Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kirsten Rüther, M.A.
- Mail: kirsten.ruether@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-43213
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Montags, 17-18 Uhr
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Vice-Director of Studies - Philological and Cultural Studies Directorate of Doctoral Studies
Teaching (iCal)
- 143076 KU On Air! Radio and New Publics in Late Colonialism and Beyond
- 143254 SE Laughter and Pain in Historically and Socially Tense Situations
- 143338 VU The History of African Studies: Knowledge Production about/with/in African Societies
- 143371 SE Master Coaching Seminar
- 143079 SE African History and African Studies
- 143087 KU KU Photo Session - Working with Photographs and Historical Images in the Context of Colonialism, Museum Exhibitions and Commercialisation
- 143089 SE SE Thinking "community" in South Africa and what "realities" look like at times
- 420011 SE The World Entangled and Multiply Narrated
- 141063 VO Southern Africa 2 - New Historiographical Orientations in 30 Years of South African Majority Democrac
- 141069 PS 30 years into South African Majority Rule: Transformation, Twists and Turns
- 141076 KU Guided Reading: - Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage - Critical Readings in Response to the ANC, The Struggle and the Images of Two All-Too Well-Known Heroic Characters
- 143338 VU Knowledge about /in / with Africa: Reflect and Produce
- 141076 VO Southern Africa 1: Historiographical Themes from the 1960s to the 1980s
- 141080 KU Methods in African Studies - With a Focus on Space, Time, and Spaces of Knowledge in African Studies
- 141089 SE Full of Wit, Humour and with a lot of Disrespect - Colonial and Postcolonial Settings of Laughter
- 143232 SE African History and African Studies
- 143338 VU History of African Studies - Knowledge about/ in/ with/ "Africa": reflect and produce
- 143385 VO The Burial of Dennis the Goat - Politics, Satire, Life, Death and Humanity in South Africa's Transition Years
- 143144 SE Aspirations to Social Advancement and Religious Reform through Christianity and Islam - Case Studies from the African Continent
- 143179 KU Methods in African Studies - Taking Concern with "The Archive" and Oral History Research
- 143210 VO The Ego, the Self and Notions of Personhood - Constructions of "Life" and "Living" in Auto/Biographical Accounts from African Studies Perspectives
- 143226 PS Introductory Seminar: African History and Societies - Writing History Essays - (with a Focus on the Use of Images)
- 143086 VO Conflicts, Politics and the Sphere of the Everyday in Southern Africa: - Trajectories through the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 143220 KU Current Research Trends and Concepts in African Studies (Top 10 Themes in African studies)
- 143255 KU Of Monkeys, Human Beings, the "Holy Spirit Mobile Forces" - and some bits about African Photography - Heike Behrend's Autobiography of her Discipline
- 143338 VU History of African Studies - Knowledge about*in*with* "Africa": Reflect, Produce, Reflect
- 420005 SE Working with photographs - photographs working
- 143213 KU Family Stor(i)es - Challenges for historians to handle a genre rubbing shoulders with popular and literary writing
- 143218 VO Southern Africa in Longitudinal Perspective: - Thematic, Conceptional and Discursive Diggings into the Past
- 143226 PS Introductory Seminar: African History and Societies - Past and Present, Connected
- 143004 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History and Societies
- 143213 KU Health-Seeking Strategies and the Provision of Health in African Societies - Local and Global Entanglements
- 143218 VO Apartheid Years - what they were about and how they are remembered
- 143220 KU Current Research Trends and Concepts in African Studies
- 143227 KU Welfare and Development? - Control agendas, playing power and so-called middling figures in the colonial state and its bureaucracy, c. 1930-1960
- 143321 VU Advanced Course African History: - To get at the details, to read broadly and to consider one's ethics of research
- 143371 SE Master Coaching Seminar
- 420009 SE Religion and religious change as a theme of investigation in historical, cultural and social scienti - geschichts-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung
- 140086 VO Kenya, Karen Blixen, and Colonialism: - Perspectives from Scandinavian and African Studies
- 140129 KU Housing and Politics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and African Studies
- 140132 VO Biographies, Memory and Personal Reflection: - Narratives about individual and group-specific "lives" - samples and secondary literature
- 140220 KU Current Research Trends and Concepts in African Studies
- 140255 KU 20th-Century Perspectives on Town Planning and Infrastructure in Africa - within the Colonial/Metropolitan Divide
- 140321 VU Advanced Course African History: Digging Deep - Using Source Material and Interpretations in African History
- 140371 SE Master Coaching Seminar - Preparing for Your Degree - Thinking of Strategies for Thereafter
- 140385 VO Spheres of Politics and Everyday Experience in Southern Africa: - Moving across the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140169 KU "I am a broken bridge between two worlds!" - Selected Examples of Life Writing
- 140218 VO History of Southern Africa 1
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
- 140220 KU Current Research Trends in African Studies
- 140255 KU Religion and Politics
- 140316 VO A Transgenerational History of the Winter-Rawat Family in South Africa, 1847-2017
- 420002 SE Writing Biography and Life History, Telling Stories and Listentin to What is Said: - Analytical Approaches to Personal Narratives in the Context of Area and Historical Studies
- 140038 VO Housing for Workers (and Others) in African Cities
- 140077 KU Guided Reading: Taking a Closer Look at Africa - Reflections, Academic Arguments and Reading Incentives for People who Want to Know
- 140138 SE Memory, Space and Migration: A Seminar to Prepare a Student Excursion to Mozambique and South Africa - Seminar zur Vorbereitung einer Exkusion nach Mozambique und Südafrika
- 140219 VO Life Stories from Africa - a Historical-Critical Survey
- 140220 KU Current Research Trends in African Studies
- 140255 KU Oral History in African Studies research
- 140385 VO South African History: Images in the Head and in front of the Camera
- 420009 SE The Archive: voices of the subaltern between dust and paper files.
- 070215 VO Cultural History
- 140245 SE Grasping Difference: Travel und Cultural Encounters
- 140257 SE The Micro, the Macro, Empirical Data and Overarching Argument
- 140316 VO "I have always wanted to do a book about Africa" - a 10-Chapter Approach to Representations of Africa and a Hopefully Innovative Choice of Topics
- 140354 SE Bachelor Seminar: A Focus on Cities
- 140061 KU Violence and Crime in South Africa in Historical Perspective
- 140090 SE Photography and (Post)-Apartheid
- 140219 VO Christianisation and Colonial Transformation in 19th- Century African Societies
- 140221 KU Writing Skills for Doctoral Students
- 420011 DS Housing, Living, Interior: constructions and imaginations cultural localization
- 140245 SE The Circulation of People, Commodities, Ideas and Objects in Africa
- 140249 VO Health-Seeking in Colonial Africa
- 140314 VO+UE Spreading News in South Africa: A Short History of 19th and 20th Century Media - Eine kleine Mediengeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- 140063 SE Bachelor Seminar: History and Societies of Southern Africa
- 140090 SE Copper, Gold and Gem Stones: Insights into Labour and Life in African Mining Towns - 19th to 20th Cenuries
- 140219 VO New Perspectives or Old Wine rebottled? - Postapartheid Interpretations of South African History
- 420003 SE History and Societies of Africa
- 140138 VO "Honor me I sing to you" - Life histories in Africa
- 140151 KU Life histories in Africa - Readings
- 140241 KU Youth, Language, City
- 420001 KO Trends and Debates in AfricanStudies:Taking Up Current Academic Arguments in Respective PhD Research
- 140090 SE African Studies and focuses on Africa at Austrian universities - preparation of a conference meeting
- 140254 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History and Literature
- 140356 VO Global history or just area studies? - Tensions and Dynamics between African historiography and more recent approaches to global history?
- 140357 KU Practical Course: About Job and Research Opportunities
- 420002 KO Interdisciplinary Conversatorium for Doctoral Candidates
- 140056 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History and Literature
- 140133 VO History of Southern Africa
- 140137 MAKU Master Course
- 140178 PS Introductory Seminar African History: Johannesburg - A History of the Largest City in South Africa
- 140185 SE Conversion Narratives and Gender Constructions in 19th Century South Africa
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History
- 140090 SE Recent Historical Approaches in the Study of African Family and Kinship
- 140121 MAKU Master Course
- 140186 VO Christianisation and Colonial Transformation in 19th-Century African Societies - 19. Jahrhunderts
- 140356 VO History/ies of Africa - Facets of a Research Area
- 420013 KO Interdisciplinary Conversatorium for Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: Su 02.03.2025 05:00
- Polit., gesellsch. & relig. Transformation im südl. Afrika, 19.-20. Jh.
- Global- &Verflechtungsgeschichte aus der Perspektive d. südl. Afrika
- Familien-, Verwandtschafts- und Biographieforschung, Südafrika-Deutschland, 19.-21. Jh.
- Heilung, Medizin und Populärkultur in Südafrika, 20. Jh.
- Urbane Welten und Wohnen im spätkolonialen/ frühen unabhängigen Sambia, 20. Jh.Geförderte Projekte
Summer School “Spaces for Future: Processes of Rural & Urban Transformation in Southern Africa”
49.000,00€ Volkswagenstiftung (jointly with A. Daniel, Wien; R. Gronemeyer & C. Ludwig, Gießen; L. Mwewa, Windhoek)2017-2021
Employment-Tied Housing in (Post)Colonial Zambia, DR Congo and Kenya
428.484,00€ FWF – Einzelprojekt2019-2024
Doc.funds “PhD Programme in Cultural Mobility Studies”
1.331.836,48€ FWF (jointly with 6 co-applicants)Research Platform “Mobile Cultures and Societies” (continued from 2014-2018)
349.000,00€ Univ. of Vienna (jointly with 6 co-applicants)Zur Person
Seit Oktober 2012 – ongoing
Professorin für Geschichte & Gesellschaften Afrikas
Nov. 2018
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin (ZMO): Forschungsfellowship
Febr./ März 2017
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld (ZIF): Forschungsgruppe „Verwandtschaft und Politik“2007-2008
Gastprofessorin: Vertretung der Neueren Geschichte, FU Berlin2003-2012
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Historisches Seminar, Leibniz-Universität Hannover
Research Fellow, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen1999-2003
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Univ. Hamburg & Missionsakademie Hamburg, SFB 520 „Umbrüche in afrikan. Gesellschaften und ihre Bewältigung“Funktionen
2013-2016, 2020-ongoing
Leitung Doc.funds: Cultural Mobility Studies
Leitung Forschungsplattform: Mobile Cultures and Societies2014-2020
Stellv. Doktoratsstudienprogrammleitung