ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Roland Steinbauer
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-50682
- Mobile: +43-660-8960667
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: by appointemnt
Teaching (iCal)
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250049 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250096 SE Synthetic Geometry and Optimal Transport
- 250144 SE Teaching mathematics between theory and practice
- 250034 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250166 VO Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250167 UE Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250007 KO How to think about math?
- 250049 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250130 VO Metric Geometry
- 250034 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250090 VO Functional analysis
- 250132 SE Seminar Geometry and Topology
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250049 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250034 SE Topics in Analysis and Geometry
- 250166 VO Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250167 UE Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250034 SE Generalized Functions
- 250047 VO Lorentzian Geometry
- 260032 KU Specialization
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250049 SE Generalized Functions
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250070 VO Riemannian geometry
- 250085 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250166 VO Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250167 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250043 VO Comparison Geometry
- 442502 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250075 UE Tutorials on functional analysis
- 250085 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250090 VO Functional analysis
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250045 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250166 SE Metric Geometry
- 250042 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one variable for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250084 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250136 VO Alexandrov spaces
- 250056 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250092 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250149 VO Theory of distributions
- 250084 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250098 SE Seminar (Differential Geometry)
- 250099 VO Lorentzian Geometry
- 250054 UE Schulmathematik Arithmetik und Algebra
- 250070 VO Riemannian geometry
- 250092 SE Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250063 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250079 VO Analysis on manifolds
- 250081 PS Introductory seminar on analysis on manifolds
- 250034 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250048 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250083 SE Seminar (Differential Geometry)
- 250101 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250047 VO Introduction to topology
- 250048 UE Tutorials "Introduction to topology"
- 250106 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250054 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250055 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250102 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis and Geometry): Generalized functions
- 250057 VO Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250058 UE Tutorial: Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250105 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250014 VO Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250015 UE Repetition course "Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme"
- 250016 UE Tutorial: Analysis in one Variable for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250060 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250099 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250010 UE Repetition course "Introdution to analysis"
- 250011 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250014 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250080 KO Theory of science
- 250029 UE Tutorial: Real analysis in several and complex analysis in one variable for SSTAP
- 250043 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250069 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis) Generalized functions
- 250009 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250066 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis) Generalized functions
- 250053 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis) Generalized functions
- 250057 VO Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250025 UE Tutorials "Introduction to topology"
- 250026 VO Partial differential equations
- 250083 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250073 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250078 SE Seminar (Differential geometry)
- 250085 VO Selected topics in partial differential equations - Pseudodifferentialoperatoren und Mikrolokale Analysis
- 250033 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250067 VO Distribution theory
- 250071 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250074 VO Selected topics in functional analysis: Locally convex vector spaces
- 250075 SE IK-Seminar (Analysis)
- 250366 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250381 VO Functional analysis 2
- 250382 PS Introductory seminar to Functional analysis 2
- 250383 SE IK-Seminar (Analysis)
- 250195 UE Introductory seminar to analysis 2
- 250197 UE Repetition course to analysis 2
- 250207 VO Functional analysis 1
- 250208 UE Introductory seminar to Functional Analysis 1
- 250210 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250352 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 250353 UE Repetition course to analysis 1 - Repetition course to analysis 1
- 250378 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 250379 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 250478 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250483 SE Seminar Analysis - Seminar Analysis
- 250502 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3 - Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250503 VO Selected topics in partial differential equations - Selected topics in partial differential equations
- 250307 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250375 UE Repetition course to Analysis 2 - Repetition course to Analysis 2
- 250376 VO Distributionentheorie - Distributionentheorie
- 050102 UE Introduction into Unix System Administration - Problem Session: Introduction into Unix System Administration
- 250040 VO Introduction into Topology - Introduction into Topology
- 250073 UE Tutorial Analysis 1 - Tutorial Analysis 1
- 250077 PS Introductionary Seminar to Topology - Introductionary Seminar to Topology
- 250081 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 803408 VO Ordinary Differential Equations 1 - Ordinary Differential Equations 1
- 877770 UE Introduction into Unix System Administration 2 - Problem Session: Introduction into Unix/Linux System Administration 2
- 877893 PS Introductory seminar to ord. diff. equations - Introductory seminar ordinary differential equations
- 902411 PS Introductory seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory seminar to Analysis 2
- 902443 SE Nonlinear theory of generalized functions - Nonlinear theory of generalized functions
- 803809 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 878178 PS Introduction into topology - Introduction into topology
- 878192 PS Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1 - Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1
- 878196 UE Introduction into Unix System Administration - Problem Session: Introduction into Unix System Administration
- 878206 SE Seminar (Analysis): Kinetische Theorie - Seminar (Analysis): Kinetische Theorie
- 878207 PJ+SE Projektsem. (Analysis): Implizite Funktionen - Projektseminar (Analysis): Der Satz über implizite Funktionen
- 878232 SE Symmetry and inversion for generalized functions - Seminar (Analysis): Symmetry and inversion questions for generalized functions
- 803584 PS Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 2 - Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 2
- 877770 UE Introduction into Unix System Administration 2 - Problem Session: Introduction into Unix/Linux System Administration 2
- 877841 KO Computing and Mathematics - Computing and Mathematics
- 877842 SE Tensors in Mathematics and Physics - Seminar (Algebra): Tensors in Mathematics and Physics
- 877844 SE Seminar: Geom. Theory of Generalized Functions - Seminar: Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions
- 877983 SE Seminar zu EDV und Mathematik - Seminar zu EDV und Mathematik
- 803773 PS Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1 - Introductionary Seminar for Analysis 1
- 803795 SE Generalized Functions - Generalized Functions
- 803809 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 822001 UE Introduction into Unix System Administration - Problem Session: Introduction into Unix System Administration
- 877623 SE Seminar (Mathematical Physics) - Seminar (Mathematical Physics)
- 800531 SE Seminar (Mathematische Physik) - Seminar (Mathematischen Physik)
- 803378 PS Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra und Geometrie 2 - Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra und Geometrie 2
- 803380 UE Übung zu Technische Praxis der Computersysteme 2 - Übung zu Technische Praxis der Computersysteme 2
- 801123 PS Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra für Physik - Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra für Physik
- 801139 VO Distributionentheorie 2 - Distributionentheorie 2
- 801140 PJ+SE Seminar (Analysis): Verallgemeinerte Funktionen - Seminar (Analysis): Verallgemeinerte Funktionen
- 801229 UE Übungen zur Techn. Praxis der Computersysteme 1 - Übungen zur Technischen Praxis der Computersysteme 1
- 801257 PS Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra und Geometrie 1 - Proseminar zu Lineare Algebra und Geometrie 1
- 800433 PS Proseminar zu Analysis für Physik 2 - Proseminar zu Analysis für Physik 2
- 800515 VO Distributionentheorie - Distributionentheorie
- 802398 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis): Verallgemeinerte Funktionen
- 802462 VO Technische Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Technische Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 814185 PS Proseminar zu Schulmathematik VII - Proseminar zu Schulmathematik VII (Algorithmik und Informatik im MU)
- 802454 VO Technische Praxis der Computersysteme Teil I - Technische Praxis der Computersysteme Teil I
- 822010 PS Proseminar zu Analysis III - Proseminar zu Analysis III
- 822045 PS Proseminar zu Funktionalanalysis I - Proseminar zu Funktionalanalysis I
- 822047 PS PS zu Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Funktionalanalysis - Proseminar zu Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Funktionalanalysis
- 802398 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis): Verallgemeinerte Funktionen
- 802462 VO Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 802465 UE Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 802985 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 802454 VO Vorlesung: Praxis der Computersysteme Teil I - Vorlesung: Praxis der Computersysteme Teil I
- 802471 UE Proseminar zur Analysis I - Proseminar zur Analysis I
- 802615 UE Proseminar zu Analysis III - Proseminar zu Analysis III
- 802378 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 802398 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis): Verallgemeinerte Funktionen
- 802462 VO Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 802465 UE Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2 - Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 2
- 802050 UE Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802454 VO Vorlesung: Praxis der Computersysteme Teil 1 - Vorlesung: Praxis der Computersysteme Teil 1
- 802455 UE Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 1 - Übungen zur Praxis der Computersysteme, Teil 1
- 802298 UE Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik II - Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik und andere Naturwissenschaftliche Fächer II
- 802950 UE Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik I - Proseminar zu Mathematik für Physik und andere naturwissenschaftliche Fächer I
Last modified: Fr 13.12.2024 09:20