Univ.-Prof. Dr. Annette Schellenberg-Lagler
- Mail: annette.schellenberg-lagler@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-32402
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice Dean - Faculty of Protestant Theology
Director of Studies - Protestant Theology Directorate of Studies
Department of Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Wien, Room 6OG008
Teaching (iCal)
- 020002 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020004 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts
- 020049 UE Mentoring of StEOP (3 ECTS)
- 602002 SE Research: Old Testament (Protestant theology)
- 020019 VO-L Hebrew I
- 020023 UE Exercise in Exegesis (AT) - Ausgewählte Texte aus dem Jesajabuch
- 020024 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts
- 020048 UE Mentoring of StEOP (3 ECTS)
- 100151 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature - Babylon
- 602002 SE Research: Old Testament (Protestant theology)
- 020020 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Genesis
- 020023 SE Old Testament Seminar - Diskurse zur Erkennbarkeit Gottes
- 020024 VO-L History of Israel
- 370002 SE OT PhD Seminar - Forschungssemniar AT (Privatissimum)
- 020007 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020008 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020011 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 370004 SE OT PhD Seminar - Forschungssemniar AT (Privatissimum)
- 020008 VO-L Biblical Hebrew I
- 020010 VO-L History of Israel
- 020011 UE Exercise in Exegesis (AT) - Royal Ideology and Messias expectations
- 370006 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Forschungssemniar AT (Privatissimum)
- 020002 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020003 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 141334 SE Akkadian Seminar: Love poetry - ancient oriental and Old Testament
- 370001 SE Research: Old Testament
- 020003 VO-L Biblical Hebrew I
- 020005 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Urgeschichte (Gen 1-11)
- 020008 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts
- 020060 VU Lecture series of the professorship of the Faculty of Protestant Theology - Theology of the future? Points of reference in the present
- 100139 SE-B Bachelor Seminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 370001 SE Research: Old Testament
- 020003 UE Exercise in Exegesis (AT) - Berühmte Gestalten aus dem Alten Testament
- 020005 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020006 SE Old Testament Seminar - Dekalog und Bundesbuch
- 020007 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament
- 020044 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts - Texte aus dem Deuteronomium
- 020056 OL Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020002 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020003 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020007 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020057 OL Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020058 UE Supervision for Mentors of STEOP
- 020024 VO-L Biblical Hebrew I
- 020026 VO-L History of Israel
- 020030 SE Old Testament Seminar - Justice and Righteousness in the Hebrew Bible
- 020031 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020050 UE Supervision for Mentors of STEOP
- 020053 OL Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020005 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020007 UE Translation of Texts from the Hebrew Bible - Genesis
- 020009 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020011 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020013 VO Old Testament and Ancient Orient
- 020063 OL Orientation Course - für Erstemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020017 VO-L History of Israel
- 020019 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Jeremiah
- 020020 UE Exercises in Exegesis (AT) - Royal Ideology and Messianic Hopes in the Hebrew Bible
- 020030 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020058 OL Orientation Course - für Erstemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020002 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020009 SE Old Testament Seminar - Traces of Negative Theology in the Hebrew Bible
- 020010 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020001 VO-L Biblical Hebrew I
- 020002 VO-L History of Israel
- 020004 UE Translation of Hebrew Texts - Samuel and Kings
- 020008 EX Excursion - Israel
- 020009 SE Advanced Seminar Old Testament - Vertiefung zur AT-Forschung (Privatissimum)
- 020060 OL Orientation Course - für Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
- 020061 OL Orientation Course - Informationen zum neuen Rel.Päd-Curriculum
- 020062 OL Orientation Course - Informationen MA-Studium/MA-Arbeit
- 180002 SE Honor and Dignity in the Old Testament and in Philosophy
- 020001 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020002 UE Exercises in Exegesis (AT) - Famous Figures in the Hebrew Bible
- 020003 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020004 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts - Ruth
- 020005 SE Old Testament Seminar
- 020001 VO-L History of Israel
- 020002 SE "Highlights" of the Old Testament
- 020003 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts
- 020004 SE AT-Privatissimum
- 020018 SE Wisdom in the OT and its environment
- 180021 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 020004 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020005 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020006 SE Old Testament Seminar - Amos
- 020007 UE UE Texte aus der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments - Deuteronomium
- 370002 SE OT-Privatissimum
- 020006 SE Old Testament Seminar - Creation
- 020007 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis: Genesis
- 020008 VO-L History of Israel
- 020045 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts: Ecclesiastes - Kohelet
- 370001 SE Research: Old Testament - OT Privatissimum: Metaphor-Theories
- 020018 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020020 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020021 SE Old Testament Seminar - Unity and Diversity of the Divine
- 370002 SE Privatissimum
Last modified: We 05.02.2025 11:01