Dr. Wolfram Reiss
- Mail: wolfram.reiss@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-32721
Business Card: vCard
Office Hours: by appointment via email
Born in Frankenthal (Germany) in 1959. Studied Protestant theology, Islamic, Semitic and Jewish studies in Kiel, Jerusalem, Berlin and Heidelberg. 1986 1st theol. exam; 1988 2nd theological exam; 1988-89 field research in Egypt. 1990-1996 executive secretary of the College for Orthodox Students of the Protestant Church in Germany / EKD (Erlangen). 1996 dissertation on "The Renewal in the Coptic Orthodox Church" (Heidelberg). 1996-2001 pastor in the church and religious instruction at a primary school (Langen). 2001-2004 member of the research project "The Representation of Christianity in Mainly Islamic Countries". 2005 habilitation thesis (2nd Phd) "The Representation of Christianity in Egyptian School Textbooks" (Rostock). 2005-2007 Protestant chaplain in a high-security prison in Diez and Ass. Prof. in history of religions - religion and society (University of Rostock). Since August 2007 chair for studies of religions at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna (Austria)Research focus:
Religions and education in the Middle East (Islam, Oriental churches, minorities in Islamic context), application oriented studys of religions, management of religious diversity in state and public institutions, ethics of religions
Born in Frankenthal (Germany) in 1959. Studied Protestant theology, Islamic, Semitic and Jewish studies in Kiel, Jerusalem, Berlin and Heidelberg. 1986 1st theol. exam; 1988 2nd theological exam; 1988-89 field research in Egypt. 1990-1996 executive secretary of the College for Orthodox Students of the Protestant Church in Germany / EKD (Erlangen). 1996 dissertation on "The Renewal in the Coptic Orthodox Church" (Heidelberg). 1996-2001 pastor in the church and religious instruction at a primary school (Langen). 2001-2004 member of the research project "The Representation of Christianity in Mainly Islamic Countries". 2005 habilitation thesis (2nd Phd) "The Representation of Christianity in Egyptian School Textbooks" (Rostock). 2005-2007 Protestant chaplain in a high-security prison in Diez and Ass. Prof. in history of religions - religion and society (University of Rostock). Since August 2007 chair for studies of religions at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna (Austria)Research focus:
Religions and education in the Middle East (Islam, Oriental churches, minorities in Islamic context), application oriented studys of religions, management of religious diversity in state and public institutions, ethics of religions
Department of Systematic Theology and the Study of Religions, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Wien, Room 6OG010
Teaching (iCal)
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 020021 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020035 VO Ethics of religions
- 020036 UE Communication in Arabic
- 020001 SE Seminar on the History of Religion - Seminar zu einem religionsgeschichtlichen Thema
- 020036 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020037 SE Analysis of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Projects - Seminar zu einem Thema der anwendungsorientierten Religionswissenschaft
- 020058 UE Communication in Arabic - Level 2, Fortgeschrittene
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 020021 UE Communication in Arabic
- 020022 VO Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020055 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020028 SE Analysis of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Projects - Seminar zu einem Thema der anwendungsorientierten Religionswissenschaft
- 020029 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020031 SE Oriental Christianity in History and Presence - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 020031 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020032 UE Communication in Arabic
- 020033 VO Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020001 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020052 SE Analysis of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Projects - Seminar zu einem Thema der anwendungsorientierten Religionswissenschaft
- 020053 SE Seminar on the History of Religion - Seminar zu einem religionsgeschichtlichen Thema
- 020054 SE Sytematic-comparative religious studies - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden Religionswissenschaften
- 020060 VU Lecture series of the professorship of the Faculty of Protestant Theology - Theology of the future? Points of reference in the present
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 020029 VO Introduction to Islam - Koran, rituelle Pflichten, Glaubensinhalte
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020023 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020002 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020003 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020015 SE Egyptian christianity in times of social and political transformation - Seminar on the History of Religion
- 020017 SE Interreligious Dialogue in austria in Comarative Perspective - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden Religionswissenschaften
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020001 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 020003 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020030 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020001 VO Introduction to Islam - Quran, Obligatory Rituals, Doctrines
- 020005 SE Oriental Christianity in History and Presence - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020006 SE Oriental Christianity in History and Presence - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020007 SE Jesus in nicht-christlichen Religionen - Systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020001 VO Introduction to Islam - The history of Islam from Prophet Muhammad to the era of the Abbasids (7-13th century)
- 020027 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020028 SE Religious Minorities in the region of Turkey, Syria and Iraq - Christians - Alevites - Yezidi
- 020015 VO Introduction to Islam - The Qur'an, the Obligatory Rituals, the Belief
- 020016 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Religious Diversity As A Challenge For European Countries
- 020056 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Religious Diversity as a challenge European countries
- 020057 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - History of Islam in Europe 1: Al-Andalus
- 020058 EX Excursion to Oman - Tolerance in Practice: Diversity of Religious Communities in Oman
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020044 UE Communication in Arabic
- 020045 VO Introduction to Islam
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Religious Tolerance in Islam - Oman as an outstanding example
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020003 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020039 SE Diversity as a new challenge for state, institutions, religious communitiesand research
- 020055 SE The Muslim brotherhood between opposition and political responibility
- 370001 SE Researchseminar - Actual Research on the Middle East and Integration of Islam in Europe
- 020002 VO Introduction to Islam - The Qur'an, the Obligatory Rituals, the Belief
- 020003 EX Excursion - Excursion to the Sulatanat of Oman
- 020004 SE Oman- Religious Tolerance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Prosperity in the Golf Region - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020005 SE Religious Diversity as a new challenge for state, institutions, religious communities - and academic research in Europe - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020044 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020045 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - The Situation of Christians in the Middle East
- 370006 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 020022 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the dynasty of the Abbasids (7th - 13th century)
- 020023 SE Conflicts about churches and mosque buildings from a cross-cultural perspective
- 020024 SE Religious Diversity in Vienna
- 010021 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020004 SE Holy Mountains in the History of Religions - Seminar en bloc in Old Testament and History of Religions
- 020005 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020010 SE Women in the Arab Spring
- 020001 SE Religious Studies and Comparative Theology
- 020002 SE SE Religious Minorities in India
- 020003 VO History of Islam in Europe 1: Al-Andalus - Splendour and Fragility of the Encounter of Muslims, Jews and Christians in Medieval Spain
- 020004 VO Introduction to Islam - Religiöse Pflichten und Glaubensgrundlagen des Islam
- 010028 VO General History of Religion
- 020002 SE Practical Religious Studies
- 020003 SE Arabic Communication in Lebanese Dialect
- 020058 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 020044 VO Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions
- 020045 SE+EX NAIKAN - A Buddhist way of insight voice meditation - History, praxis and application in the penal system and in coaching.
- 020046 SE Minorities as driving forces for the development of societies
- 020047 SE European and Oriental Christianity from an Islamic Perspective
- 010075 DS Christianity and Islam in Egypt. From the Origins to the Present
- 020002 VO Introduction to Islam (2)
- 020051 UE Arabic Communication in Lebanese Dialect
- 020054 SE The Imam - A Changing Islamic Job Profile
- 190323 VO M5: Religious Science and Philosophical Studies - Einführung in die system.-vergl. Religionswissenschaft
- 010060 VO Introduction to the general History of Religions
- 020009 SE Introduction to the Christianity in India
- 020064 SE The jewish settlement movement. History, religious, social and ethnic backgrounds.
- 190323 SE M5: Religious Science and Philosophical Studies - Scientific Studies of religions in Islam?
- 370004 SE Doing Research in Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 020047 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 020048 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Muhammad in other Religions
- 020051 SE Interreligious Questions in the Jail
- 190087 SE Introduction to empirical studies in context of religion and education
- 020004 VO Introduction to Islam
- 020005 VO Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions
- 020006 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Jesus Christ in other religions
- 020007 SE Muslim invitation for dialogue - Comments on the letter of 138 Muslim scholars to the heads of all Christian denominations
- 020038 UE Basic Communication in Arabic for students of Theology and Studies of Religions
- 020039 VO The Life of Muhammad According to Ibn Ishaq and its Relevance for Muslims Today
- 020040 SE+EX Jerusalem as a Holy Place for Several Religions
- 020062 UE Communication in Arabic (Arabic II) for students of Theology and Studies of Religions - für TheologInnen und ReligionswissenschaftlerInnen
- 020027 UE Language course: Arabic for Theologians and for Students of Science of Religion
- 020028 SE "Spiritual Psychotherapies? Promises of New Religious Cults"
- 020029 VO+UE Muslims in the Army
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Coptic Church
- 020112 VO Introduction to Scientific Study of Religions - (Schwerpunkt systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft)
- 020113 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Introduction to Islam (Part 2)
- 020114 SE Salam and Jihad - Historical and Contemporary Concepts of Peace and Violence in Islam
- 020115 SE Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - The of equivalence problem of the Western term "religion" in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam
- 020090 SE Background of suicide attacks in different cultural and religious contexts
- 020091 VO Christianity in Afrika - Old traditions and new movements
- 020092 SE Applied Studies of Religion - Meander or essential discipline ?
- 020093 SE The right of freedom of religion and manifestation of belief for various religions in the jail - Legal, social and interreligious aspects
- 020117 VO Introduction to the Scientific Study of Religions - (Emphasis on the Development and History of Religions)
- 020118 SE Muslims in Hospitals
- 020119 SE Theory of Science of the Study of Religions - according to Joachim Wach's "Religionswissenschaft. Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung", Leipzig 1924 ( = "Introduction to the History of Religions", translated and edited by Kitagawa, J.M./Alles, G.D.: New York/London 1988).
- 020120 VO Introduction to Islam
Last modified: Mo 11.11.2024 15:40