Prof. Mag. Dr. Ilse Bartosch
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 267236 SE Seminar for practical approach - Didactic Monitoring of the Practical Phase
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267211 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267212 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267222 SE In-Depth Studies in Didactics Research - Thermodynamics
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267211 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267212 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267236 SE Seminar for practical approach - Didactic Monitoring of the Practical Phase
- 267237 SE Explaining Physics
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267211 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267212 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267211 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267212 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267211 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267212 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part B)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267215 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 260082 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - SOLARbrunn- heading for a future with the sun - Designing and testing assignments based on the findings of the project SOLARbrunn
- 267033 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267209 SE Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267210 PR Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A)
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 260067 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 267213 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 267214 SE Seminar for practical approach
- 267215 PR Additional course: Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A + B)
- 267216 SE Additional course: Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A + B)
- 267217 PR Additional course: Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A + B)
- 267218 SE Additional course: Seminar for Laboratory Course for Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part A + B)
- 260067 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260168 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally and analysing its results in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
- 260064 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part 1)
- 260067 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260067 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260168 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
- 260024 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments (Physics, Part 1)
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260008 SE Teaching interdisciplinary for gender equty
- 260098 SE Teaching about heat and thermodynamics - Conceptualizing energy in physics lessons
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260124 SE Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development - Evaluation - Working Space for Analysis and Writing
- 260168 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260287 SE Watching students learn - understanding and developing learning processes in physics lessons
- 260073 SE BLUKONE: Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Deveplopment - Qualitative Evaluation of a Game Based Learning Design
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and teaching of interdisciplinary projects at school
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260287 SE Watching students learn - understanding and developing learning processes in physics lessons - especially recommended for teachers without a degree in physics education but already teaching in school as well as for teachers who coach university students during their teaching practice
- 260077 SE Dealing with Gender and Diversity constructively - Comparing Science, German and English language teaching. Class Room Observation as a research method to identify Good Practice
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260124 SE BLUKONE - Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
- 260168 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260099 SE Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
- 260101 SE Dealing with Gender and Diversity constructively - Comparing teaching in Science, German and English. Group discussion as a research method to identify Good Practice
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260287 SE Watching students learn - understanding and developing learning processes in physics lessons - especially recommended for teachers without a degree in physics education but already teaching in school as well as for teachers who coach university students during their teaching practice
- 260115 SE Gender and Diversity in Physics Teaching
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260121 EX Excursion in connection with the course Lessons on Energy in the context of Sustainable Development
- 260124 SE Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
- 260092 SE Empirical Research Methods
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260287 SE Watching students learn - understanding and developing learning processes in physics lessons - especially recommended for teachers without a degree in physics education but already teaching in school as well as for teachers who coach university students during their teaching practice
- 260092 SE Empirical Research Methods
- 260098 SE Analyzing conceptions of teaching energy - Conceptualizing energy in physics lessons
- 260101 SE Women in physics - women into physics!? - Discussing the Gendergap in pyhsics
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Project laboratory course (Preparation and teaching of interdisciplinary projects at school)
- 260252 SE Learning processes in physics lessons-Peer Coaching
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260051 SE Backstage Science - Explore how physics work and what physicists do II - Preparing and coaching of pupils investigating the field of physics research in cooperation with in service physics teachers
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260287 SE Watching students learn - understanding and developing learning processes in physics lessons - especially recommended for teachers without a degree in physics education but already teaching in school as well as for teachers who coach university students during their teaching practice
- 260127 SE Backstage Science - Explore how physics work and what physicists do - Preparing and coaching of pupils investigating the field of physics research in cooperation with in service physics teachers
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Project laboratory course (Preparation and execution of interdisciplinary projects in school)
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach - Physics teaching and practice in school
- 814131 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments - Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments
Last modified: We 01.03.2023 09:06