Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Theune
- Mail: claudia.theune@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40453
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Nach Vereinbarung
Teaching (iCal)
- 060044 VO Introduction post-medieval and modern archaeology
- 060077 SE Seminar: Historical Archaeology: Medieval and post-medieval archaeology
- 060089 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060045 VO Introduction Medieval Archaeology
- 060063 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis Historical Archaeology - (processing finds from the Nazi euthanasia centre in Hartheim)
- 950192 VU Introduction to Archaeology
- 060057 VO Introduction Migration Period and Early Middle Ages
- 060058 KU Course Migration Period and Early Middle Ages
- 060069 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis Historical Archeology: Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology
- 060074 SE Forced camps in the 20th century: finds and context regarding utilisation and re-utilisation
- 060078 SE Thesis Seminar
- 950070 VU Introduction to Archaeology
- 060034 VO Introduction: Modern times and contemporary archaeology
- 060082 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis Historical Archeology
- 060089 SE Biological and Social Gender - in Archaeological and Written Sources of the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval Times
- 060098 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060116 EX Field Trip to an international cultural destination (8 days) - to prehistoric and medieval archaeological monuments in Ireland
- 060045 VO Introduction Medieval Archaeology
- 060047 KU Course Medieval Archaeology
- 060058 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis Historical Archeology: Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology
- 060064 SE The Individual and Society. Social Archaeological Aspects in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times.
- 060067 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060039 VO Introduction Migration Period and Early Middle Ages
- 060040 KU Course Migration Period and Early Middle Ages
- 060047 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis
- 060054 SE Thesis Seminar
- 410009 SE Colloquium of the research cluster "Archaeology and material culture" - Parallels, comparisons, analogies as method
- 060046 VO Introduction: Modern times and contemporary archaeology
- 060048 KU Course Modern Times and Contemporary Archaeology
- 060060 SE Seminar: Historical Archaeology - (Five Islands, Trinidad and Tobago: finds from the 19th century)
- 060066 SE Maly Trostenec. - Ways of memory to a NS-Extermination site in the east - an archaeological perspective
- 060070 SE Thesis Seminar
- 410010 SE Colloquium for the research cluster archaeology and material culture
- 060043 VO Introduction Medieval Archaeology
- 060055 SE Urbanisation, Industrialisation and Globalisation from an archaeological perspective
- 060061 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060076 KU Course Medieval Archaeology
- 410005 SE Colloquim for doctoral students - Research cluster Archaeology and Material Culture
- 060048 LP Practical Fieldwork 1/2 (Hanfelden Palace)
- 060052 SE Seminar: Historical Archaeology: early medieval graves.
- 060068 VO Lecture series: contemporary archaeology
- 060097 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060057 VO Introduction Migration Period and Early Middle Ages
- 060058 KU Course Postroman migration period
- 060066 SE Bachelor's Thesis; Historical Archaeology: contemporary finds from Lungitz
- 060070 SE Masterseminar: Historical Archaeology: concepts and case studies to Historical Archaeology - Theorien, Methoden, Konzepte und Fallbeispiele zur Historischen Archäologie
- 410002 SE Things in motion. From exchange and trade to migration and cultural transfer - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 060043 PR Practical fieldwork 1+2 - Schloss Hanfelden
- 060058 SE Seminar Bachelor's Thesis on Historical Archaeology - Archaeology and building archaeology
- 060065 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060113 PR Practical fieldwork 1+2 - Crash Site Großraming
- 060073 VU Sources in Historical Archaeology
- 060085 SE Archaeology of the Modern Times
- 060102 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060049 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - Hanfelden Palace
- 060051 PR Practical fieldwork: Crash Site Großraming - 24.07.-18.08.2017
- 060073 PV Privatissimum
- 060055 PS Technologies in the Middle Ages. Traditions and Innovations - Techniken des Mittelalters, Traditionen und Innovationen
- 060063 SE Bachelor Seminar
- 060068 PV Privatissimum
- 410003 SE Of things and people - Material culture in archaeological and art-historical contexts. Interdiscipinary seminar for doctoal candidates
- 060046 EX Excursion archaeological sites in Austria - Archaeological Sites of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060091 EX Excursion to Berlin and Brandenburg - Sites from the medieval, postmedieval and contemporary times
- 060095 PV Privatissimum
- 060108 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - Medieval and modern use of the Alps: building archaeology and object recovery at the palace of Hanfelden, Unterzeiring, Styria and a survey at Alpine passes at the Oberhüttensattel, Lungau, Salzburg.
- 060064 SE Bachelorseminar on Historical Archaeology - Kleidung und Körperschmuck in Völkerwanderungszeit, Mittelalter und Neuzeit
- 060067 SE Material Culture from contemporary contexts - Methods of Interpretation - Material Culture from contemporary contexts - Methods of Interpretation
- 060068 PV Privatissimum
- 060058 EX Excursion to archaeological monuments in Vienna and Lower Austria - Landmarks in Vienna and the hinterland
- 060078 SE Estate, territories and borders
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 410002 SE Economy and settlement developement in pre moder - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates:
- 060067 PV Privatissimum
- 060068 SE Bachelorseminar on Historical Archaeology - Bachelorseminar zur Historischen Archäologie
- 410001 SE Interdisciplinary doctoral seminar: The meaning of things - Material culture in archaeological and cultural-historical context
- 060039 EX Excursion to archaeological monuments in Lower Austria
- 060089 PV Privatissimum
- 060090 SE Material Culture and Value in medieval times
- 410002 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 060064 SE Bachelor Seminar: Current research approaches in Historical Archaeology
- 060065 PV Privatissimum
- 060045 VO VO Introduction in Historical Archaeology
- 060049 PV Privatissimum
- 060067 UE+EX Excursion to the Shetland Islands (10 days)
- 060068 SE SE: Death, burial and grave in historical times
- 410004 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 060029 BU Exercise course of medieval small finds
- 060031 EX Excursion to medieval sites in Austria (2 days)
- 060049 PV Privatissimum
- 410005 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 060046 SE Bachelor Seminar Prehistory and Early History - Archaeology and history of castle Klauseck in Lungau/Salzburg
- 060047 SV Contemporary Archaeology in a global perspective
- 060048 SE SE Methodology: Research History - Vom Raritätenkabinett zum europäischen kulturellen Erbe - Geschichte der prähistorischen und historischen Archäologie
- 060049 PV Privatissimum
- 060051 LG LG Practical fieldwork Mauthausen (4 weeks) - April 2012: ehemaliges Zeltlager
- 060092 LG LG "Small" Practical fieldwork (2 weeks)
- 410005 SE "Cultures of economics" in PhD-projects of the historical and cultural sciences - Interdisciplinay PhD-seminar
- 060051 VO Introduction do Modern Archaeology
- 060056 EX Excursion to early-modern-period sites in Austria
- 060072 EX Excursion to migration-period sites in Austria
- 060073 SE SE Borders and borderland in the middle ages
- 060075 PV Privatissimum
- 410005 SE Interdisciplinary doctoral seminar: The meaning of things - Material culture in archaeological and cultural-historical context
- 060150 VO Introduction in medieval archaeology
- 060164 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060172 EX Excursion to medival sites in Austria (2 days)
- 060009 SE The March Region in Medieval Times
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060026 SE from medieval to postmedieval times
- 060028 VO Introduction in historical archaeology
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060088 EX Excursion to historical sites in Austria (2 days)
- 060161 SE Towns in image
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060031 EX Excursion to medival archaeological sites in Austria (2 days)
- 060052 BU Exercise course of medieval small finds
- 060060 VO Introduction in medieval archaeology
- 060147 UE+EX Excursion to the Baltic sea - 10 days - with exercise course/tutorial
- 060026 SE Centre and Periphery
- 060027 SE History of archaeological science between 1850 and 2000
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060095 VO Jewish cemeteries - places of worship, places of memorial or places of cultural heritage
- 060102 EX Excursion to archaeological sites in Austria - 2 days
- 060013 SE The Währinger Jewish Cemetery - Jewish Places of Remind in Vienna?
- 060026 PS Proseminar Medieval Archaeologie: Medieval Settlements
- 060027 SE Costume und dressing in medieval times
- 060028 LG Practical fieldwork I: Gold-melting place at Bad Hofgastein - 2 weeks
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060031 EX Excursion: The Medieval Places in the Waldviertel - 4-tägig
- 060147 EX Excursion to the exhibition: Roma i barbari (Rom and the barbarians)
- 060026 VO Introduction to Historical Archaeology
- 060027 SE Mobility
- 060028 BU Identification of medieval and post-medieval small finds
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060102 UE+EX Paradigms about ethnic interpretation in archaeology
- 060026 SV Nobility in medieval times - Nobility in early and later medieval times in Europe
- 060027 SE Medieval trade - Medieval trade
- 060028 SE cult and religion in medival times - the Archeology of cult and religion in medival times
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060031 UE+EX Survey on an medieval estate - Survey on an medieval estate
- 060141 SV Produktion und Austausch im Mittelalter - Produktion und Austausch im Mittelalter
Last modified: Mo 03.02.2025 10:20