Dr. habil. Wilfried Engemann
Business Card: vCard
Department of Practical Theology and Psychology of Religion, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Wien, Room 6OG006
Teaching (iCal)
- 020031 VO-L Liturgics - Geschichte, Theologie und Struktur des christlichen Gottesdienstes
- 020033 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Prinzipien und Methoden der Predigtarbeit
- 602006 SE Research: Practical Theology (Protestant theology) - Praktische Theologie und Humanwissenschaften. Spurensicherung eines Dialogs in OEuvre Otto Haendlers
- 020043 VO-L Homiletics - Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Predigtlehre in Geschichte und Gegenwart
- 020044 UE Liturgical processes and music - Lieder des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs: Theologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte im liturgischen Kontext
- 020045 SE Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Basic approaches, rescources and prospects of pastoral care
- 020034 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020036 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Priciples and methods of preaching
- 020037 SE "You have to know that!" - Reading Seminar Against Discourse Oblivion - Advanced course in Practical Theology
- 020034 VO-L Homiletics - Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Predigtlehre in Geschichte und Gegenwart
- 020037 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Priciples and methods of preaching
- 020026 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020028 UE Liturgical processes and music - Lieder des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs: Theologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte im liturgischen Kontext
- 020060 VU Lecture series of the professorship of the Faculty of Protestant Theology - Theology of the future? Points of reference in the present
- 020032 VO-L Homiletics - Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Predigtlehre in Geschichte und Gegenwart
- 020036 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Priciples and methods of preaching
- 020030 VO-L Indroduction in Liturgics - History - Theology - Structure
- 020034 SE Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Basic approaches, rescources and prospects of pastoral care
- 020049 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020050 UE Basic Questions of Psychology of Religion - Psychologisches Grundwissen für kirchliche Berufe
- 020051 SE Homiletics II
- 020032 VO-L Introduction to Homiletics
- 020033 UE Liturgical processes and music - Lieder des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs: Theologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte im liturgischen Kontext
- 020036 PS Homiletics I
- 020036 SE Homiletics II - Principles and Methods of preaching
- 020037 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Liturgics. History Theology Structure
- 020041 SE Advanced course in Practical Theology - Current topics and interdisciplinary focal points of Practical Theology
- 020047 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020049 SE Basic Approaches, Resources and Prospects of Pastoral Care since 1945 - Ansätze und Methoden der Poimenik
- 020052 SE Advanced course in Practical Theology - Psychological Patterns of Reasoning in the Practical Theology, using the example of Otto Haendler and Oskar Pfister
- 020038 VO Introduction to Homiletics - Einführung in die Homiletik
- 020039 SE Homiletics II - Principles and Methods of preaching
- 020040 UE Basic Questions of Psychology of Religion - Psychological Implications of the Practical Theology using the example of Otto Haendler’s texts
- 020047 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020048 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020049 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Principles anf Methods of Preaching
- 020050 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Liturgic and Music - Liturgical Process and Music
- 020035 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Liturgics. History Theology Structure
- 020036 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020037 SE Basic Approaches, Resources and Prospects of Pastoral Care since 1945
- 020038 UE Basic Questions of Psychology of Religion - Psychological Implications of the Practical Theology using the example of Otto Haendler’s texts
- 020020 VO Introduction to Homiletics
- 020021 UE Liturgical processes and music - Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Abendmahlsfeier heute
- 020022 SE Homiletics II - Principles and Methods of preaching
- 020054 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology - anhand einer Schwerpunktdisziplin (Homiletik)
- 020016 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020017 SE Baswic Approaches, Resources and Prospects of Pastoral Care since 1945
- 020018 PS Homiletics I
- 020032 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Geschichte, Theologie und Konzeption des christlichen Gottesdienstes
- 020033 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Prinzipien und Methoden der Predigtvorbereitung und der Predigtanalyse
- 020034 UE Basic Questions of Practical Theology - Otto Haendler's Impulse for Practical Theology
- 020009 VO Introduction to Homiletics
- 020010 SE Faith an religion in Context with Disasters (= Perspectives on Contemporary Liturgy)
- 370001 PV Practical Theology as interdisciplinary field (= Colloquium for Doctoral Students) - (= Doktorandenseminar)
- 020019 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020020 SE Homiletics II: Principles and Methods of Preaching
- 020021 SE Baswic Approaches, Resources and Prospects of Pastoral Care since 1945
- 020026 VO Liturgics
- 020027 PS Homiletics
- 020028 SE Seminar on Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Ansätze, Ressourcen und Perspektiven der Seelsorge seit 1945
- 370004 PV Interdisciplinary Kolloquium
- 020026 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020028 SE Homiletics
- 020029 SE Liturgics MA-SE - Probleme und Perspektiven der Anthropologie des Gottesdienstes
- 020024 VO Homiletics
- 020025 SE Homiletics
- 020026 SE Compulsory Optional Subject: Psychology of Religion - Wahlfach: Praktische Theologie MA-SE
- 020044 SE Homiletics II
- 020045 SE Seminar on Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Mystagogue, Rabbi, Therapist? On Role Models and Modes of Pratice of Pastoral Workers
- 020046 VO Liturgics
Last modified: We 18.12.2024 08:40