Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich
- Mail: michael.wagreich@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-53465
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Geology
Teaching (iCal)
- 280025 PR Geological Mapping in the Field
- 280026 VU Clastic sediments
- 280041 VU Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain
- 280046 VO Geo-Energy and Sustainable Geology
- 280120 VU Calcareous Nannofossils - Methods, Biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology, SEM
- 280133 VU Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology - Field trip
- 280157 SE Masters Seminar 1
- 280185 VO The Anthropocene
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 280016 VU Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology
- 280100 VO Sediment Geochemistry - Palaeoclimate Proxies and Provenance
- 280112 VU Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280145 SE Masters Seminar 2
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 450005 SE Topics in Geology
- 280025 PR Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines
- 280026 VU Clastic sediments
- 280041 VU Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain
- 280046 VO Geo-Energy and Sustainable Geology
- 280114 EX Earth Science Excursions II - NÖ-SBG-STMK
- 280133 VU Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology - Field trip
- 280157 SE Masters Seminar 1
- 280185 VO Welcome to the Anthropocene
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 280016 VU Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology
- 280112 VU Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280145 SE Masters Seminar 2
- 280192 VU Paleo-/Geo-/Environmental Magnetism
- 280195 PR Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology
- 280196 EX Earth Science Excursions I
- 450001 KO Geoscience PhD Seminar
- 450005 SE Topics in Geology
- 280012 VU BA-ERD-9 Introduction to Geological Field Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280025 PR Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines
- 280026 VU Clastic sediments
- 280032 SE Bachelors Thesis
- 280041 VU Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain
- 280046 VO Geo-Energy and Sustainable Geology
- 280133 VU Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology - Field trip
- 280157 SE Masters Seminar 1
- 280185 VO The Anthropocene
- 280197 EX Earth Science Excursions II
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280032 SE BA-ERD-24 Bachelors Thesis (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280058 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 2 (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280091 VU Sedimentary Geochemistry
- 280092 VU Sediment Provenance
- 280093 VU Sedimentary Basin Analysis
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280096 EX MA-ERD-W-1.4 Earth Science Excursions I (PI)
- 281000 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Erdwissenschaften
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology
- 280012 VU BA-ERD-9 Introduction to Geological Field Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280026 VU BA-ERD-20 Clastic sediments (PI)
- 280032 SE BA-ERD-24 Bachelors Thesis (PI)
- 280041 VU BA-ERD-25.2 Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280057 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 1 (PI)
- 280085 VO MA-ERD-W-1.1 Aspects of the Anthropocene (NPI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280097 EX MA-ERD-W-1.5 Scientific Field Trips II (PI)
- 280133 VU MA-ERD-W-3.14 Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology - Terrain (PI)
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280032 SE BA-ERD-24 Bachelors Thesis (PI)
- 280050 SE Seminar for STEOP mentors
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280058 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 2 (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280096 EX MA-ERD-W-1.4 Earth Science Excursions I (PI)
- 280166 VU MA-ERD-W-1.1 Cretaceous to Paleogene Stratigraphy: Coccoliths and Charophytes (PI)
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology (PI)
- 280012 VU BA-ERD-9 Introduction to Geological Field Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280025 PR BA-ERD-19 Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines (PI)
- 280026 VU BA-ERD-20 Clastic sediments (PI)
- 280032 SE BA-ERD-24 Bachelors Thesis (PI)
- 280041 VU BA-ERD-25.2 Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280046 VO BA-ERD-25.7 Geology of Hydrocarbons (NPI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280057 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 1 (PI)
- 280085 VO MA-ERD-W-1.1 Anthropocene (NPI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280097 EX MA-ERD-W-1.5 Earth Science Excursions II (PI)
- 280133 VU MA-ERD-W-3.14 Advanced Stratigraphy and Carbonate Sedimentology - Terrain (PI)
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280032 SE BA-ERD-24 Bachelors Thesis (PI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280058 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 2 (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-G-3 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280095 PR MA-ERD-W-1.3 Individual Research Project Geology, Paleobiology and Geobiology (PI)
- 280096 EX MA-ERD-W-1.4 Earth Science Excursions I (PI)
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280033 SE BA_ERD_27 Bachelor-Thesis (PI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280027 VU BA_ERD_20 Biogenic Sediments and Geology of Hydrocarbons (PI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismic Interpretation (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280095 VU MA-ERD-17.12 Quartärforschung (PI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280027 VU BA_ERD_20 Biogenic Sediments and Geology of Hydrocarbons (PI)
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismic Interpretation (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280110 VO MA-ERD-17.26 Petrolium, Coal and Molecular Fossils (NPI)
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology: Sediment Weathering, Palaeosoils and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280027 VU BA_ERD_20 Biogenic Sediments and Geology of Hydrocarbons (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - in Parallelen
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280088 PR MA-ERD-17.5 Geological Field Mapping (pi)
- 280095 VU MA-ERD-17.12 Quartärforschung (PI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280027 VU BA_ERD_20 Biogenic Sediments and Geology of Hydrocarbons (PI)
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismicity Interpretation (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 290034 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - in Parallelen
- 450005 SE Basin Analysis and Basin Modelling - Debates in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280027 VU BA_ERD_20 Biogenic Sediments and Geology of Hydrocarbons (PI)
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismicity Interpretation (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 290049 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - in Parallelen
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, III - Debates in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Maps (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Kartierungsübungen obertage (PI)
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280095 VU MA-ERD-17.12 Quartärforschung (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismicity Interpretation (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - (in Parallelen)
- 280010 EX+VO PM The Earth System: Excursion (PI)
- 280033 PR+EX PM Geological Mapping (PI)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280044 PR+EX PM Regional Geology (PI)
- 280054 VO PM Applied and Environmantal Geology II (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Environmental Crises from the Recent to Earth History
- 280028 VO+UE PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280079 VO Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (NPI)
- 280080 SE+UE Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (PI)
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - (in Parallelen)
- 280010 EX+VO PM The Earth System: Excursion (PI)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280044 PR+EX PM Regional Geology (PI)
- 280054 VO PM Applied and Environmantal Geology II (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300496 EX Interdisciplinary Excursions - Interdisciplinary Excursions
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, II - Environmental Crises from the Recent to Earth History
- 280028 VO+UE PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280079 VO Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (NPI)
- 280080 SE+UE Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (PI)
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - (in Parallelen)
- 280010 EX+VO PM The Earth System: Excursion (PI)
- 280033 PR+EX PM Geological Mapping (PI)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280044 PR+EX PM Regional Geology (PI)
- 280054 VO PM Applied and Environmantal Geology II (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300496 EX Interdisciplinary Excursions - Interdisciplinary Excursions
- 450005 VO+UE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Geologic interpretation of deformed belts and sedimentary basins
- 280028 VO PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (NPI)
- 280029 UE PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280079 VO Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (NPI)
- 280080 SE+UE Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (PI)
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria environmental protection - (in Parallelen)
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, III - Lectures in Alpine Geology
- 280002 EX System Erde (BA01) STEP - Teil II (PI)
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280040 SE+EX Regional Geology (BA20) (PI)
- 280049 VO Applied and Environmantal Geology II (BA25) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280156 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_59) (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300496 EX Interdisciplinary Excursions - Interdisciplinary Excursions
- 280030 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part I (NPI)
- 280033 UE Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) Teil II (PI)
- 280073 VO Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (NPI)
- 280074 SE+UE Stratigraphy (GP0_28_08) (PI)
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria environmental protection
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280038 PR Geological Mapping (BA19) (PI)
- 280040 SE+EX Regional Geology (BA20) (PI)
- 280049 VO Applied and Environmantal Geology II (BA25) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280156 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_59) (PI)
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 450007 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology, II
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 280030 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part A (NPI)
- 280031 UE Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part A (PI)
- 280117 VO Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (NPI)
- 280118 UE Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (PI)
- 280501 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, I
- 290124 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 300649 VO+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280040 SE+EX Regional Geology (BA20) (PI)
- 280049 VO Applied and Environmantal Geology II (BA25) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280156 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_59) (PI)
- 280520 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology, II
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 280030 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part I (NPI)
- 280033 UE Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part I (PI)
- 280117 VO Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (NPI)
- 280118 UE Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (PI)
- 280501 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, I
- 280512 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 300649 VO+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria
- 280016 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280019 PR Geological Mapping (BA19) (PI)
- 280021 SE+EX Regional Geology (BA20) (PI)
- 280054 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280332 SE+UE+EX Results of sedimentological research
- 280337 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 280461 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - (= BPB 10)
- 280491 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part I (NPI)
- 280492 UE Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part I (PI) - (= BPB 11)
- 280518 VO Applied and Environmantal Geology II (BA25) (NPI)
- 280542 SE+UE Tutorial for sedimentological and stratigraphic research - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280546 SE Seminar in Geology - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280599 VO Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (NPI)
- 280600 UE Quatification of geological processes (W0_28_33) (PI)
- 300649 VO Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria
- 280072 UE Sedimentological field exercises - Sedimentological field exercises
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280218 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 280230 SE Instructions for Scientific Work - Instructions for Scientific Work
- 280279 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 280306 EX Geologische Exkursionen - Geologische Exkursionen
- 280481 EX Excursions in earth sciences - Excursions in earth sciences
- 280482 UE Geological Methods - Geological Methods
- 280089 VO+UE Historical Geology - Historical Geology
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280230 SE Instructions for Scientific Work - Instructions for Scientific Work
- 280281 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 280284 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 280527 EX Geologisch- Petrololische Exkursion - Geologisch- Petrololische Exkursion im In- und Ausland (Mag.- u. Dipl.-Studium)
- 300649 VO+UE Earth History-Special Emph. on the Geol.of Austria - Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria
- 280072 UE Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology - Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology
- 280113 EX Geologische Exkursionen In- und Ausland - Geologische Exkursionen im In- und Ausland (6 Tage)
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280218 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 280279 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 280308 UE Kartierungsübung im Gelände - Kartierungsübung im Gelände
- 280481 EX excursions in earth sciences - excursions in earth sciences
- 280482 UE Geological Methods - Geological Methods
- 280089 VO+UE Historical Geology - Historical Geology
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280230 SE Instructions for Scientific Work - Instructions for Scientific Work
- 280281 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 280329 SE Neue Forschungsergebnisse in der Geologie - Neue Forschungsergebnisse in der Geologie
- 300649 VO+UE Earth History-Special Emph. on the Geol.of Austria - Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria
- 562397 EX Geolog. Exk. im In- u. Ausland (6 Tage, Mag.) - Geologische Exkursionen im In- und Ausland (6 Tage, Magisterstudium)
- 803446 UE Geological Methods - Geological Methods
- 803447 EX excursions in earth sciences - excursions in earth sciences
- 807544 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 877733 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 877734 SE Instructions for Scientific Work - Instructions for Scientific Work
- 895422 UE Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology - Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology
- 807544 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 877485 UE Software Application in Geology - Software Application in Geology
- 878038 SE Seminar on Historical Geology - Seminar on Historical Geology for Master Candidates
- 878057 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 878089 SE Neue Forschungsergebnisse in der Geologie - Neue Forschungsergebnisse in der Geologie
- 803446 UE Geological Methods - Geological Methods
- 803447 EX excursions in earth sciences - excursions in earth sciences
- 807544 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 807566 UE Mapping course in the field - Mapping course in the field
- 807577 EX Geological Ecxursions - Geological Ecxursions
- 877733 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 877734 SE Instructions for Scientific Work - Instructions for Scientific Work
- 895422 UE Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology - Field Seminar in Sedimentary Geology
- 807118 VO+UE Basin Analysis and Basin Modeling - Basin Analysis and Basin Modeling
- 807544 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 877485 UE Software Application in Geology - Software Application in Geology
- 803446 UE Geologische Methodik - Geologische Methodik
- 803447 EX Erdwissenschaftliche Exkursionen - Erdwissenschaftliche Exkursionen
- 808057 SE Grundwasserproblematik Wiener Becken - Grundwasserproblematik und Wasserversorgung des Wiener Beckens (Geländeseminar) (freies Wahlfach für Lehramt Biologie und Umweltkunde (LA))
- 807420 VO+UE Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie - Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie
- 814031 UE Erdgeschichte mit bes.Ber.der Geologie von Österr. - Erdgeschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geologie von Österreich
- 814092 UE Erdgeschichte mit bes.Ber.der Geologie von Österr. - Erdgeschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geologie von Österreich
- 807096 UE UE Allgemeine Geologie - Übungen zur allgemeinen Geologie
- 807097 EX Geologische Exkursionen 1. Abschn. - Geologische Exkursionen (1. Abschnitt)
- 807487 VO+UE Anwendungen von Standard-Software in der Geologie - Anwendungen von Standard-Software in der Geologie
- 807566 UE Geologische Kartierung Gelände - Geologische Kartierung im Gelände
- 807118 VO+UE Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung - Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung
- 807420 VO+UE Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie - Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie
- 814031 UE Erdgeschichte mit bes.Ber.der Geologie von Österr. - Erdgeschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geologie von Österreich
- 807096 UE UE Allgemeine Geologie - Übungen zur allgemeinen Geologie
- 807487 VO Anwendungen von Standard-Software in der Geologie - Anwendungen von Standard-Software in der Geologie
- 808057 SE Grundwasserproblematik Wiener Becken - Grundwasserproblematik und Wasserversorgung des Wiener Beckens (Geländeseminar) (freies Wahlfach für Lehramt Biologie und Umweltkunde (LA))
- 807420 VO Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie - Labormethoden in der Sedimentgeologie
- 808031 UE Erdgeschichte mit bes.Ber.der Geologie von Österr. - Erdgeschichte mit bes. Ber. der Geologie von Österreich (LA)
- 807096 UE UE Allgemeine Geologie - Übungen zur allgemeinen Geologie
- 807566 UE Geologische Kartierung Gelände - Geologische Kartierung im Gelände
- 808055 EX Geologische Exkursionen (Für Lehramtskandidaten) - Geologische Exkursionen (Lehramt Biologie u. Erdwissenschaften)
- 877350 VO Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer (Grafik, Datenbanken)
- 807112 UE Benützung wissenschaftl. Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen (Röntgendiffraktometer, Korngrößenanalysegeräte, Kohlenstoffanalysegerät)
- 807118 VO Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung - Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung
- 808051 UE Geologische Kartenkunde (LA Biologie) - Geologische Kartenkunde (für Lehramtskandidaten der Biologie und Erdwissenschaften)
- 808055 EX Geologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskanditaten) - Geologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskanditaten)
- 893860 VO Historische Geologie (LA Biologie) - Historische Geologie mit Übungen (für Lehramtskandidaten der Biologie und Erdwissenschaften)
- 807096 UE UE Allgemeine Geologie - Übungen zur allgemeinen Geologie
- 807566 UE Geologische Kartierung Gelände - Geologische Kartierung im Gelände
- 808055 EX Geologische Exkursionen (Für Lehramtskandidaten) - Geologische Exkursionen (Für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 877350 VO Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer (Grafik, Datenbanken)
- 807112 UE Benützung wissenschaftl. Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen (Röntgendiffraktometer, Korngrößenanalysegeräte, Kohlenstoffanalysegerät)
- 808051 UE Geologische Kartenkunde (LA Biologie) - Geologische Kartenkunde (für Lehramtskandidaten der Biologie und Erdwissenschaften)
- 808055 EX Geologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskanditaten) - Geologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskanditaten)
- 893860 VO Historische Geologie (LA Biologie) - Historische Geologie mit Übungen (für Lehramtskandidaten der Biologie und Erdwissenschaften)
- 807096 UE UE Allgemeine Geologie - Übungen zur allgemeinen Geologie
- 807097 EX Geologische Exkursionen 1. Abschn. - Geologische Exkursionen (1. Studienabschnitt)
- 808055 EX Geologische Exkursionen (Für Lehramtskandidaten) - Geologische Exkursionen (Für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 877350 VO Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer (Grafik, Datenbanken)
- 807112 UE Benützung wissenschaftl. Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen (Röntgendiffraktometer, Sedigraph, Kohlenstoffanalysegerät)
- 807118 VO Methoden der Beckenanalyse,-modellierung - Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung
- 877350 UE Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer (Grafik, Datenbanken)
- 877350 UE Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer
- 807118 VO Methoden der Beckenanalyse,-modellierung - Methoden der Beckenanalyse und Beckenmodellierung
- 877350 UE Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme Computer - Bearbeitung geologischer Probleme am Computer
Last modified: We 05.02.2025 09:00