Mag. Mag. Dr. Alexander Preisinger
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40885
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: per Zoom, individuelle Terminvereinbarung möglich
Teaching (iCal)
- 070032 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070057 UE Practicum Coaching
- 070060 UE Didactics Application I
- 070061 UE Didactics Application I
- 070156 SE Practical Seminar - Didactic Monitoring of the Practical Phase
- 070196 SE Seminar - Playing in/with History
- 070007 UE Practicum Coaching
- 070024 SE SE Practical Seminar
- 070155 UE Didactics Application I
- 070156 UE Didactics Application I
- 070195 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070196 SE Seminar - History in/with Games
- 070081 UE Didactics Application I
- 070082 UE Didactics Application I
- 070122 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070124 SE Seminar - History in/with Games
- 070156 SE SE Praxisseminar - Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase
- 070175 UE Didactics Application I
- 070186 SE SE Praxisseminar - Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase
- 070195 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070196 SE Seminar - Games in History and Playing with History
- 070211 UE Practicum Coaching
- 070158 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070188 SE Seminar - Games in History and Playing with History
- 070211 UE Practicum Coaching
- 070216 UE Didactics Application I
- 070222 SE SE Praxisseminar - Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase
- 070155 SE Seminar - Playing with the Past (in cooperation with GameLab)
- 070300 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070124 VK Advanced Course on History Didactics I
- 070161 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070293 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070300 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070309 PR Practical Training Compensation
- 070028 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070161 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070228 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070232 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070293 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070228 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070232 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070293 KU New Media in Historical Science and Political Education
- 070228 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070229 VK Advanced Course on History Didactics
- 070232 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History - (für Diplom-Lehramt)
- 070086 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History - (für Diplom-Lehramt)
- 070092 VK Advanced Course on History Didactics
- 070168 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History
- 070086 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070092 VK Vertiefungskurs Fachdidaktik
- 070168 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070086 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070092 VK Vertiefungskurs Fachdidaktik
- 070168 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070160 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Globalgeschichte
- 070167 VK Vertiefungskurs Fachdidaktik - Geschichte der Globalisierung
- 070071 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070149 VU STEOP: Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme in History, Soc. St and Political Education (S
- 070158 VU STEOP: Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme in History, Soc. St and Political Education (S
- 070164 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I) - Kolonialisierung und Globalisierung
Last modified: Th 05.12.2024 08:00
(Fach-)didaktik Geschichte, Geschichtskultur und historische Game Studies
Ulrich Baumgärtner: Wegweiser Geschichtsdidaktik: Historisches Lernen in der Schule
Gundermann, Christine; Brauer, Juliane; Carlà-Uhink, Filippo; Keilbach, Judith; Logge, Thorsten; Morat, Daniel et al. (2021): Schlüsselbegriffe der Public History. Stuttgart, Deutschland (utb-studi-e-book, 5728).
Preisinger, Alexander (2022): Digitale Spiele in der historisch-politischen Bildung. Unter Mitarbeit von Florian Aumayr. Frankfurt/M.: Wochenschau (Wochenschau Geschichte).Zweitprüfer:
Thema: Staat und Staatlichkeit
Arnold Bühler: Herrschaft im Mittelalter
Hartmann Wunderer: Staat und Herrschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit
Thomas Mergel: Staat und Staatlichkeit in der europäischen Moderne