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143054 VO The Specific World of Each Language: Pitfalls and Fascination during Linguistic Analyses (2025S)
- Gajdos, Moodle; Th 20.03. 11:00-13:00 Inst. f. Afrikawissenschaften, Seminarraum 2 UniCampus Hof 5 2M-O1-06
143230 KU From Senegal to the Sudan Advanced Course in Fulfulde Part 2 (2025S)
- Gajdos, Moodle; Th 20.03. 09:00-11:00 Inst. f. Afrikawissenschaften, Seminarraum 2 UniCampus Hof 5 2M-O1-06
143125 VO Ritual Patterns in Verbal and Nonverbal Expressions (2024W)
the Self-Conception of Communication based on African Languages
- Gajdos, Moodle
143184 KU From Senegal to the Sudan - Introduction to the Fulani Language and Dialects (2024W)
- Gajdos, Moodle
141054 VO Words are Clear, but the Meaning ...? About Conflicts and Speech (2024S)
- Gajdos, Moodle
143230 KU From Senegal to the Sudan Advanced Course in Fulfulde Part 2 (2024S)
- Gajdos, Moodle