Mag. Dr. Maximilian Diesenberger, Privatdoz.
Business Card: vCard
Teaching (iCal)
- 070141 VO Political History
- 070314 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070315 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 070226 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 070205 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 070026 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 070116 SE Research seminar - "Identities" in European History
- 070117 UE Methodological workshop - Methods in Historical and Cultural European Studies
- 070272 VO Introduction to historical and cultural European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course
- 070099 KU Project course - "Sharing Heritage" - Development of individual and subjective narratives of Europe connected to cultural heritage
- 410001 SE Theories and methods in historial and cultural European studies
- 070257 VO Introduction to historical and cultural European Studies
- 070258 LK Reading Course
- 070208 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - Migration
- 070257 VO Introduction into historical and cultural European Studies - Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Europaforschung
- 070258 LK Guided reading introduction into historical and cultural European Studies
- 070172 KU Course - Methods in Cultural History
- 070296 AR Methods in cultural history - Kulturgeschichtliche Methoden
- 070208 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - Identity Building in European History
- 070257 VO Master_Lecture with an emphasis on East European History
- 070258 LK Lecture course to the introduction into East European History
- 070172 KU Course - Methods in Cultural History
- 070173 PS MA-Proseminar - Stereotypes and prejudices in European history
- 070197 AR Methods in cultural history
- 070170 SE Research Seminar - Identity Building in European History
- 070260 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung - Introduction into historical and cultural European studies
- 070261 LK Guided Reading historical and cultural Euroepan studies
- 070075 PS MA-Proseminar - Transformations in History
- 070076 KU Course - Methods of Cultural History
- 070197 AR Cultural history: Practice of methods in cultural history primary sources
- 070207 IK Integrated Course - Einführungsmodul Historisch Kulturwissenschaftliche Europaforschung
- 070266 IK Integrated Course and eTutorial - Einführungsmodul Historisch Kulturwissenschaftliche Europaforschung
- 070143 VO Issues, Theories and Controversies in Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070144 KU Sources and Methods of Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070266 IK Integrated Course and eTutorial
- 070159 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) / Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II - Hagiography in Context - Martyrs and Saints in early medieval Europe
- 070160 KU Exercises in the Study of Sources - Quellen und Literatur zur Geschichte des Mittelalters
- 070168 VO Cultural History of the euro-atlantic Region in a global Context
- 070212 VO Issues, Theories and Controversies in Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070215 KU Sources and Methods of Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070430 VO Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070385 IK Integrated Course and eTutorial
- 070140 KU Exercises in Primary Source Studies
- 070241 IK Einführungsmodul Europäische Geschichte - Integrierter Kurs - (in Verbindung mit Fachtutorium)
- 070304 VO Themen, Theorien und Kontroversen der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Europaforschung
- 070305 KU Primary Sources and Methods in Historical and Cultural European Studies
- 728047 GR Lektüre historiographischer Texte - Lektüre historiographischer Texte (in Verbindung mit LV. Nr. 725638 von W. Pohl)
Last modified: Th 11.07.2024 09:20