Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Langer
- Mail: gerhard.langer@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-43310
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Research Centre Religion and Transformation
Teaching (iCal)
- 060010 VO The biblical narrative from the Rabbis to the present day
- 060012 SE Animals in rabbinic and other Jewish traditions
- 060018 UE Scientific Concepts
- 060025 VO History of Rabbinical Literature and Culture
- 060012 SE Jewish art in the context of religious art - Summer Course July 22-25, 2024; Seggau Castle
- 060016 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE
- 060018 SE The eternal struggle between good and evil in rabbinic texts
- 060019 VO The power of images: Aesthetics, politics, religion, text and image
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 060018 UE Scientific Concepts
- 060020 SE Louis Ginzberg, "The Legends of the Jews" and its rabbinic background
- 060025 VO History of Rabbinical Literature and Culture
- 060016 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE
- 060018 SE Midrash as halakhic and aggadic source
- 060019 VO The Yiddish Ma´asse-Book/Mayse-Bukh and its Rabbinic Sources
- 060020 SE The Jewish Rediscovery of the Orient and the Jewish Orientalists - The Orient as a narrative of origin. European Summer-University in Hohenems, 11.06.-16.06.2023
- 060014 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE
- 060016 SE Selected texts for understanding rabbinic hermeneutics
- 060019 VO Jewish festivals in tradition and literature
- 060020 SE Eating and Drinking - Festivals and Fastings
- 060027 SE Knowledge, Belief, Superstition
- 060011 SE Texts from Song of Songs Rabbah
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 060025 VO History of Rabbinical Literature and Culture
- 060035 SE Psalms: Bible and Afterlife
- 060005 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE
- 060011 SE Jewish martyrs in the rabbinic context
- 060012 VO German-Jewish literature and rabbinic tradition
- 410007 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar: Judaism and its Diversity
- 010026 SE Human dignity and human rights within the context of religious traditions an legal orders
- 060012 SE Biblical Women in Midrashic reception
- 060013 VO Outsiders, heretics and apostates in rabbinic tradition
- 060025 VO History of Rabbinical Literature and Culture
- 060033 SE Jewish religion in criminal novels
- 060012 SE Lamentations in Bible and Midrash
- 060014 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE
- 060018 VO Jews as the First and Last Europeans - European Summer-University in Hohenems, 07.06.-12.06.2020
- 060025 VO The Jewish Body: an inernal and external view
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 060025 VO History of Rabbinical Literature and Culture
- 060028 SE Fake in Bible and Rabbinical Literature
- 060033 SE The Land of Israel and Sense of Place
- 060007 PS Introduction into Methods for the Antique and Rabbinic Period
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen)
- 060013 SE The role of gender in the monotheistic religions - Sommerkurs 22.-25.7.2019 in Seggau
- 060014 SE The meaning of eating and food in Judaism. - European Summer-University in Hohenems, June 30-July 5 2019
- 060016 SE Kohelet, Song of Songs: Summer-Course - Vorau/Styria July 7-13 2019
- 060017 SE Jewish Vilnius (Lithuania): Excursion June 3-7 2019 - with Cornelius Hell
- 060018 SE Master-Preparation SE
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060011 SE Conversion in Judaism: Giur, Teshuva and more - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1 (70-1000 C.E.)
- 060005 VO Understanding Rabbinic Texts: Hermeneutics, Structure, Form
- 060006 SE "If you will it, it ist no dream": Texts about "Zion" from the Bible to the present
- 060008 SE Angels and Demons - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen)
- 140026 VO M6: Christian and Jewish Theologies
- 060009 SE Texts about eating and drinking in rabbinic literature
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 060016 VO Dietary laws as identity marker
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1 (70-1000 C.E.)
- 060007 PS Introduction into Methods for the Antique and Rabbinic Period
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 060011 SE "Great Moments" in the Bible: Time - history - reception - The meaning of history in the Bible and rabbinic tradition: Block
- 060013 SE Jewish-Christian and Muslim dialogue and the meaning of peace
- 490120 VO M6: Christian theologies
- 060009 SE Dream in Rabbinic and modern literature and in Psychoanalysis
- 060015 SE Humor, Satire, Irony. From rabbinic texts to modern jokes - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060016 VO Midrash from Antiquity to Modern Times
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1 (70-1000 C.E.)
- 490157 SE M6: Interreligious and Intercultural Learning - Einführung in die jüdische Theologie
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060025 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 490117 SE M6: Interreligious and Intercultural Learning - Einführung in die jüdische Theologie
- 060003 VO Teaching and Learning in Judaism, Christendom and Islam - Lernen, Lehren und Wissenschaft in Judentum, Christentum und Islam
- 060010 PV Texts about poverty and wealth in Rabbinic Literature
- 060011 PV Poverty in the Jewish tradition: Sommeruniversity in Hohenems
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 060003 PV Biblical women in late rabbinic texts
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060018 SE The Jewish Jesus from Rabbinic times up to modern Israeli art
- 060023 SE Pairs in the Hebrew Bible and in Rabbinic Literature - Interdisziplinäres Seminar
- 060016 VO Midrash from Antiquity to Modern Times
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 060018 PV Medieval midrashim - Asseret ha-dibrot (on the Decalogue) Eleh ezkerah (on maryrs) etc.
- 060019 SE Halakha, cultic texts, and narratives in Talmud and midrash
- 060016 PV Leviticus in Wayikra Rabbah
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060023 SE A(n) (un)known book? Leviticus in the Bible and rabbinic Midrash
- 060025 VO+UE Judaism as World-Culture (Introduction)
- 060003 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen)
- 060023 SE Jewish Life in Budapest past and present - Seminar with Excursion (15.-18.04.2013)
- 060024 SE Abraham: Father of nations or spirit of discord? - Summer-University in the Augustine-monastery of Vorau (Styria), 07.-13.07.2013
- 060027 SE Seminar for doctoral students (in Basel) - April 23-24 2013
- 060007 PS Introduction into Methods for the Antique and Rabbinic Period
- 060008 BUE Exercise Course on Introduction into Methods
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060024 PV 'Rabbinic biographies' - rabbinic narratives in Talmud and Midrash
- 060025 SE Women of the Bible in Rabbinic and Patristic Reception
- 060064 PV Avot de-Rabbi Natan A
- 060065 SE Rabbinic texts and history - Zur Problematik der Verwertung rabbinischer Belege für eine spätantike Geschichtsschreibung
- 060066 VO+UE Rabbinic story-telling - Rachel, Berurja, Akiva, Eliezer, Elischa ben Abuja u.a.
- 060067 SE "Wendepunkte" - Summer School Hohenems
- 060007 VO+UE Rabbinic Theology
- 060061 PV Reading Jiddish Texts: jiddish Midrash literature
- 060064 PV Rabbinic Texts: Midrash Genesis Rabbah
- 060065 VO+UE Rabbinic Anthropology
- 060045 SE Rabbinic Midrashim: Hermeneutics, Narratology, Reception
- 060065 PV Mishnah: Ketubbot - Property-rights, marriage- and family-laws
- 060068 VO+UE Modern Midrash and Rewritten Bible
- 060088 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Midrash; Mishnah, and Talmud: An Introduction into Rabbinic Literature with text-examples
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 08:00