Page 6 of 38 results
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300085 SE Zoological Colloquium (2008W)
gemeinsam mit den Universitätslehrern d. Zoologie
1.00 ECTS, SPL 30 - Biologie
- Paulus
300085 SE COSB Lectures (2009W)
Lectureseries of Center for Organismal Systems Biology
1.00 ECTS, SPL 30 - Biologie
- Paulus
300085 SE COSB Colloquium (2010S)
Vorträge im Center for Organismal Systems Biology
1.00 ECTS, SPL 30 - Biologie
- Technau
300085 VO COSB Lectures (2010W)
Invited lecturers in the Center for Organismal Systems Biology
- Technau
300085 SE COSB Colloquium (2011S)
Vorträge im Center for Organismal Systems Biology
1.00 ECTS, SPL 30 - Biologie
- Technau