Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Zahlmann, M.A.
- Mail: stefan.zahlmann@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40854
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Nach Vereinbarung per Email.
Teaching (iCal)
- 070137 SE BA-Seminar - History in the age of digitalization
- 070177 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Media of Urbanity
- 070189 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070137 SE BA-Seminar - Historical science under the sign of digitization
- 070177 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Burning Mirror of the 20th. Century
- 070189 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070088 SE BA-Seminar - Reality fictions
- 070091 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070095 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - History as discourse
- 070194 EX Field Trip - The authenticity of the space - Berlin as a digital and analogue place
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070120 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - History as discourse
- 070121 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - Nature and Time
- 070122 SE BA-Seminar - Reality fictions
- 070157 EX Field Trip - The authenticity of the space - Berlin as a digital and analogue place
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070086 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - History as discourse - Media waste and media representations of ecological devastation an environmental protection in the 20th and 21st century
- 070167 EX Field Trip - Berlin in the 1920ies and 1990ies. Decades of transformation
- 070175 SE Seminar - Media as source of Contemporary History
- 070179 SE BA-Seminar - Digital media as historic source
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070003 SE BA-Seminar - Digital media as source of historic research
- 070004 SE BA-Seminar - History as discourse
- 070132 EX Field Trip - Berlin in the 1920ies and 1990ies. Decades of transformation
- 070158 SE Seminar - Media as source of Contemporary History
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070065 PS Proseminar - Theory and Practice of Analog and Digital Gaming Culture
- 070089 PS Proseminar - Digitalization and Lifeworld
- 070167 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Media, the culture of rememberance, and Public History
- 070201 VO STEOP: Basics of Historical and Cultural Thinking
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070013 PS Proseminar - Theory and Practice of Analog and Digital Game Culture
- 070014 PS Proseminar - Digitalization and Lifeworld
- 070025 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Urbanism as Signature of Western Modernism
- 070201 VO STEOP: Basics of Historical and Cultural Thinking
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070065 PS Proseminar - Digital Media and Historical Research
- 070073 VO Theories and History of Sources and Media
- 070089 PS Proseminar - Media as Sources of Historical Research
- 070167 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Urbanism as Symbol of Western Modernism
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070073 VO Theories and History of Sources and Media
- 070089 PS Proseminar - Media as Sources of Historical Research
- 070223 SE Research seminar - Nature and Urbanisation in the Media
- 070224 EX Excursion - Berlin in the Cold War
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070104 EX Excursion - Berlin - Media and Culture period
- 070116 SE Research seminar - Modern media cultures
- 070182 VO Further Historical Approaches - Guided Democracy and Authoritarianism - Past and Present
- 070275 GR Peer Mentoring
- 070348 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070371 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070057 EX Berlin - Media and Culture period
- 070165 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070371 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070272 VO Vorlesung zur Einführung in den Master Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070371 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070002 SE Seminar - Media Cultures in the GDR
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070291 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070244 EX Berlin - Media and Culture period
- 070272 VO Vorlesung zur Einführung in den Master Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070291 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070165 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070203 VO Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070003 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070038 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070182 VO Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070254 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070078 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070079 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070103 SE Seminar for M.A. and doctoral students
- 070216 VO Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070271 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070018 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070019 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070156 VO Cultural History
- 070199 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070200 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070271 GR Peer-Mentoring
- 070217 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070218 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070234 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070259 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070268 GR Peer-Mentoring
- 070216 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070246 SE Late Modern History (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present) - The Media of Biographies
- 070259 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070401 SE Seminar - Menschenbilder in Science Fiction und Fantasy
- 070216 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070258 VO Theories and History of textual Sources and Media
- 070259 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070413 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070168 VO Cultural History of the euro-atlantic Region in a global Context
- 070372 EX Excursion - Gruppe 1
- 070373 EX Excursion - Gruppe 2
- 070393 VO STEOP: Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070409 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070074 VO Basic Questions of Political History
- 070338 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070401 SE Seminar
- 070402 VO STEOP: Analyse schriftlicher und digitaler Quellen
- 070016 VO Cultural History of the euro-atlantic Region in a global Context
- 070338 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070339 KU Introduction into the historical Cultural Studies - Medien als Quelle historischer Kulturwissenschaft
- 070340 VO Late Modern Times (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present) - Angst in der westlichen Moderne
- 070341 EX Excursion - Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen in der Neuzeit (Tierpark Schönbrunn, Lainzer Tiergarten, Naturhistorisches Museum, Haus des Meeres)
- 070411 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - mediale Anthropologie
- 070492 KU Modern History /E3
- 070493 KU A/E/R
- 070494 VO A/E/R
- 070386 VO Kulturgeschichte - Der Medienwechsel. Eine Einführung in Medientechnologie und Medientheorie
- 070387 SE Seminar - Szenarien des Schreckens. Mediale Visionen der Auslöschung des Menschen vom 18.-21.Jhdt.
- 070388 KU Kulturgeschichte - Computerspiele als audiovisuelle Leitkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts? Zur Kulturgeschichte simulierter Welten
- 070389 SE Seminar - Jenseits von Entenhausen. Der Zeichentrick zwischen Karikatur und Computersimulation im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070787 VO German Cultures of Conflict - in Motion Pictures
- 070798 KU Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070799 SE History of Advertisement
- 070800 KU Migrants and Media in the USA
Last modified: Sa 23.11.2024 05:00