Dr. Gottfried Biewer
Currently not an active member of staff
Office Hours: Telefonische Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
Teaching (iCal)
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 490047 VO Basics of Inclusive Education
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190032 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190059 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Teilhabe an Lebensbereichen bei Menschen mit Behinderungen
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190009 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - Pädagogik bei Kindern mit Beeinträchtigungen der kognitiven und motorischen Entwicklung
- 190015 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190018 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Grundlagen der Inklusiven Pädagogik
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190015 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190025 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master theses in the field of inclusive education
- 190142 PS BM 5 Exemplification of Education Theories (IP+SB) - Montessori-Pädagogik und Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190024 VO BM 5 Theory Development in Education Science (DU+IP) - Behinderung und Gesellschaft
- 190034 PS BM 4 Doing Education Science Using an Illustrative Theme (AHP+DU+IP) - Von der Heilpädagogik zur Inklusiven Pädagogik unter wissenschaftshistorischem und systematischem Aspekt
- 190059 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Inklusion im Kindergarten
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 430005 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - Designing educational research in the field of inclusive education
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190025 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master theses in the field of inclusive education
- 490005 VO Basics of Inclusive Education
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190032 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Education für children with refugee background
- 190040 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 490064 VU Inclusive Schooling and Diversity
- 190012 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190022 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Disability Studies
- 190490 SE Research practicum - Research on inclusive schools
- 490024 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Special Needs - Kinder und Jugendliche mit speziellem Bedarf in der Schule
- 490025 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School development for inclusion
- 190016 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools
- 190022 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Discourses on equity in education
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 490044 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School development for inclusion
- 190007 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - International comparative perspective on education of persons with intellectual disabilities.
- 190021 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Disability Studies
- 190023 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master theses in the field of inclusive education
- 490015 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Special Needs - Kinder und Jugendliche mit speziellem Bedarf in der Schule
- 490016 VO Educational Theory and Social Criticism - Marginalisierungsprozesse in Bildungssystemen und Fragestellungen zur sozialen Gerechtigkeit
- 190020 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Inclusion in educational systems
- 190104 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Conceptions of inclusive education.
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 490013 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School development for inclusion
- 190017 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - Social marginalisation of adolescent persons with intellectual disabilities
- 190020 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Disability Studies
- 190023 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master theses in the field of inclusive education
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190020 SE Bachelor's Paper II - International perspectives on special needs education
- 190053 VO Educational Theory and Social Criticism - Processes of marginalization in educational systems and the challenge of equity in education
- 190055 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190059 SE Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - Poverty and disability
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190017 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School development for inclusion
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190907 SE Bachelor's work I - Special Needs Education
- 430002 SE Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
- 190053 VO Educational Theory and Social Criticism - Processes of marginalization in educational systems and the challenge of equity in education
- 190055 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190490 SE Research practicum - Education for persons with disabilities
- 190020 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Education for persons with severe multiple disabilities
- 190092 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Research seminar for graduants
- 190104 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Discourse on special needs and inclusive education
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190907 SE Bachelor's work I - Research on special needs and inclusive education
- 190054 SE Special Ethical Questions - Social philosophical and ethical issues on disabilities
- 190059 SE Elective - Discourse on disability
- 190084 SE Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - Studies on disadvantages, learning difficulties and disabilities
- 190092 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190490 SE Research practicum - Research on special needs and inclusive education
- 430004 SE Classification of Disabilities in the Field of Education - Projekt Workshop
- 190047 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190092 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Research seminar for graduants
- 190172 SE BM 25 Bachelor's Paper II - The challenge of inclusive education in school development
- 190201 SE Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Topics and methods in special educational research
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190049 SE Epistemological and methodological issues in research in special needs education
- 190092 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190206 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Computer assisted qualitative data analysis in research on vocational participation
- 190281 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar
- 190362 SE Research practicum - societal und cultural aspects in classification of disabilities
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190092 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190093 VO Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190153 SE M3c.2 Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Computer assisted qualitative data analysis in the field of special needs
- 190486 VO BM 16 Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190086 SE Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Methods for analysing verbal data in research in the field of special needs
- 190174 VO Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190436 SE Seminar for postgraduate students
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190678 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190479 SE Classifications on Disabilities, Difficulties and Disadvantages - Systematic and Diagnostic Approaches
- 190486 VO Special Needs an Inclusive Education
- 190676 SE Research in the Field of Special Needs - Analysis on Research Reports
- 190907 SE Bachelor's work I - Professional Work in Special Needs Education
- 190436 SE Seminar for postgraduate students
- 190447 VO Children and youth with special needs in school
- 190486 VO Special Needs an Inclusive Education
- 190490 SE Research practicum - Seminar on research in pracitcal placement
- 190678 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190270 SE Comparative studies in special needs education - Comparative studies in special needs education
- 190674 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Introduction to Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190678 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190828 VO Montessori and didactics - The Developmental Theory of Maria Montessori and its Didactical Implications
- 190272 SE 5.7.4 [sSyn] Wohnkonzepte f.Menschen m.Beeintr. - Wohnkonzepte für Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung
- 190455 VO Special Needs - Special Needs - Kinder und Jugendliche mit besonderem Bedarf in der Schule
- 190676 SE 5.7.5 [21b2, FK II/1] Forschungsmeth.i.d.Heilpäd. - Forschungsmethoden in der Heilpädagogik
- 190677 SE 5.11 [21f; 5(1)c] DiplomandInnenseminar - DiplomandInnenseminar
- 190678 SE 19.03 Seminar für DissertantInnen - Seminar für DissertantInnen
- 190674 VO 2.4.7 [5(1)b5.aa, FK I/1] Einf. i. d. Heilpäd. - Einführung in die Heilpädagogik und Integrative Pädagogik
- 190675 SE+EX 5.5.1 [2(1)f] Berufl. Eingliederung - Berufliche Eingliederung bei intellektueller Beeinträchtigung
- 190676 SE 5.7.5 [2(1)b2, FK II/1] Binnenperspekt. hp.Feldern - Die Rekonstruktion der Binnenperspektive im Forschungsprozess in heilpädagogischen Feldern
- 190677 SE 5.11 [5(1)c] Projektseminar für DiplomandInnen - Projektseminar für DiplomandInnen (14-tägig)
- 190678 SE 5.11[5(1)c]+19.03 Doktorat: Dipl.- u. Diss.seminar - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen (14-tägig)
- 190272 SE+EX 5.7.4 [sSynopse] Selbstbestimmung und Empowerment - Selbstbestimmung und Empowerment - Menschen mit Behinderung als Träger von Rechten
- 190445 VO 2.3.4[51a5] Didaktik auf Grundlage M. Montessoris - Didaktik nach der Entwicklungstheorie Maria Montessoris
- 190449 SE 5.7.2 [s.Synopse] Menschen mit Down-Syndrom - Menschen mit Down-Syndrom als Gestalter ihrer Welt
- 190450 SE 5.11 [5(1)c] Seminar für DiplomandInnen - Seminar für Diplomandinnen und Diplomanden
- 697078 SE 5.7.1 [s.Synopse] Ethische Fragestellungen - Ethische Fragestellungen in heilpädagogischen Kontexten
- 697079 SE 5.7.2 [s.Synopse] Theorien zum Autismus - Theorien zum Autismus und Konzepte heilpädagogischer Praxis
- 697080 SE 5.7.4 [sSynopse] Päd. bei schwerster Behinderung - Pädagogik bei schwerer und schwerster Behinderung
- 902160 VO 4.4 [51a2; 51a4] Konzepte z.schul.Integration - "Eine Schule für alle Kinder!" - Konzepte zur schulischen Integration
- 902387 VO 3.1. Bildung, Benachteiligung, Krankheit u. Behind - Ringvorlesung: Bildung, Benachteiligung, Krankheit und Behinderung
- 697077 SE 4.4 [51a2, 51a4] Montessori-Pädagogik - Montessori-Pädagogik bei Kindern mit Entwicklungsstörungen
- 697078 SE 5.7.1 [s.Synopse] Kultur, Ges. u. Behinderung - Kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen der Entstehung von Behinderungen
- 697079 SE 5.7.2 [s.Synopse] Menschen m.geist.Behinderung - Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung als Adressaten der Heilpädagogik - Entwicklungschancen und pädagogische Konzepte
- 697080 SE 5.7.4 [s.Synopse] Integrative u.inkl.Konzepte - Integrative und inklusive Konzepte der Erziehung, Bildung und Entwicklungsförderung
Last modified: Tu 01.03.2022 12:07