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030559 SE European Social Law - European Citizenship (2007W)
für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Windischgrätz
030559 KU Law of International Relations in French II (2008S)
- Buffard
030559 KU Law of International Relations in French II (2009S)
- Buffard
030559 SE Dissertantenseminar aus Religionsrecht, Kulturrecht und Rechtsanthropologie (2009W)
4.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Potz
030559 KU Law of International Relations in French II (2010S)
- Buffard
030559 KU Religius Minorities in European Legal History (2010W)
(vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
3.00 ECTS, SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
- Schima