Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michele Calella
- Mail: michele.calella@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-44210
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Department of Musicology (Historical Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Systematic Musicology), Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien, Room 3A-O1-28.A
Teaching (iCal)
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160010 UE Introduction to the Study of Italian Opera in the 19th Century - Sources, Approaches, Research Perspectives
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160012 MA Master's Seminar
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160008 VO Music for Christmas: Genres, Topics and Performance Contexts
- 160009 SE Opera in Vienna during the Theresian and Josephine Eras (1740-1790)
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160008 VO Eighteenth-Century Opera: Texts, Contexts and Performance Practices
- 160009 SE Franz Liszt in Weimar (1848-1861)
- 160010 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160011 MA Master's Seminar
- 420006 SE Methods of Performance Studies in Musicology and Theater Studies
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160008 VO Music History III
- 160009 VU Musicology Today
- 160010 VO Poesia per musica - Poetic and Musical Forms in Italian Vocal Music (14th to 20th Centuries)
- 160011 SE Music Around 1850: Sounds, Discourses, Practices
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160009 MA Master's Seminar
- 160006 VO A History of Musicology: Fields, Theories, Methods, Trends
- 160007 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160010 VO Music History III
- 160011 UE Mentoring
- 420010 SE Sound, Performance and Ritual
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160010 SE From Ossian to the Muezzin: 'People', Nation & Otherness in the European Music Culture of the 19th c
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160006 SE Music and Musicology During the Nazism
- 160007 UE Mentoring
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160007 VO Scoring the Stars: Hollywood Film Music in the 20th Century
- 160008 SE Gustav Mahler: Context, Analysis, Interpretation
- 160009 UE Current Musicology
- 160010 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160005 VO Music History III
- 160033 UE Mentoring
- 420006 SE Current Projects on music, theatre and multimedia
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology (VO, 4 ECTS)
- 160005 VO Introduction to opera research
- 160006 PS Mozart 1791: Biography, Oeuvre, Myths
- 160007 UE Current Musicology
- 160005 SE Franz Liszt in Weimar (1848-1861)
- 160006 VO Music between society and discourse
- 160007 UE Academic Working Methods in Musicology
- 420010 SE Current researches on music, theatre and Multimedia
- 160001 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160005 UE Current Tendencies in Musicology - Current Musicology
- 160006 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160005 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160013 PV Privatissimum
- 160015 UE Academic Working Methods in Musicology (UE, 5 ECTS)
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160047 VO Music History III
- 160002 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
- 160005 UE The art of affections or the language of the absolute? - Music aesthetical and poetical outline between rationalism and romanticism
- 160007 PS Beethoven's piano sonatas
- 160008 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160026 UE Current State of Musicology
- 160004 VO Musical intertextuality: theories, problems, historical developements
- 160025 VO+UE Current Ethnomusicology
- 420009 SE Current research projects on history of music, theatre and multimedia
- 160002 VO Introduction to musicology II
- 160007 VO Work techniques in musicology
- 160010 VO Music History V (1850-1950)
- 160011 SE Händel´s early operas
- 160012 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160031 VO+UE Current Musicology - perspectives of research
- 160005 VO+UE Musical "meaning": problems and perspectives
- 160007 PS J.S. Bach's Passions
- 160008 VO Work techniques in musicology
- 160031 VO+UE Current Musicology - perspectives of research
- 420002 SE Current trends in musicology
- 160010 VO Music History III (1600-1750)
- 160035 VO Introduction to musicology II
- 160045 SE Christoph Willibald Gluck's Operas
- 160046 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160094 VO Anton Bruckner
- 160028 VO Introduction to the Musicological Music Film Studies
- 160029 SE French Piano Music around 1900
- 160032 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 420010 SE Social-historical approaches in musicology
- 160059 VO Introduction to musicology III
- 160060 VO Mozart and the Italian Opera in Vienna (1783-1792)
- 160061 SE Mendelssohn's symphonic works
- 160062 MA Research seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160090 VO From Anonymity to Monument: Authorship in Western Musical Culture
- 160091 SE Franz Liszt's 'Années de pèlerinage'
- 160092 UE Theory, Analysis and Interpretation of Renaissance Music
- 160093 UE Carl Dahlhaus: "Foundations of Music History" (Reading Course)
- 160095 MA Research seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160117 VO Introduction to musicology I-V
- 160066 MA Research seminar for diploma, master and doctoral candidates
- 160067 SE+EX Music, Dance and Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV.
- 160068 VO Music - Culture - Science II (lecture series)
- 160070 KO Music - Culture - Science (conversatorium)
- 160022 VO Introduction to musicology III
- 160025 VO Work techniques in musicology
- 160027 SE Society, nation and gender in 19th century opera
- 160028 VO Music - Culture - Science (lecture series)
- 160030 KO Music - Culture - Science (conversatorium)
- 160031 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 420001 SE Workshop. Reflection, Research, Write
- 160103 VO+UE Introduction to the Analysis of Post-Tonal Music
- 160173 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160017 VO Introduction to musicology
- 160070 VO+KO Opera in 18th Century
- 160076 SE Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and the others: Piano Music from 1830 to 1856 - Klaviermusik von ca. 1830 bis 1856
- 160077 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160091 VO Film Music in Hollywood from 'King Kong' (1933) to 'The Lord of the Rings' (2001)
- 160195 UE Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken
- 160048 UE Early atonal music
- 160066 PS Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736) between mythology and musc historiography
- 160067 VO 'Old' and 'new' musicology: methods and perspectives
- 160075 SE Opera in german language in the first half of the 20th-century
- 160076 UE Analytical exercises on musical structures (18th-19th) century)
- 160173 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00