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132015 UE Applied Hungarian (2022W)
Critical Analysis and Interpretation of Theoretical Literature in Hungarian
- Pesti, Moodle
132016 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2 (2022W)
- Pesti, Moodle
132018 PS Topics, Motifs and Keyworks in the Hungarian Literature in the 17-18th Century (2022W)
- Pesti, Moodle
132504 VO Topics, Motifs and Keyworks in the Hungarian Literature in the 17-18th Century (2022W)
- Pesti, Moodle
132016 SE Bachelor's Seminar Literature (2022S)
- Pesti, Moodle
132022 SE Trauma, Memory and Narration (2022S)
- Pesti, Moodle