Page 35 of 870 results
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090078 PS Introduction to Roman Provincial material findings (2020W)
5.00 ECTS, SPL 9 - Altertumswissenschaften
- Formato, Moodle
090107 VO Monuments and the Greek Past (2020W)
- Mac Sweeney, Moodle
090108 SE Greeks and Barbarians: Race in Ancient Greek Art (2020W)
- Mac Sweeney, Moodle
090080 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology (2020S)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 9 - Altertumswissenschaften
- Meyer, Moodle
090082 VO Introduction into Roman Archaeology (2020S)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 9 - Altertumswissenschaften
- Kopf, Moodle
090107 VO History and Archaeology of Lycia (2020S)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 9 - Altertumswissenschaften
- Seyer, Moodle