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814232 SE Seminar FD Grundbildung (2002W)
Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Fachdidaktische Forschung: Physikalische Grundbildung
0.00 ECTS, UG99 Theor-Physik
- Kühnelt
814232 SE Seminar: Physics education research (2003W)
Seminar for undergraduate and graduate students - physics education research: physics literacy
0.00 ECTS, UG99 Theor-Physik
- Kühnelt
814232 SE Seminar: Physics education research (2004W)
Seminar for undergraduate and graduate students - physics education research: modern physics and new media in education
0.00 ECTS, UG02 besondere Lehrangebote
- Kühnelt
814256 SE Fachdidaktische Vertiefung der Physik (2003S)
Fachdidaktische Vertiefung der Physik
0.00 ECTS, UG99 Theor-Physik
- Kühnelt
814256 SE Physics under the Teaching Aspect (2004S)
Physics under the Teaching Aspect: Concepts and Understanding
0.00 ECTS, UG99 Theor-Physik
- Kühnelt
814256 SE Physics under the Teaching Aspect (2005S)
Physics under the Teaching Aspect: Concepts and Understanding
0.00 ECTS, SPL 26 - Physik
- Kühnelt