Page 19 of 126 results
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290165 EX Field Trip: Understanding of river-society interactions in urban river landscapes (2017W)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Poppe, Moodle
290019 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges (2017S)
Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
5.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Trippl, Moodle
290141 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Regions in transition: Local and global processes (2017S)
(auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Trippl, Moodle
290149 SE Research Seminar (for Graduate Students who will receive a doctorate) (2017S)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Trippl, Moodle
290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography (2017S)
(gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Aufhauser, Moodle
290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography (2017S)
Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
3.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie