Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Prainsack
- Mail: barbara.prainsack@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-49423
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 210006 VO BAK3 Qualitative Methods
- 210129 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210007 VO BAK3 Qualitative Methods
- 210132 VO Universal Basic Income a building block for societal transformation and policy making
- 210012 VO BAK4: Subject area qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210148 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210013 VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210150 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210182 VO Health. A society in crisis?
- 210096 VO M1a: Basics of Political Science
- 210098 UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210117 SE M7: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - The unconditional basic income (BGE) as a policy instrument in an international comparison
- 210013 VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210141 SE M11: Research Practice - Income, Gender, Climate: New and old divisions in politics, economy, and society
- 210148 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 230085 VO The Social and the Corona-Crisis - Current research on the social consequences of the pandemic
- 210096 VO M1a: Basics of Political Science
- 210098 UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210014 VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210137 SE M11: Research Practice - Income, Gender, Climate: New and old divisions in politics, economy, and society
- 210143 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 400004 FK Cooperation, cohesion, solidarity: Prosocial practices and institutions
- 210047 VO BAK7: Comparative Political Analysis
- 210104 UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210124 SE M7: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Universal Basic Income as a policy instrument in a comparative perspective
- 210014 VO BAK4.1: Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210138 SE M11: Research Practice - Theory and practice of solidarity: Health policies in a comparative perspective
- 210143 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210046 VO BAK7: Comparative Political Analysis
- 210100 VO M1a: Basics of Political Science
- 210102 UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210015 VO BAK4.1: VO Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210083 SE BAK13: SE State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210125 SE M7: SE State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Dr Google takes it personally: Personalisation in health policy
- 210045 VO BAK7: VO Comparative Political Analysis
- 210105 UE M2: UE Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210117 SE M11: Research Practice - FOP Citizen Participation in Science and Medicine
- 210139 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210085 PS G6/G7 (Engl.): Global Genes? - Global Genes? Genetics and Politics in Times of Globalization. Lehrveranstaltung in englischer Sprache (G6/G7)
- 693791 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich (C3)
- 693792 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich (C3)
- 694184 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 693791 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 693792 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 694184 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 695036 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 693791 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
- 693792 PS C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich - C3: Grundkurs Politische Systeme im Vergleich
Last modified: Sa 01.03.2025 05:00