ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hans Gerald Hödl
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-31603
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 010079 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 010044 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010055 VO African Religions
- 010011 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010044 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010062 VO Lecture Afroamerican Religions
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010100 SE Ideas of Reincarnation: Past and Present
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 010044 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010067 VO Introducing Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010107 SE (Christian) Rituals in State of Change
- 010070 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions
- 010081 SE "Indigenous" Religions in North America
- 010088 VO African Religions
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 010067 VO Introducing Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010091 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010092 SE New Skin for the Old Mythology - Mythological Motifs in Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Popular Culture
- 010044 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010062 VO Afro-American Religions
- 010069 SE The Book of Mormon
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 010067 VO Introducing Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010103 SE Film and Religion: American Gods
- 010070 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010088 VO African Religions
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 010121 SE Main Arguments in the Critique of Religion
- 010067 VO Introducing Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010113 SE New Skin for the Old Mythology - Mythological Motifs in Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Popular Culture
- 010019 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010062 VO Lecture Afroamerican Religions
- 010063 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010056 SE Specific subject didactics
- 010067 VO Introducing Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010090 SE The Book of Mormon
- 010016 EX Religion in the museum
- 010087 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010088 VO African Religions
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010051 SE Subject didactics: didactics of religions
- 010056 SE Christian rituals in state of change
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010065 VO Lecture Afroamerican Religions
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010040 SE Specific subject didactics
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Approaches to the Study of Religion
- 010088 VO African Religions
- 010023 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions: Ritual Practice and Ritual Theory
- 010027 SE Subject didactics: didactics of religions
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Approaches to the Study of Religion
- 010324 VO Introduction to Afro-American Religions
- 010040 SE Subject subject didactics: didactics of religions
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010096 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual, Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010324 VO African Religions
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010096 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions: Ritual Practice, Ritual Theory
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010324 VO Afroamerican Religions
- 010021 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010091 EX Missionaries and Missions in Vienna
- 010155 SE Cognitive Science of Religion: brain and religion
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010109 VO Westafrican Religions
- 010028 VO General History of Religion
- 010048 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010065 SE New Skin for the Old Mythology - Mythological Motifs in Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Popular Culture
- 020058 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010068 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010155 SE Christian rituals in state of change
- 010003 SE Sociology of religion: Introduction, questions and classics
- 010067 VO Mythos als Grundkategorie der Religionswissenschaft
- 010137 EX Excursion Togo and Benin
- 010074 FS Doing Research in Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 010109 VO Westafrican Religions
- 010060 VO Introduction to the general History of Religions
- 010064 EX Missionaries and Missions in Vienna
- 010071 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions: Ritual Practice, Ritual Theory
- 370004 SE Doing Research in Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 010005 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010074 FS Doing Research in Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 010109 VO Westafrican Religions: An Introduction
- 010110 VO An Introduction into Ritual Theory
- 010137 SE+EX Religious Worlds and the Body
- 010179 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual. Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 010312 EX Excursion: Togo and Benin
- 010368 SE Ritual analysis
- 010037 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010043 VO Ritualtheorien
- 010312 VO Afroamerican Religions. An Introduction
- 010316 SE Sacrifice and offering within Religions. Theories of a basic ritual practice
- 010179 VO African Religions
- 010180 PS Introduction into the Method of the Study of Religions
- 010063 SE+EX Religious Worlds and the Body - Religious Worlds and the Body. Applied Aesthetics of Religion.
- 010043 SE Zentrale Kategorien religionssoz. Theoriebildung - Seminar: Religiöser und kultureller Wandel in modernen westlichen Gesellschaften. Zentrale Kategorien religionssoziologischer Theoriebildung
- 010126 PS Proseminar: Religionswissenschaft - Proseminar: Grundlagen und Methoden der Religionswissenschaft
- 010127 VO Ritualtheorien - Ritualtheorien
- 010324 VO Afroamerikanische Religionen - Einführung - Afroamerikanische Religionen. Eine Einführung
- 010133 SE Politisch-religiöse Sprechpraxis - Politisch-religiöse Sprechpraxis in der Kirche des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
- 010176 SE Das Okkulte in Rel., Kunst u. Populärkultur - Die dunkle Seite der Religion. Das Okkulte in Religionen, Kunst und Populärkultur
- 117558 SE Medienreligiosität - Medienreligion. Religion in Film und Fernsehen, Film und Fernsehen als Religion
- 117556 VO Religionsästhetik - Symbol, Zeichen, Ritual. Einführung in die Religionsästhetik
- 117422 VO Inkulturation - Akkulturation - Kontrast - Inkulturation - Akkulturation - Kontrast. Von der kulturellen Lernfähigkeit, Gestaltungskraft und Widerständigkeit christlicher Botschaft(en) (Ringvorlesung - Dozenten )
- 104093 VO Afrikanische Religionen II. Kulte in Westafrika - Afrikanische Religionen II. Traditionelle Kulte in Westafrika
- 117281 VO Logik - Logik
- 104065 PS Proseminar: Religionswissenschaft - Proseminar I
- 117295 VO Afrikanische Religionen I. Allgemeiner Überblick - Afrikanische Religionen I. Allgemeiner Überblick
- 117141 VO Ritual(e) - Ritualtheorien. Einführung in die Theorie(n) einer grundlegenden religionswissenschaftlichen Kategorie
- 104065 UE Proseminar: Religionswissenschaft - Proseminar: Methoden der Religionswissenschaft
- 104115 SE Esoterik - Esoterik. Religiöse Tradition und neureligiöse Bewegung
- 102042 VO Logik. Grundkurs - Logik. Grundkurs: Konnektive und Quantifikatoren
- 104063 VO Afrikanische Religionen. - Afrikanische Religionen. Theoretische Zugänge und exemplarische Darstellung
- 104101 SE Universale Religiosität - Universale Religiosität - Gottesbild(er): Religionswissenschaftlich-theologische und ethnologische Aspekte (in 2 Gruppen)
- 104098 VO Ritualtheorien - Ritual(e). Theorien einer Grundkategorie religiöser Praxis
- 104063 SE Begleiter der Seele - Begleiter der Seele. Zur Funktion des Psychopompos in verschiedenen religiösen Traditionen
- 104093 VO Theorien indigener Religionen - Schwarzafrikanische Identität und Traditionelle Religion
- 102042 VO Logik. Grundkurs - Logik. Grundkurs: Konnektive und Quantifikatoren
- 104068 VO Trance und Besessenheit - Religiöse Trance und Besessenheit. Am Beispiel afroamerikanischer Kulte
- 104072 VO Nietzsches Religionsphilsophie - Nietzsches Religionsphilosophie. Sprache und Wahrheit
- 104056 VO Nietzsches Religionsphilosophie - Nietzsches Religionsphilosophie: Sprache und Wahrheit (2,8)
- 601055 VO Nietzsche - Einführung - Herr Nietzsche und sein Autor. Zur Struktur der Selbstthematisierung in Nietzsches Werk (2)
- 601872 AR Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie - Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie: Heidegger. "Sein und Zeit" (11)
- 601941 VO Herr Nietzsche und sein Autor (2,8) - Herr Nietzsche und sein Autor (2,8)
- 102035 VO Philosophische Gegenwartsfragen - Philosophische Gegenwartsfragen: Personaldialogisches Denken und das Phänomen der Religion
- 601872 AR Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie (6,8) - Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie (6,8)
- 601898 VO Sprachgebärde und Gebärdensprache - Sprachgebärde und Gebärdensprache: Nietzsches frühe Sprachkritik (2)
- 104038 VO Ekstase als Form religiöser Erfahrung - Ekstase als Form religiöser Erfahrung. Kritische Darstellung religionsphilosophischer Deutungen
- 601763 VO "Ein bewegliches Heer von Methaphern" - "Ein bewegliches Heer von Methaphern": Nietzsches frühe Sprachkritik 1 (2,8)
- 601872 AR Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie - Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie: Husserls "Krisis"-Abhandlung (6)
- 601800 VO Wie man wird. was man ist - Wie man wird, was man ist. Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit biographischen Nietzsche-Interpretationen (2,9)
- 601763 VO Wie man wird, was man ist. - Wie man wird, was man ist.
Last modified: Tu 04.02.2025 13:20