Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Reuter, M.A.
- Mail: christoph.reuter@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-44280
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Director of Studies - Musicology - Linguistics Directorate of Studies
Department of Musicology (Historical Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Systematic Musicology), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Wien, Room 2H303
Teaching (iCal)
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160020 SE Limits and Capabilities of Human Auditory Perception - Fundamentals of Psychoacoustics
- 160021 MA Master's Seminar
- 420007 SE Digital and quantitative Methods
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160022 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160023 MA Master's Seminar
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160009 VU Musicology Today
- 160021 PS Synthesizers, Sound FX and Samplers - Their History and Functionality
- 160005 VU Musicology Today
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160020 MA Master's Seminar
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160011 VU Musicology Today
- 160020 SE Timbre, Pitch and Temperature - Musical Concepts From a Systematic Point of View
- 160021 PS Phenomena of Musical Perception - Basics of Psychoacoustics
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160016 SE Systematic Oddities - Everyday Myths about Music and Their Origins
- 160017 UE Nuts and Bolts - Modern Tools and Technologies in Musicological Research
- 160018 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160020 SE Auditory Scene Analysis and Acoustical Illusions
- 160021 PS Synthesizers, Sound FX and Samplers - Their History and Functionality
- 160022 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160021 PS Strings, Reeds and Membranes - Fundamentals of the Acoustics of Music Instruments
- 160022 UE And Now for Something Completely Different - Modern Tools and Technologies in Musicological Research
- 160023 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160023 SE Sound and Space - Geometrical and Statistical Room Acoustics (including Virtual Reality)
- 160024 UE New Technologies in Musicological Research
- 160025 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160022 UE Visualisation and virtualisation of sounds and musical instruments
- 160023 SE Timbre, Pitch, and Harmony - muscial concepts from a systematical point of view
- 160024 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160029 PS Limits and Capabilities of Human Auditory Perception - Grundlagen der Psychoakustik
- 160030 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160031 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160004 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160025 PS Synthesizers, Samplers, Sound Effects - their History and Mode of Operation
- 160026 SE Auditory Scene Analysis and Auditory Illusions
- 160027 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160002 VO Survey in Systematic Musicology
- 160019 PS Strings, reeds and membranes - the ABC of the acoustics of musical instruments
- 160020 SE Systematic Oddities - Everyday Myths about Music and their Origins
- 160021 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160022 SE Research seminar for doctoral candidates
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
- 160021 MA Research Seminar for Master
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
- 160019 VO Introduction to Systematic Musicology
- 160020 SE What do we hear when we are listening to music? The miracle of auditory perception (Psychoacoustics)
- 160021 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160040 UE Current State of Musicology
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
- 160018 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160019 SE Pitch, Sound, Harmony: Theories and Phenomenons of Consonance, Timbre and Temperature
- 160020 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160026 UE Current State of Musicology
- 160004 VO Introduction to musicology IV
- 160020 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160021 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160022 SE Systematic Oddities - Everyday Myths about Music and their Origins
- 160031 VO+UE Current Musicology - perspectives of research
- 160020 PS Strings, reeds and membranes - the ABC of the acoustics of musical instruments
- 160021 SE Auditory Scene Analysis and acoustical illusions
- 160022 VO Springs, barrels and transmission gear: History and functionality of selfplaying musical instruments
- 160023 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160031 VO+UE Current Musicology - perspectives of research
- 160037 VO Introduction to musicology IV
- 160056 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160057 PS Wonderful World of Electronical Musical Instruments: Synthesizers, Samplers and Sound Effects - How do they work and where did they come from?
- 160058 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160048 VO Limits and Capabilities of Human Auditory Perception
- 160049 PS Rooms and Rumors: Geometrical and Acoustical Room Acoustics
- 160050 SE Pitch, Sound, Harmony: Theories and Phenomenons of Consonance, Timbre and Temperature
- 160051 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160077 VO Introduction to musicology IV
- 160078 SE Science and pseudo science (in music)
- 160079 PS Gestalt perception shapes the analysis of the auditory cocktail party scene
- 160080 MA Research seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160109 PS Fundamentals of the acoustics of musical instruments
- 160110 SE Analog and Digital Sound Synthesis
- 160111 MA Research seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160117 VO Introduction to musicology I-V
- 420009 SE Physiological and psychoacoustical aspects of auditory perception
- 160072 VO Lecture Series: Music - Nature - Science
- 160074 VO Introduction to musicology IV
- 160075 SE Pitch, Interval, Timbre
- 160076 MA Research seminar for diploma, master and doctoral candidates
- 160087 SE Systematic Oddities
- 160091 PS "Do you hear what I hear?" - Acoustical Illusions
- 160092 MA Research seminar for diploma, master and doctoral candidates
- 160050 VO Introduction to musicology IV
- 160054 UE Variophon and pulse forming synthesis: sound synthesis in an alternative way
- 160057 PS Fundamentals of the acoustics of musical instruments
- 160061 SE VST programming with SynthEdit
- 160066 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160041 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160135 VO Physiological and psychoacoustical aspects of auditory perception
- 160136 PS Reverb and reflexions - fundamentals of room acoustics
- 160137 SE Perception and impression - fundamentals of music psychology
- 160017 VO Introduction to musicology
- 160025 VO Wind instruments and their history
- 160028 SE Hearing pictures, seeing sounds - Connections between visual and auditory perception in arts, music and science history
- 160041 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160058 PS Physiological and psychoacoustical foundations of auditory perception
- 160059 UE Database of the musical instruments collection of the Musicological Institute
- 160017 VO Introduction to musicology
- 160108 UE+EX Oddities in music
- 160109 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160161 PS Fundamentals of the acoustics of musical instruments
- 160162 SE Timbre ans its perception
- 160166 VO Woodwind instruments and their history
- 160025 VO Mechanical Musical Instruments - History and Operation Modes
- 160028 SE Auditory Scene Analysis
- 160036 PS Pitch, Intervals and Temperaments
- 160041 MA Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160017 VO Introduction to musicology
- 160161 PS Synthesizers and electronic sound synthesis - history and methods
- 160162 SE Fundamentals of room acoustics
- 160166 VO Fundamentals of psychoacoustics
- 160168 UE Neuronal processing of acoustic perceptions
- 160172 UE Programming of VST modules via SynthEdit
- 728832 UV Geschichte der selbstspielenden Musikinstrumente - Geschichte der selbstspielenden Musikinstrumente
- 728833 PS Geschichte des Synthesizers - Geschichte des Synthesizers
- 728835 SE Akustische Täuschungen und Auditory Scene Analysis - Akustische Täuschungen und Auditory Scene Analysis
- 725359 PS Akustik der Musikinstrumente - Akustik der Musikinstrumente
- 725361 SE Klangfarbe - Klangfarbe
- 725362 VO Geschichte der Blasinstrumente - Geschichte der Blasinstrumente
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00