ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hermann Schichl
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-50666
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 250003 UE STEOP: Exercises on Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250026 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250035 SE Seminar Optimization
- 250055 KU Exercise Analysis for Advanced students
- 250104 VO Global Optimization
- 250016 UE STEOP: Exercises on Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250020 VO Topology and Functional Analysis
- 250021 PS Topology and Functional Analysis
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250035 SE Seminar Optimization
- 250078 VO Advanced numerical analysis
- 250163 UE Geometry and linear algebra for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250063 VO Nonlinear optimization
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250134 UE UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 053049 SE Master Seminar
- 250035 SE Seminar Optimization
- 250055 KU Exercise Analysis for Advanced students
- 250082 VO Linear Algebra 2
- 250125 VO Interval Analysis
- 250172 UE School mathematics stochastics
- 250002 UE UE Übung zu Algebra 2
- 250012 PS Analysis and Linear Algebra 1
- 250013 VO Linear Algebra 1
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250032 SE Bachelorseminar
- 250035 SE Seminar Optimization
- 250055 KU Exercise Analysis for Advanced students
- 250056 KU Exercise Linear Algebra for Advanced students
- 250086 VO Moment Problems and Optimal Control
- 250023 VO Numeric mathematics 1
- 250024 UE Tutorials for "Numeric mathematics 1"
- 250039 UE Tutorials for "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250044 VO Applied optimization
- 250046 UE Tutorials on applied opimization
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250033 VO Real Algebraic Geometry and Polynomial Optimization
- 250035 SE Optimization
- 250055 UE Tutorials for Analysis and Linear Algebra
- 250056 UE Tutorials for Analysis and Linear Algebra
- 250004 SE Bachelor seminar
- 250023 VO Numeric mathematics 1
- 250039 UE Tutorials for "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250126 UE Tutorials for Lineare Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis
- 250030 KO Tutorials for Analysis and Linear Algebra
- 250075 UE Tutorials on functional analysis
- 442505 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250018 UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- 250039 KO Tutorials for Lineare Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis
- 250109 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250028 UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- 250030 KO Tutorials for Analysis and Linear Algebra
- 250071 PS Introductory seminar Advanced numerical analysis
- 250117 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250012 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250037 VO Linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250087 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250143 VO Numerical Linear Algebra
- 250019 VO Linear algebra and geometry 1
- 250070 VO Advanced numerical analysis
- 250073 PJ+SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250151 KO Tutorials for Linear Algebra 1 and Analysis
- 250013 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250014 UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250063 VO Nonlinear optimization
- 250087 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250073 PJ+SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250078 VO Selected topics in optimization
- 442502 VO Solution Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization
- 250045 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250047 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250087 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250113 VO Global Optimization
- 250052 PJ+SE Project seminar (Optimization)
- 250105 UE Tutorial: Geometry and linear algebra für secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250003 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematics
- 250062 VO Optimization and variational calculus
- 250084 SE Seminar (optimization)
- 442504 VO Nonsmooth Optimization
- 250038 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250039 VU Applications of algebra
- 250042 UE Geometrie und Lineare Algebra für das Lehramt
- 250075 UE Tutorial: Stochastics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250097 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250003 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250038 UE Tutorials on Linear algebra and Geometry for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250058 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250092 VO Applied analysis
- 250095 PJ+SE Project seminar (Optimization)
- 250021 UE Tutorials on complex analysis
- 250100 VO Numerical mathematics
- 250101 UE Tutorials on numerical mathematics
- 250103 UE Practical programming course
- 250108 SE Seminar (applied mathematics and optimization)
- 250025 UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- 250053 UE Tutorial: Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250072 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250073 VO Convex optimization
- 260225 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists I
- 250003 UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- 250026 VO Optimization and variational calculus
- 250058 UE Tutorial: Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250095 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250002 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250003 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology - (speziell für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 250004 UE Tutorials for the introductory phase of the SSTAP
- 250008 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250016 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250093 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250097 SE Seminar (Computational Optimization)
- 250014 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250058 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250111 VO Interval analysis
- 250062 VO Numerical mathematics 2
- 250063 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250065 VO Global Optimization
- 250072 VO Optimization and variational calculus
- 250073 VU Applications of algebra
- 250074 PJ+SE Project seminar (Optimization)
- 250024 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250055 VO Combinatorial optimization
- 250056 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 050095 UE Problem Session: Algorithms, Data Structures and Programmimg 1
- 250061 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250065 VO Numeric linear algebra
- 250066 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250067 PJ+SE Project seminar (Optimization)
- 250004 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250081 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250082 VO Convex optimization 2
- 250083 VO Numerical mathematics 2
- 250084 PS Introductory seminar on Numerical mathematics 2
- 250077 VO Numerical mathematics
- 250078 UE Tutorials on numerical mathematics
- 250079 VO Global optimization (Selected topics in optimization)
- 250080 VO Algorithms for convex optimization (Selected topics in optimization)
- 250103 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250067 VO Optimization and variational calculus
- 250068 PS Introductory seminar to optimization and variational calculus
- 250069 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250070 VO Selected topics in applied mathematics - (Internal points procedures)
- 250373 VO Real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization 2
- 250374 VO Mathematical methods of CAD
- 250375 PJ+SE Project seminar (Applied mathematics and Optimization)
- 250376 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250213 VO Interval analysis
- 250214 VO Introduction into mathematical methodology
- 250215 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250216 VO Real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization
- 250370 VO Numerical linear algebra - Numerical linear algebra
- 250371 VO Selec. topics in appl. math.: global optimization - Selected topics in applied mathematics: global optimization
- 250372 SE Seminar (Optimization) - Seminar (Optimization)
- 250492 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 250493 VO Optimization and variational calculus - Optimization and variational calculus
- 250494 PS Intro. seminar to optim. and variational calculus - Introductory Seminar to optimization and variational calculus
- 250495 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Optimization and numeric) - Project Seminar (Optimization and numeric)
- 250496 SE Seminar (Optimization) - Seminar (Optimization)
- 250307 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250365 VO Combinatorial Optimization - Combinatorial Optimization
- 250366 SE Seminar (Optimization) - Seminar (Optimization)
- 250367 VO Mathematische Methoden des CAD - Mathematische Methoden des CAD
- 250056 PJ+SE PJ SE in applied math. / Optimization - Project seminar in Applied Mathematics / Optimization
- 250081 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 250126 VO Numerical Mathematics 2 - Numerical Mathematics 2
- 250127 PS Introductory Seminar to Numerical Mathematics 2 - Introductory Seminar to Numerical Mathematics 2
- 250128 SE Seminar (Optimization) - Seminar (Optimization)
- 878187 VO Numerical Linear Algebra - Numerical Linear Algebra
- 902445 PJ+SE Projektseminar (Optimierung) - Projektseminar (Optimierung)
- 902446 VO Global Optimization - Global Optimization
- 803762 VO Optimization and variational calculus - Optimization and variational calculus
- 877356 PJ+SE Project seminar in optimization and applied math. - Project seminar in optimization and applied mathematics
- 878186 PS Introductory seminar to Optim. and var. calculus - Introductory seminar to optimization and variational calculus
- 800438 VO Numerical Analysis and Modeling 2 - Numerical Analysis and Modeling 2
- 877905 PS Introductory seminar in numerical analysis 2 - Introductory seminar in numerical analysis and modeling 2
- 877906 VO Introduction to mathematical reasoning - Introduction to mathematical reasoning
- 877354 VO Numerical analysis and modeling - Numerical analysis and modeling
- 877355 PS Introductory seminar on numerical analysis - Introductory seminar on numerical analysis and modeling
- 877356 PJ+SE Project seminar in optimization and applied math. - Project seminar in optimization and applied mathematics
- 803380 UE Übung zu Technische Praxis der Computersysteme 2 - Übung zu Technische Praxis der Computersysteme 2
- 814267 PS Proseminar Computerpraktikum für LAK - Proseminar Computerpraktikum für LAK
- 801123 PS Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra für Physik - Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra für Physik
- 801326 PJ+SE Projektseminar zu Numerische Math. u. Optimierung - Projektseminar zu Numerische Mathematik und Optimierung
- 814192 VO Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten - Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten
- 800433 PS Proseminar zu Analysis für Physik 2 - Proseminar zu Analysis für Physik 2
- 800547 UE UE Techn. Praxis der Computersysteme 2 - Übungen zu Technische Praxis der Computersysteme 2
- 802465 UE Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 822001 UE UE zur Praxis der Computersysteme 1 - UE zur Praxis der Computersysteme 1
- 822002 VO Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten - Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten
- 822007 PS Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802441 SE Seminar (Analysis): Angewandte Mathematik - Seminar (Analysis): Angewandte Mathematik
- 802990 VO Numerische Mathematik 2 - Numerische Mathematik 2
- 802991 UE Proseminar zu Numerische Mathematik 2 - Proseminar zu Numerische Mathematik 2
- 802902 VO Numerische Mathematik I - Numerische Mathematik I
- 802904 UE Proseminar zu Numerische Mathematik I - Proseminar zu Numerische Mathematik I
- 802378 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 802403 UE Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik 2 - Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik und andere naturwissenschaftliche Fächer 2
- 802441 SE Seminar (Analysis): Angewandte Mathematik - Seminar (Analysis): Angewandte Mathematik
- 802050 UE Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802145 UE Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik 1 - Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik und andere naturwissenschaftliche Fächer 1
- 802248 SE Seminar: Angewandte Mathematik - Seminar (Analysis) Angewandte Mathematik
- 802343 VO Angewandte Mathematik für LA - Angewandte Mathematik für LA
- 802344 PS Proseminar Angewandte Mathematik für LA - Proseminar Angewandte Mathematik für LA
- 802302 SE Seminar Analysis: "Angewandte Mathematik" - Seminar Analysis: "Angewandte Mathematik"
- 802935 VO Numerik von Fifferentialgleichungen - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Numerischen Mathematik: Numerik von Differentialgleichungen
- 802939 SE Seminar (Analysis): Optimierungsalgorithmen - Seminar (Analysis): Optimierungsalgorithmen
- 802079 VO Angewandte Mathematik (Optimierung) - Angewandte Mathematik (Optimierung)
- 802221 VO Numerische Mathematik II - Numerische Mathematik II
- 802222 UE Proseminar Numerische Mathematik II - Proseminar Numerische Mathematik II
- 802827 VO Numerische Mathematik - Numerische Mathematik
- 802534 UE Übungen Analysis 3 - Übungen Analysis 3
Last modified: Th 16.01.2025 11:20