Universität Wien

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University Sport Institute

Kontakt: USI@univie.ac.at 
Sporthalle Spitalgasse: +43-1-4277-17087 
Sporthalle Kreuzgasse: +43-1-4277-17074 
Sporthalle Rennweg: +43-1-4277-17089 
Sporthalle Grimmgasse: +43-1-4277-17012 

Department of Astrophysics

Sekretariat: +43-1-4277-53801 

280424 VU Dynamics of Gravitating Systems and Thermodynamics (2025S)

  • van de Ven, Moodle; Th 13.03. 09:45-11:15 Seminarraum 1 Astronomie Sternwarte, Türkenschanzstraße 17

280411 VU Stars and Planetary Systems (2024W)

280427 VU Radiative Processes & Quantum Mechanics (2024S)

280411 VU Stars and Planetary Systems (2023W)

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