Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Jürgen Kriwet
- Mail: juergen.kriwet@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-53520
- Mobile: +43-664-8175776
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 280142 VU Phylogenetic systematics of vertebrates
- 280177 VU Methods in evolutionary research
- 280182 SE Evolution and Palaeobiology of Dinosaurs
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 280008 VO Biology
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280175 VU Functional Morphology
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Paleontology
- 280142 VU Vertebrate Evolution
- 280177 VU Evolution and Diversity Research
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 280008 VO Biology
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280175 VU Functional Morphology
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 300133 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology
- 280142 VU Vertebrate Evolution
- 280177 VU Evolution and Diversity Research
- 300262 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 450006 SE Topics In Palaeontology (PI)
- 280008 VO BA-ERD-6 Biology (NPI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280075 VU MA-ERD Functional Morphology (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-P-5 Evolution and Diversity Research (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280142 VU MA-ERD-W-3.23 Vertebrate Evolution (PI)
- 300262 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 450006 SE Topics In Palaeontology (PI)
- 280008 VO BA-ERD-6 Biology (NPI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280075 VU MA-ERD Functional Morphology (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology (PI)
- 280008 VO BA-ERD-6 Biology (NPI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280075 VU MA-ERD-P-3 Functional Morphology (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 300144 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology (PI)
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (PI)
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - Niedere Vertebrata
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 300086 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 300116 UE Evolutionary Ecology of Fish
- 450006 SE Topics in Palaeontology
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - - Niedere Vertebrata
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 300192 UE Exercise to Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates - - Niedere Vertebrata
- 300483 UE Palaeontological Working Methods - Laboratory
- 280014 VU BA_ERD_11 Palaeobiodiversity (PI)
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (PI)
- 300273 VU Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280079 VU MA-ERD-14 Geobiologie (PI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300163 PP Form and function of organisms - Participation in the workgroups
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (PI)
- 300219 VO Evolutionary developmental palaeobiology of Vertebrates
- 300418 UE Research Training in Zoology
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300068 UE Practical courses in Zoology, part A - parallel courses
- 300163 UE Special course in palaeobiology - Participation in the workgroups
- 300306 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students), III
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution der Wirbeltiere (PI)
- 300102 VO Basics in Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
- 280053 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
- 300068 UE Practical courses in Zoology, part A - parallel courses
- 300208 VO Functional Ecomorphology of basal Tetrapods
- 300217 UE Functional Ecomorphology of basal Tetrapods - Tutorial
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 300102 VO Evolutionary ecology of fish
- 300146 UE Body plans of anmials, part 2
- 300166 EX Excursions to fossil vertebrate sites
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students) IV
- 280001 VO PM STEOP The Earth System (NPI)
- 280009 VO PM Biology 1 (Organismische Biologie) (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 300122 VO Paleobiogeography
- 300306 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 300322 SE Current controversies in Vertebrate Palaeobiology
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280015 VO+UE PM Palaeobiodiversity VO+UE (PI)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 300102 VO Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300128 UE Excercises to Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology - Mammalevolution and palaeoecology
- 300146 UE Body plans of anmials, part 2
- 300212 PP Palaeontological field school - Lavantal
- 300280 UE Phylogenetic Systematic
- 300283 SE Seminar - research in palaeontological evolution
- 300320 VO Introduction into Palaeoichthyology
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students), II
- 450008 SE+EX Trends in Palaeontological Research, II - Highlights in the Evolution of Vertebrates
- 280001 VO PM STEOP The Earth System (NPI)
- 280009 VO PM Biology 1 (Organismische Biologie) (NPI)
- 280044 VO PM Biostratigraphy und Evolution of life (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 300130 VO Evolutionary functional morphology of aquatic vertebrates
- 300383 VO Evolutionary research in palaeontology
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280015 VO+UE PM Palaeobiodiversity VO+UE (PI)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 300102 VO Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300128 UE Excercises to Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology - Mammalevolution and palaeoecology
- 300166 EX Excursions to fossil vertebrate sites
- 300320 VO Introduction into Palaeoichthyology
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280001 VO PM STEOP The Earth System (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280207 SE Paleontological Seminar
- 300100 VO Paleobiogeography
- 300343 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal gnathostome vertebrates
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450006 SE+UE Trends in Palaeontological Research, III - Aktuelle Kontroversen in der Wirbeltier-Paläobiologie (Current controversies in Vertebrate Palaeobiology)
- 280007 VO Palaeobiodiversity (BA04) STEP (NPI)
- 280008 UE Palaeobiodiversity (BA04) STEP (PI)
- 280031 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part II (NPI)
- 280523 SE Paleontological Seminar
- 300099 VO Marine biology from a palaeobiological perspective
- 300102 VO Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300279 EX Palaeontological excursion
- 300280 UE Applied methods in vertebrate palaeontology
- 300283 SE Seminar - research in palaeontological evolution
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 300338 SE Palaeobiology of vertebrates
- 300383 VO Palaeontological evolution
- 450008 VO+SE+EX Trends in Palaeontology and Palaeobiology, I
Last modified: We 12.02.2025 10:21