Dr. Nicole Gotling, BA MA
- Mail: nicole.gotling@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-46737
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Tues.: 16:00-17:00; Weds.: 14:00-16:00
Teaching (iCal)
- 190014 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Theorists and Theories Throughout the Centuries
- 190058 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190058 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190058 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190087 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190093 SE BM 9 Field Research (AHP+SB) - Forschen im historischen Feld: Comparing discourse in textbooks
- 190012 SE Anthropology and Education - Education and the making of people
- 190055 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Influential American Educational Paradigms of the 20th Century
- 190056 SE BM 10 Bachelor's Thesis (AHP+SB) - Working with historical texts
- 190057 SE School and Education Research - Globalization, Education Research, and Schooling
- 190093 SE BM 9 Field Research (AHP+SB) - Forschen im historischen Feld: Comparing discourse in textbooks
- 190063 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Curriculum, textbooks and the fabrication of loyal national citizens
- 190071 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Education and culture in transfer
- 190087 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190066 PS BM 8 Paradigmatic and Current Examples of Related Research (AHP) - Discussions on Different Schools of Thought and their influence on Education
- 190087 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190059 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190005 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190036 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Education and Culture in Context
- 190036 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190047 PS BM 8 Paradigmatic and Current Examples of Related Research (AHP) - Discussions on Different Schools of Thought and their influence on Education
- 190036 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Discussing shifting and continuous discourses
- 190053 PS Education and Culture - Language, culture and education (in)equality
- 190063 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Education and Culture in Context
- 190007 PS Education and Culture - Language, culture and education (in)equality
- 190047 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Discussions on Different Schools of Thought and their influence on Education
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:01