ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Raith
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-50628
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 250167 UE Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250175 UE Applied mathematics for secondary school teacher accreditation programm
- 250028 UE UE Linear algebra and mathematical analysis in several variables for pre-service teachers
- 250134 UE UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250028 PS Analysis 2
- 250028 UE UE Linear algebra and mathematical analysis in several variables for pre-service teachers
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250167 UE Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250172 UE School mathematics stochastics
- 250028 UE UE Linear algebra and mathematical analysis in several variables for pre-service teachers
- 250134 UE UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250163 UE Geometry and linear algebra for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250175 UE Applied mathematics for secondary school teacher accreditation programm
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250134 UE UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250163 UE UE Tutorial: Geometry and linear algebra for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250167 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250175 UE Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt
- 250028 UE UE Linear algebra and mathematical analysis in several variables for pre-service teachers
- 250134 UE UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250163 UE Tutorial: Geometry and linear algebra für secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250175 UE Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt
- 250052 UE UE Tutorial: elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250054 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250163 UE Tutorial: Geometry and linear algebra für secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250167 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250020 UE Tutorials on complex analysis
- 250052 UE UE Tutorial: elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250031 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250040 UE Tutorial: Geometry and linear algebra für secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250044 UE Schulmathematik Stochastik
- 250043 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250050 UE Schulmathematik Analysis
- 250052 UE Schulmathematik Elementargeometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250033 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250045 VO VO Mathematik im Alltag und in naturwissenschaftlichen Anwendungen
- 250046 VO Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt
- 250047 UE Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt
- 250031 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250046 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250047 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250032 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250035 VO Stochastics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250037 UE Tutorial: Stochastics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250045 VO Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250046 UE Tutorial: Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250050 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250052 VO Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250053 UE Tutorial: Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250070 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250032 VO Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250033 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250056 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250012 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250013 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250042 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250046 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250051 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250052 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250096 SE Seminar (association of ergodic theory)
- 250020 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250045 VO Stochastics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250046 UE Tutorial: Stochastics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250122 SE Seminar (Association of ergodic theory)
- 250008 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250017 VO Linear algebra and Geometry for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250018 UE Tutorials on Linear algebra and Geometry for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250053 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250012 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250015 UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250042 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250029 UE Tutorial: Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250042 VO Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250045 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250047 UE Tutorial: Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250020 UE Tutorials: Analysis in one Variable (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme)
- 250029 UE Tutorials on probability theory and statistics
- 250050 VO Algebra for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250051 UE Tutorial: Algebra for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250056 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250024 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250041 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250042 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250043 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250058 VO Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250059 UE Tutorial: Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250060 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250012 VO Analysis
- 250013 UE Tutorials on "Analysis"
- 250026 UE Tutorial: Real analysis into several and complex analysis into variable for SSTAP
- 250055 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250032 VO Introduction to Analysis
- 250033 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250034 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250041 UE Tutorials on Analysis in one Variable (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme)
- 250016 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250021 VO Real analysis into several and complex analysis into variable for SSTAP
- 250022 UE Tutorial: Real analysis into several and complex analysis into variable for SSTAP
- 250030 SE Seminar Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Algebra)
- 250319 VO Analysis in one Variable for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250320 UE Tutorials to Analysis in one Variable for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250332 SE Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250334 UE Introductory Seminar to Complex Analysis
- 250155 VO Higher Analysis for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250156 PS Introductory Seminar to Higher Analysis for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250178 SE Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
- 250180 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250283 SE Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
- 250325 VO Probability and Statistics for the SSTAP - Probability Theory and Statistics for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250326 PS Introductory Seminar to Probability for SSTAP - Introductory Seminar to Probability Theory and Statistics for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250327 SE Seminar for the SSTAP (Analysis) - Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250330 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250456 VO Applied Mathematics for SSTA - Applied Mathematics for Secondary school teacher accreditation
- 250457 PS Introd. Seminar to Applied Mathematics for SSTA - Introductory Seminar to Applied Mathematics for Secondary school teacher accreditation
- 250458 SE Seminar for SSTA (Probability Theory) - Seminar for Secondary school teacher accreditation (Probability Theory)
- 250463 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 250321 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250322 VO Analysis 3 - Analysis 3
- 250323 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3 - Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250333 SE Seminar (Analysis) for SSTA - Seminar (Analysis) for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation
- 250057 VO Analysis 2 - Analysis 2
- 250058 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250093 UE Repetition Course to Analysis 2 - Repetition Course to Analysis 2
- 250107 SE Seminar for SSTAP (Probability Theory) - Seminar for SSTAP (Probability Theory )
- 800427 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 801460 VO Analysis 1 - Analysis 1
- 814197 SE Seminar for the SSTAP - Seminar for the Secondary School teacher Accredidation Programme
- 878053 UE Repetitorium for Analysis 1 - Repetitorium for Analysis 1
- 803777 PS Introductory Seminar to lin. al. and geom. 1 - Introductory Seminar to linear algebra and geometry 1
- 814295 SE Seminar for the SSTA (Probability Theory) - Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
- 877392 PS Introductory seminar to Analysis 3 - Introductory seminar to Analysis 3
- 878149 PS Proseminar zu Höhere Analysis für LAK - Proseminar zu Höhere Analysis für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 802989 VO Probability Theory and Statistics for the SSTAP - Probability Theory and Statistics for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme
- 803584 PS Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 2 - Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 2
- 814197 SE Seminar for the SSTAP - Seminar for the Secondary School teacher Accredidation Programme
- 814260 PS Introductory Seminar to Probability for the SSTAP - Introductory Seminar to Probalitiy Theory and Statistics for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme
- 803773 PS Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1 - Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1
- 814295 SE Seminar for the SSTA (Probability Theory) - Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
- 814296 VO Applied Mathematics for SSTA - Applied Mathematics for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme
- 814297 PS Introductory Seminar to Applied Mathematics SSTA - Introductory Seminar to Applied Mathematics for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme
- 877392 PS Proseminar Analysis 3 - Proseminar Analysis 3
- 803353 VO Analysis 3 - Analysis 3
- 803354 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 3 - Proseminar zu Analysis 3
- 803584 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 2 - Proseminar zu Analysis 2
- 814176 SE Seminar (Analysis) für LehramtskandidatInnen - Seminar (Analysis) für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 801156 VO Analysis 2 - Analysis 2
- 801158 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 2 - Proseminar zu Analysis 2
- 814200 SE Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Stochastik) - Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie)
- 814237 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 1 - Proseminar zu Analysis 1
- 800426 VO Analysis 1 - Analysis 1
- 800427 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 1 - Proseminar zu Analysis 1
- 814167 PS Proseminar zu Algebra für LehramtskandiatInnen - Proseminar zu Algebra für LehramtskandiatInnen
- 814176 SE Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen - Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen(Analysis)
- 800032 VO Höhere Analysis für LehramtskandidatInnen - Höhere Analysis für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 800034 PS Proseminar zu Höhere Analysis für LAK - Proseminar zu Höhere Analysis für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 814072 SE Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra) - Seminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra)
- 822065 PS Proseminar zu Schulmathematik III (Geometrie) - Proseminar zu Schulmathematik III (Geometrie)
- 802989 VO Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie für Lehramtskandidaten - Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 802615 UE Proseminar zu Analysis III - Proseminar zu Analysis III
- 802838 UE Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802378 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 898283 PS Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802050 UE Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802838 PS Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra)
- 898283 PS Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802838 UE Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra)
- 802219 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 802220 UE Proseminar zu Topologie - Proseminar zu Topologie
- 898283 KO Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802835 UE Übungen zu Analysis I - Übungen zu Analysis I
- 802837 UE Übungen zu linearer Algebra II - Übungen zu linearer Algebra II
- 802838 UE Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra)
- 802624 UE PS: LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Algebra)
- 898283 UE Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802624 UE PS: LehramtskandidatInnen (Lineare Algebra) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Lineare Algebra)
- 898283 UE Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis) - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 898283 UE Proseminar für LAK - Proseminar für LehramtskandidatInnen (Analysis)
- 802533 UE Proseminar für LAK - Proseminar für Lehramtskandidaten (lineare Algebra)
Last modified: Th 16.01.2025 11:20