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132504 VO The Image of the Holocaust in Hungarian Film (2019W)
- Seidler, Moodle
132011 SE Literature and Media (2019S)
- Seidler, Moodle
132012 SE BA-Final Seminar (Literature): (2019S)
The Reception of Hungarian Literature in the German Speaking World after 1989
- Seidler, Moodle
132458 UE Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis II: (2019S)
The Reception of Hungarian Literature in the German Speaking World after 1989
- Seidler, Moodle
132470 SE Graduate Seminar (2019S)
- Seidler, Moodle
132202 SE Mobility in Modern Times (2018W)
Hungarian World Travellers and their Records
- Seidler, Moodle