Dr. Judit Majorossy, MA
- Mail: judit.majorossy@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-27296
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: as agreed per mail
Teaching (iCal)
- 070264 PS BA Proseminar - Urban Families, Kinship and Social Groups and their Networks - in Late Medieval East-Central Europe
- 070215 UE Guided Reading Austrian History I - Social Care in Central-European Urban Societies - in the Later Middle Ages
- 070147 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History (Middle Ages) - Social and Economic History of Central and East-Central European Regions in Comparison (1000-1600)
- 070145 PS Proseminar - Social and Economic History of East-Central European Regions in Comparison - 1000-1600
- 070189 SE BA-Seminar - Social Care in Late Medieval and Early Modern Central European Urban Societies - Spätmittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit
- 070102 UE Guided Reading Medieval History - Climate and Economy in Medieval and Early Modern Central Europe
- 070103 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Comparative Urban History - in Medieval and Early Modern Central Europe
- 070082 PS BA-Proseminar - Families, Kinships and Social Groups in East-Central European Urban Context
- 070196 PS MA-Proseminar - Social Groups and Communities in the East-Central European Regions, 1000-1600
- 070312 LK Reading Course - Borders, Migrations, Connections in the East-Central European Regions, 1000-1600
- 070162 SE Seminar - Social and Economic History of Central European Regions in Comparison, 1000-1600
- 070312 LK Lecture course to the introduction into Austrian History - Social Groups and Communities. Central and South-East European Regions, 1200-1600
- 070286 PS BA-Proseminar - Central European Urban History in Comparison, 1200-1600 (Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia-Dalmatia)
- 070294 SE Seminar (PM4) - Towards a Gender History of the Middle Ages. Ways of life and standards of the 11th to the 13th century in the German-speaking countries
- 070188 EX Excursion - Buda/Ofen-Pest-Alt Ofen: The History of Hungarian Capital from the Middle Ages till the Modern Times
- 070214 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070257 SE Forschungsseminar - Mittelalter / Österr. Geschichte / Frauen- und Geschlechtergesch. / WiSo - Urban Space and Community: Last Wills from Late Medieval Vienna as Sources for Entangled Social Relations
- 070312 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Urban history, Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00