Universität Wien

Mag. Dr. Andrea Pichler, Privatdoz.

Currently not an active member of staff

Teaching (iCal)

300244 SE Ubiquitin Family Modifiers - Vertiefungsseminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
300573 SE Biology of Cell Nucleus - SE Functional organization of the cell nucleus - Seminar for the students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
300574 SE "Work-in-progress" seminar - for students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
300381 SE Ubiquitin Family Modifiers - Vertiefungsseminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
300574 SE "Work-in-progress" seminar - for students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
300568 SE Ubiquitin Family Modifiers - Vertiefungsseminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
300573 VO Biology of the Cell Nucleus - Lectureseriesfor the students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"
300574 SE "Work-in-progress" seminar - for students of the doctoral school "Functional organization of the cell nucleus"

Last modified: Su 20.12.2020 05:07