Page 38 of 298 results
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300077 VO Introduction to Applied Limnology (2013W)
Eutrophication, Pollution, Climate Change
2.00 ECTS, SPL 30 - Biologie
- Dokulil
140319 PR Lecture: Applied Fields (2013W)
- Lindorfer, Moodle
070145 PK Applied Historical-Cultural European Research (2013W)
Communities and Places of Knowledge: University of Vienna. (Digital Humanities)
10.00 ECTS, SPL 7 - Geschichte
- Tantner, Moodle
290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning (2013W)
Promoting rural development EU LEADER program 2014 +
8.00 ECTS, SPL 29 - Geographie
- Heintel, Moodle
080086 SE Seminar: Applied Art. Vienna's Municipal Housing After World War II (2013W)
- Pippal
300451 SE From glaciers to oceans: Concepts in aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry (2013W)
Students acquire conceptual knowledge in aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. A focus will be on concepts that are equally applicable to freshwater and marine ecosystems. The seminar will include paper reading, discussions and short presentations.
- Battin, Moodle