "Defending the mystery in the world" - Literature and Religion on Common Ground?
- 010035 VO Ecclesiology
- 010060 FS Towards a society of fear? Theological guidelines
- 010047 VO Christology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010064 FS One truth - but many faces? - On tensions between christology and a pluralistic theology of religion
- 010075 FS "Near - yet hard to seize" - Between Literature and Religion - Im Zwischenraum von Literatur und Religion (Lektüreseminar zur Poetikdozentur)
- 010041 VO Eschatology
- 010060 SE Lectureship "Literature and Religion" - Die Anstößigkeit des Kreuzes in der modernen Literatur. Poetikdozentur "Literatur und Religion"
- 010047 VO Christology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010060 SE Violence in the name of God? The debate on Jan Assmann’s criticism of monotheism
- 020052 SE Luther in conflict of religious denomations
- 010013 VO Ecclesiology
- 010014 VO Eschatology
- 010049 SE Nouvelle Theologie
- 010064 FS Research Seminar
- 010023 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010038 VO Christology
- 010049 SE Dark Glowing - Religious movements in contemporary literature
- 010064 FS Liberty of Jesus
- 010005 VO Christology (Credo)
- 010035 VO Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
- 010049 SE The Church after Vatican II: Recent ecclesiological discussions
- 010064 FS Classical and recent concepts of original sin
- 010015 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010038 VO Christology
- 010049 SE God under accusation? Talking of a guilty God in current theological accounts
- 010064 FS Sons of Abraham? The concept of the "Abrahamic Religion" in interfaith dialogue
- 010038 VO Christology
- 010064 FS Recent accounts of soteriology
- 010071 VO Christology II
- 360008 PV "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus." Genesis and reception history of an Axiom
- 010020 FS Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
- 010035 VO Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
- 010043 DS The vision of a collaboration of all Christian churches - The World Council of Churches
- 360008 PV Privatissimum for doctoral students
- 010052 BA Can God suffer? The Apathy of God in Rabbinic and current Christian Theology - Das Apathie-Axiom bei den Rabbinern und in der systematischen Theologie der Gegenwart
- 360008 PV "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus." Genesis and reception history of an Axiom
- 010064 FS Christology
- 010070 VO Christology
- 010071 VO Christology II
- 010009 VO Theological Anthropology and Teaching of Grace
- 010063 BA Praising, Bidding, Lamenting. The Borders of Human Experience in Current Literature
- 010068 DS Church and Modern Age - The theological contribution of Gaudium et spes
- 010080 VO Remembering the future. 50 years after Vatican II
- 360008 PV Privatissimum: The triune God - Karl Barth´s doctrine of the Trinity
- 010035 VO Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
- 010040 FS People of God - Communio - Body of Christ - Zur Ekklesiologie des II. Vatikanum
- 010070 VO Christology
- 010095 UE Jesus of Nazareth II. A theological debate on the Jesus-book of the pope
- 010103 SE Love, grief and death in contemporary literature
- 010054 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010056 FS God as the Mystery of the World - The trinitarian theology of Eberhard Jüngel
- 010058 VO Dogmatics II, Part 2: On God
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
- 010070 VO Christology
- 010071 VO Christology II
- 010075 SE Jesus Christ- the son of God and Redeemer? Christological Debates
- 010078 PV Biblical monotheism and the problem of violence
- 010022 SE Abschied vom allmächtigen Gott? - Abschied vom allmächtigen Gott? Zu einem Problem heutiger Gotteslehre.
- 010024 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum
- 010153 VO Dogmatische Theologie I: Theol. Erkenntnislehre - Dogmatische Theologie I: Theologische Erkenntnislehre ( = alte StO: Grundlegung)
- 010154 VO Ökumenische Theologie - Ökumenische Theologie - Grundlagen, Probleme, Perspektiven
Last modified: Th 06.02.2025 16:00