Mag. Markus Reiner
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 190081 KU BM 7 Applied Methodology I (AHP) - Bildung und Widerspruch - Zur Kritischen Theorie als bildungswissenschaftlicher Forschungsmethode
- 190043 PS BM 5 Exemplification of Education Theories (AHP) - Bildungswissenschaft und ihre Theorie(n). Von der Formierung des Gegenstandes und des Blickes.
- 190079 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190047 PS BM 8 Paradigmatic and Current Examples of Related Research (AHP) - Discussions on Different Schools of Thought and their influence on Education
- 190079 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190140 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - Die Konstitution der Bildungswissenschaft im Lichte der Verhältnisbestimmung von Theorie und Empirie.
- 190079 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190079 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190078 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190080 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190097 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190037 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190008 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
- 190026 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Who is learning, if 'the homan' learns? Anthroplogical implications of the discours of learning.
- 190268 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - "Phenomenal oriented objectivity" as a task for Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft. Significance of educational theory and educational philosophy for Bildung and learning.
- 190107 PS Education and Anthropology - Negativity of Learning.
- 190083 SE Special Ethical Questions - Social philosophical and ethical issues on disabilities
- 190107 PS Education and Anthropology - Learning as an experience? A pedagogical perspective on learning in the light of neuroscientific challenges.
- 190107 PS Education and Anthropology - Decentering as a pedagogical category - - A critical analysis of autonomy as a central anthropological motive in modernist pedagogy and its transformation
- 190106 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - With special reference to a phenomenological perspective on learning
- 190107 PS Education and Anthropology - Decentering as a pedagogical category - - A critical analysis of autonomy as a central anthropological motive in modernist pedagogy and its transformation
- 190224 SE BM 25 Bachelor's Paper II - Concerning the genealogy of learning in the light of neurophysiological challenges - from Negativity to Pathos
Last modified: Mo 13.12.2021 20:06