Universität Wien

Mag. Michaela Schretzmayer

Currently not an active member of staff

Teaching (iCal)

490060 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490062 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lehr- und Lernprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490063 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lehr- und Lernprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490084 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490030 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490084 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490062 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490063 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490084 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490086 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
490040 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490041 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnostic, learning disability and intellectual giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnostic, learning disability and intellectual giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnostic, learning disability and intellectual giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnostic, learning disability and intellectual giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Between Learning Disability and Intellectual Giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Between Learning Disability and Intellectual Giftedness
190080 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Between Learning Disability and Intellectual Giftedness

Last modified: Tu 19.01.2021 05:07