Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Stefanie Höhl
- Mail: stefanie.hoehl@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-47470
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice Dean - Faculty of Psychology
Teaching (iCal)
- 200053 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200098 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Development and Education - Wissenschaftskommunikation
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 180150 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 200001 VO STEOP: Developmental Psychology I
- 200137 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 2
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 200098 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Development and Education - Wissenschaftskommunikation
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200231 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 1
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 180150 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 200001 VO STEOP: Developmental Psychology I
- 200092 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540003 SE Introduction to CoBeNe
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 200078 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Social coordination and synchrony in development
- 200098 SE Seminar in Applied Psychology: Development and Education - Wissenschaftskommunikation
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 180150 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 200001 VO STEOP: Developmental Psychology I
- 200129 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Sozial-kognitive Entwicklung in der frühen Kindheit
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540001 SE PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and cognitive lifespan development: individual differences, intraindividual changes, and their assessment
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
- 200052 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540014 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Entwicklungspsychologie über die Lebensspanne, Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
- 200074 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education - Sozial-kognitive Entwicklung in der frühen Kindheit
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540011 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Social and Cognitive Development
- 180150 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 200002 VO Introduction to the Basic Subjects of Psychology (General Psych. and Developmental Psychology) - STEOP
- 200138 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 2
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 540005 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Psychology of Lifelong Learning
- 200007 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 1
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 460004 SE Dissertantenseminar - Entwicklungs- und Bildungspsychologie
- 180086 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 200002 VO Introduction to the Basic Subjects of Psychology (General Psych. and Developmental Psychology) - STEOP
- 200126 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education
- 200214 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 460002 SE Dissertantenseminar - Forschungskolloquium GEF
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
- 200094 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung (A) - Wie kann man Empathie und prosoziales Verhalten fördern?
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 460002 SE Dissertantenseminar - Forschungskolloquium GEF
- 200002 VO Introduction to the Basic Subjects of Psychology (General Psych. and Developmental Psychology) - STEOP
- 200137 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 2
- 200194 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 460002 SE Dissertantenseminar - Forschungskolloquium GEF
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
- 200108 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Development and Education) 1
- 200141 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A)
- 460002 SE Dissertantenseminar - Forschungskolloquium GEF
- 200003 VO Introduction to the Basic Subjects of Psychology (General Psych. and Developmental Psychology) - STEOP
- 200054 SE Advanced Seminar: Development and Education (A) - Sozial-kognitive Entwicklung in der frühen Kindheit
- 200056 SE Anwendungsseminar: Entwicklung und Bildung - Wie kann man Empathie und prosoziales Verhalten fördern?
- 460007 SE Dissertantenseminar - Forschungskolloquium Klinische Psychologie
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
Last modified: We 12.02.2025 11:00