Page 4 of 27 results
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030234 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: The Debate on Human Rights (2013S)
Historical Development and Actual Discussions (for diploma and doctoral students)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Maier
030234 PF Pflichtübung aus Finanzrecht (2006S)
Pflichtübung aus Finanzrecht
0.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Ludwig
030234 PF Pflichtübung aus Finanzrecht (2006W)
Pflichtübung aus Finanzrecht
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Kauba
030234 VO The System of the European Community Law (2008W)
Introduction to Methods of European case-studies
3.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Borchardt
030234 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law (2009S)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Cargnelli-Weichselbaum
030234 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law (2009W)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Cargnelli-Weichselbaum