Page 5.333333333333333 of 148 results
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143216 VO Words are clear, but the meaning ...? About Conflicts and Speech (2020S)
- Gajdos, Moodle
143230 KU From Senegal to the Sudan - the Fulani Language, Part 2 (2020S)
- Gajdos, Moodle
140084 VO Symbols & Symbolic Contents in Official Texts - Explanations across Cultures (2019W)
- Gajdos
140184 KU From Senegal to the Sudan - Introduction to the Fulani Language 1 (2019W)
- Gajdos
140317 VO The Specific World of each Language: Techniques of Linguistic Analyses (2019W)
- Gajdos
140216 VO Conflict management: (2019S)
Linguistic Stylistic Devices for Conflict Potential and Preventing Conflicts
- Gajdos, Moodle