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120422 VU BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2017S)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 12 - Anglistik
121422 TR BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2017S)
0.00 ECTS, SPL 12 - Anglistik
120422 VU BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2016W)
- Lach, Moodle
121422 TR BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2016W)
- Vukovic (Tutorial), Moodle
120422 VU BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2016S)
121422 TR BEd 02.2: Introduction to Information and Research Literacy (IRL) (2016S)
- Schuster (Tutorial), Moodle